askbigredmacintosh Ā· 8 years
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[Mod note: Ok Iā€™m stupid, this was supposed to be uploaded last week (Saturday) but it looks like I kinda forgot to actually click ā€œpostā€. So yeah, Iā€™m gonna go to the corner of shame for a bit and then pick something to reply next.]
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askbigredmacintosh Ā· 8 years
In height chart No2 what the hell is Celestia Wearing?
Iā€™m pretty sure I already post it at some point but Iā€™m too lazy to check it out to know for real so Iā€™m just gonna reply (again, maybe?). Celestia is ā€œcosplayingā€ Gwynevere from Dark Souls and Luna is the Maiden in Black from Demonā€™s Souls, a video game series that I love a lot.
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Maiden in Black.
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P.S. Update almost done.
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askbigredmacintosh Ā· 8 years
You like big pones (and cannot lie). You like video games and western-esque stuff. Where are the damn Wild ARMs references, you heathen?!
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Simple my dear anon, other than the name I donā€™t know anything about the games, not even the main character or the plot, and obviously I canā€™t do a proper reference if I have no idea about the source.
Or if I donā€™t like the source, that would be a pretty good reason why you wouldnā€™t see a reference to something on the blog too. And speaking of the blog, I think I got my horse skills back :D so probably Iā€™ll update the blog soon... and most likely is gonna be a reference.
See ya guys!
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askbigredmacintosh Ā· 8 years
Would it be cool if we send in some suggestions so you can get back in the swing of things?
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To be honest the plan was to keep doing the same thing before the hiatus and everything on the blog is pretty much already set... but you never know, maybe something good could come out of it, so sure go ahead send ā€˜em suggestions guys!
And now, a little headcanon; human RD has a thing for dudes with abdominals. Also, sheā€™s like 95% ā€œresponsableā€ that Mac to has those diamond solid abs... but thatā€™s a story for another time.
PS. Yes. The blasphemy! Sheā€™s straight in this blog.
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askbigredmacintosh Ā· 8 years
Are you going to plan out a story, or stick to short answers to random questions?
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Gonna stick to random stuff, I donā€™t want to stress out myself keeping a decent pace for a story... and Iā€™m not a good writer anyway. Also I have much more fun with the blog that way. :)
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askbigredmacintosh Ā· 8 years
New art please!
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Hey guys! After a much longer than intended hiatus (and a little vacation) Iā€™m back, a tad out of practice but back.
To be honest I canā€™t think of anything more to add so iā€™m just gonna summarize my activities during the hiatus. Work, work, hobo, work andĀ ā€œholiday breakā€.
But before I resume the blog I need to reacquire my mini horse skills, so yā€™all need to wait a bit more for a proper update.
Thanks to all of you that are still sticking around! Love you all!
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askbigredmacintosh Ā· 9 years
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[That pretty much summarizes the lack of activity on the blog (except a few PMs). The reason for that level of mad is because someone stole my wallet 3 weeks ago (pickpocket) with a painful-to-say amount of money, ID and credit cards... so yeah, I wasnā€™t really in the mood to play red pony and to be honest Iā€™m still kinda mad (like 45% mad) block everything and get a new ID was really annoying. (and the headache I have right now is not precisely helping)
But donā€™t worry Iā€™m not gonna ask for money (of course, any help would be greatly appreciated) just wanted to say why I havenā€™t been around, and that I should be doing a thing... but I havenā€™t done the thing for the same reason (not blog related), gonna try to do something though... but no promises.
Also SAR3 delayed most likely after Xmas.
And thanks to all you guys that are still around, love you all!]
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askbigredmacintosh Ā· 9 years
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For the people who doesnā€™t know (or remember) SAR3 is a reference to the Date Sim in Gravity Falls ā€œSoos and the Real Girlā€ episode (minus the psycho AI). This is kinda the first part for the 9k milestone (is close but still no cigar) and Iā€™ll use female characters for this one. And those are gonna be the criteria/instructions/rules/whatever that Iā€™ll use for the update:
- Follower with female character blog. (doesnā€™t matter the type, if NSFW, warn meā€¦ just in case)
- It can be a canon character or an OC.
- ā€œParticipationā€ is through normal ask with [SAR3] at the end. (no fan mail or submission)
- The structure for the ā€œentryā€ can be like this: *action* Dialogue *more action* / *action* Dialogue / Dialogue *action* / (just) Dialogue. [*cough*without the (just) obviously*cough*]
- RP is allowed for this special occasion! (but keep it as short and simple as possible, is ONE pic per character)
- It has to be like an event in a Date Sim. (NOT like a japanese Date Simā€¦ Japan is weird)
- It can be something simple but originality matters! (no ā€œIā€™m newā€¦ā€ orĀ ā€œCan I workā€¦ā€ or ā€œI like to buyā€¦ā€)
- It doesnā€™t have to be a romantic situation, it can be friendship, companionship or other stuff that end in -ship. (it can be aĀ ā€œdamn son, you screw itā€ situation too)
- TheĀ ā€œentryā€ isnā€™t valid if someone ask for other peopleā€™s blog (it has to be the owner that ask), a description for an event isnā€™t valid either. (thatā€™s my job :v )
- The update is gonna beĀ like this. ( <ā€“ click it )
- No need to like this post. (a reblog is appreciated to spread the word)
- Tip: make the thing more about your character. (ex. she likes skydiving, send something related to that)
Iā€™ll be rebloging this (and edit if necessary) a few times until Nov/15. Normal updates in the meantime. :)
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askbigredmacintosh Ā· 9 years
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For the people who doesnā€™t know (or remember) SAR3 is a reference to the Date Sim in Gravity Falls ā€œSoos and the Real Girlā€ episode (minus the psycho AI). This is kinda the first part for the 9k milestone (is close but still no cigar) and Iā€™ll use female characters for this one. And those are gonna be the criteria/instructions/rules/whatever that Iā€™ll use for the update:
- Follower with female character blog. (doesnā€™t matter the type, if NSFW, warn me... just in case)
- It can be a canon character or an OC.
- ā€œParticipationā€ is through normal ask with [SAR3] at the end. (no fan mail or submission)
- The structure for the ā€œentryā€ can be like this: *action* Dialogue *more action* / *action* Dialogue / Dialogue *action* / (just) Dialogue. [*cough*without the (just) obviously*cough*]
- RP is allowed for this special occasion! (but keep it as short and simple as possible, is ONE pic per character)
- It has to be like an event in a Date Sim. (NOT like a japanese Date Sim... Japan is weird)
- It can be something simple but originality matters! (no ā€œIā€™m new...ā€ orĀ ā€œCan I work...ā€ or ā€œI like to buy...ā€)
- It doesnā€™t have to be a romantic situation, it can be friendship, companionship or other stuff that end in -ship. (it can be aĀ ā€œdamn son, you screw itā€ situation too)
- TheĀ ā€œentryā€ isnā€™t valid if someone ask for other peopleā€™s blog (it has to be the owner that ask), a description for an event isnā€™t valid either. (thatā€™s my job :v )
- The update is gonna beĀ like this. ( <-- click it )
- No need to like this post. (a reblog is appreciated to spread the word)
- Tip: make the thing more about your character. (ex. she likes skydiving, send something related to that)
Iā€™ll be rebloging this (and edit if necessary) a few times until Nov/15. Normal updates in the meantime. :)
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askbigredmacintosh Ā· 9 years
Big mac and Marble pie. Best new ship?
[I havenā€™t seen the episode yet (or anything besides brotherhooves social for that matter, only a few clips) but now Iā€™m kinda curious, did something really happens or itā€™s just a tease like the thing with Cheerilee?
Speaking of things, Iā€™ll post the thingy tomorrow, this weekend we got surprise family visit. See yā€™all!]
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askbigredmacintosh Ā· 9 years
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[Mod note: IMO the ending redeemed most of the episode, it was really nice to see some character development for Mac and his relationship with Bloom. An episode about that could have been interesting.
P.S. Sorry for the unannounced hiatus.
P.S.2 A Jojo reference would have done wonders for that episode too.]
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askbigredmacintosh Ā· 9 years
Is there a deadline for Sweet Apple Romance 3 submission ? I have some ideas, but don't have the time to think about them for the time being.
[To be honest I was planning to post the SAR3 thingy like 3 weeks ago, unfortunately life happened and also I think I wasnā€™t clear enough when I posted the thing (I was a bit sleepy at the time, soooo... ), I only have 4 ā€œquestionsā€ that I can use... and Iā€™m kinda cheating with 2 because those are before the SAR3 thingy. Iā€™ll post something with more clear instructions this weekend, most likely on Saturday (a bit sleepy right now too).]
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askbigredmacintosh Ā· 9 years
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[Mod note: Halfway I changed pony Mac for human Mac because I felt the need to do it. (spoiler: more humans are on the way, specifically females but is gonna take a little bit... and by that I mean like 2 weeks maybe. After that, back to miniature equines.)
(Irrelevant) Mod note: Never finished the game, I got bored to be honest. I liked the music though, really catchy.]
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askbigredmacintosh Ā· 9 years
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Up to 8 barrels no problem.
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askbigredmacintosh Ā· 9 years
Apple horse is meh
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[Thou hast enraged the Appul God!]
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askbigredmacintosh Ā· 9 years
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Nnnope, we share enough time aā€™ready.
[Remember when I said ā€œback to normalā€? Obviously I only mean art style :> but yeah, triple update to make up for the lack of activity. :D ]
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askbigredmacintosh Ā· 9 years
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[Apple horse is the true path.]
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