ask-the-scrambler · 4 years
I need you to know that your account has been hacked and that I’ve gotten RayBan sales spam from this account. I suggest you change your password or similar
Thanks hhhh, I haven’t been on here in a while and I was told by my other friends too so I did just that and yeah hhhh
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ask-the-scrambler · 6 years
And now that he is out my way, let the show begin!
 My name is KinTamaKin and do ask me anything you want, townsfolk!
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ask-the-scrambler · 6 years
haha ur old
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ask-the-scrambler · 6 years
It's today really your birthday? How old are you? How long until you die? :00
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I’m still actually 29, and I think about that every night((36 is his country age FYI!))
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ask-the-scrambler · 6 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!! ....Five days before...
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ask-the-scrambler · 6 years
Send a 🔮 to see the fusion of our muses
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ask-the-scrambler · 6 years
Welcome back dude!! 😎
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Glad to be here, unfortunately.
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ask-the-scrambler · 6 years
That was not a question ;^]
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n o
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ask-the-scrambler · 7 years
Be my daddy
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ask-the-scrambler · 7 years
“How’s life?”- askminne
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ask-the-scrambler · 7 years
야ㅏㅏㅏ Masaki, what's up! (Ask-the-fading-star)
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I heard you’ve got a date, don’t ‘ya? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) @ask-the-fading-star
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ask-the-scrambler · 7 years
are you my daddy?
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ask-the-scrambler · 7 years
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((Dear followers and people who just found my blog incidentally,
I am truly sorry for the fact that I have not been updating for almost a year. I have been too busy with school and life and because of that, I wasn’t able to update as much as I should. Please find the heart to forgive my past mistakes.
Anyways, I am happy to inform that I will be trying to start and revive this piece of shizz blog up and running. Scrambler is here to stay, unfortunately. 
I am now ready to receive you inquiries and questions and even spam from anyone to help me bring back the ol’ Scrambler. Once again, please send asks for Scrambler and even the mun lmao. I hope to interact with all of you and see you again soon, bye for now!))
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ask-the-scrambler · 7 years
merry christmas eggfucker
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It’s gotta be Christmas somewhere, right?
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ask-the-scrambler · 7 years
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To make up for no updates in this blog, I decided to draw 1930′s cartoon styled Scrambler!
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ask-the-scrambler · 7 years
Yo, check out Maple Gas, I think he's melting!
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@ask-maple-gas i heard you’re hot wassup
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ask-the-scrambler · 7 years
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