askcleftirl10 · 4 months
What was your first date like? (If they are dating as of yet that is lmao! If not, what’s their ideal date like?!)
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TIMMY: Dude, WHAT? US?? Dating? That's so crazy. I would never date this guy, with his beautiful eyes and giant smart brain. That would be sooooo insane.
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TIMMY: And why would he date ME? Me of all people? When I'm so clearly his type? He must be missing some screws if he were into me! JIMMY: Oh stop! You're so annoying!!!
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JIMMY: Yes, we are romantic partners. As for your actual question, it was frankly a giant disaster.
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TIMMY: Was so not! I took you on the date of your life! JIMMY: You took me to a fast food place when we were 14. When you tried to hold my hand the gloves on your hoodie were soaked in so much sweat it left a spot on my hand.
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TIMMY: Y-yeah?? It was hot out! I was wearing layers! What about how YOU tripped when we were in the parking lot and started bawling your eyes out because you thought you looked lame and I didn't like you anymore? JIMMY: You know full well that when I was prepubescent I was VERY insecure, and I am not ashamed of admitting that at all! In fact, I should talk about it more! The strain of bullying and social stigma on younger generations is something that should be discussed at length and not infantilized!
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TIMMY: .... You kissed me nice. On our first date. I liked that. JIMMY: ..Oh-
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JIMMY: ..Yes. It was. Nice. It was nice. TIMMY: Yeah? JIMMY: Yes.. But I like your kisses more now.
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TIMMY: OH- haha, WELL-
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TIMMY: UUuuuuhhh, NexT qUEStIoN?
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askcleftirl10 · 4 months
Oranges or apples
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JIMMY: Well, apples contain much more fiber, which is good for promoting digestion. It also lowers cholesterol! However, oranges are jam packed with minerals, especially the ever famously known vitamin C. They both have their benefits, but oranges provide more, so that is what I'd choose in the odd occurence I'd need to!
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JIMMY: ...What? Do I have something on my face? TIMMY: You're so cute when you ramble.
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TIMMY: I like apples, by the way.
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askcleftirl10 · 4 months
WHOA there, folks! Timmy here. Gonna have to close that ask box for the time being. We've been getting a whole lot of support from you guys, and that rocks! We appreciate it! But we can't keep up right now!
We'll open asks once we're able to catch up and clear out your questions.
We would both like to give a sincere thank you to all your interest in our personal lives. Getting all this attention after having only been open for a day is very encouraging! We both appreciate it and will try our best to answer your questions with honesty, integrity, and respect.
Unless you act like a weirdo, than you can respect deez nuts.
Please ignore him. Thank you and we will be back to answering asks shortly.
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askcleftirl10 · 4 months
@ the both of you: what pokemon do you think would best represent yourself and why
(& ooc but your desktop theme is so aesthetic)
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JIMMY: I'm torn between Reuniclus and Beheeyem. They're both my favorites, but they both have qualities or aesthetics I think I would relate back to myself.
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TIMMY: Is Beheeyem's quality having a big head?
JIMMY: Oh? How observant of you, starlight. Pray tell, what pocket monster would it be of yours that must be so much cooler than mine for you to be so snarky.
TIMMY: Easy. Eternatus.
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JIMMY: Eternatus....
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JIMMY: You're not being serious.
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TIMMY: UH, YEAH! Eternatus ROCKS! IT MAKES YOU LOSE 2 PP instead of ONE! The eternabeam IS AWESOME??? Like do you know how epic it would be to use that in an actual battle??
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JIMMY: You always did have a penchant for villains in media.. Though I would have never guessed you'd be so intrigued with such an....Edgy pokemon.
TIMMY: Dude, don't disrespect my guy... He didn't mean it. He's literally just a snake.
JIMMY: Uh huh.
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askcleftirl10 · 4 months
fav games go !!
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TIMMY: I like first person shooters, but nothing too main stream. Ragey gamer bros make me yack. Borderlands and fallout are pretty fun. Horror games are also pretty cool, but Jimmy super isn't into those, so I usually cross play with Danny. I think my favorite games overall are rhythm games like Osu or Muse Dash.. It really gets my brain chugging along.
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JIMMY: I like hidden object games, usually. Though I actually am really fond of the Nancy Drew series. I've played them several times over in succession. I like the world building. I also sometimes like playing Diner Dash on endless mode because it keeps my brain busy.
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TIMMY: God, you're a dork. JIMMY: >:/ JIMMY: I'm not a dork when you want to play Powerwash Simulator together. TIMMY: Clean dirt make ADHD brain go brr.
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askcleftirl10 · 4 months
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TIMMY: Alright, ladies, gents and everybody else - We are officially open for business! Feel free to ask away!
JIMMY: However, please be self aware! This isn't a madhouse... We do have some rules to consider when sending us questions. Thanks so much for understanding!
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