askcocoabutter-blog · 13 years
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((Second to last one unless I decide to draw EruLlama. Female version of Alex Wingace.))
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askcocoabutter-blog · 13 years
I. Just. What. You Guys.
I watch a couple ponies on my personal. If you know I watch you on there, this isn't directed at you guys, you are beautiful people and the one of you that gets involved in all this and is how I know about it just is being in character.
Guys. I don't use these words, not even on the internet, but
This is not ponies.))
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askcocoabutter-blog · 13 years
I’m going offline right now. That is not the announcement.
I will NOT be online again until monday night. 
I’ve got homework to do, I’ve got video games to play, and I’ve got Homework to do.  See you all monday.
Enjoy the quiet while I’m gone.
You may be getting a lot of that quiet in the near future.
 Ooc: …Alright, who wants to be the Drama Llama in Type’s place, or whatever?
((I can do it, as long as I don’t have to ACTUALLY be a llama.))
((Pops up to say that I really wanna draw Type or Erudition llamas now. Also, people to whom I still owe art, life is, um, busy. But I am working on it, I swear.))
OOC: Announcement:
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askcocoabutter-blog · 13 years
And here is Mr. Greenmane’s. I hope you like it!
((I don’t like it… I LOVE IT. Seriously thank you very much, you’re an incredible artist. And I like this depiction of the character. Seriously, thanks, it’s an incredible job.))
((Ah, I'm so glad you're happy with it! He was fun to draw. :D))
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askcocoabutter-blog · 13 years
((I think you guys are awesome. I like my pony OC. But I just can't... seem to get into being on here right now. I don't know if this just isn't the way I fandom, or what. But this is probably going to be pretty inactive. I obviously will still do the art people have already asked for, and maybe I just need to be away for a little more or need the new season to start or... something, and I'll be back. But right now, I can't feel it.
I'll probably pop 'round every now and again. If you want to get my or Cocoa's attention, or if you just feel like watching a blog full of random geekery and occasionally my non-pony related art, my personal is evalilith.tumblr.com.
Everypony keep being amazing. <3))
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askcocoabutter-blog · 13 years
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And here is Mr. Greenmane's. I hope you like it!
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askcocoabutter-blog · 13 years
((Would you be able to draw Alex's female version as a human as well?))
((Um, sure, girls are easier for me, actually... Anything specific I should reference, or just a female version of him?))
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askcocoabutter-blog · 13 years
((Where is the line to this ride? I wanna go again!))
((=_= Can’t tell if song lyrics or serious… though I assume you’re okay if you’re posting on tumblr, but still, that’s no good!))
((No, I am being serious. I am okay, nobody got hurt or anything, i...
((Sorry, it just sounded like a song lyric for some reason... I'm really glad you're okay, though!))
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askcocoabutter-blog · 13 years
((Where is the line to this ride? I wanna go again!))
((=_= Can't tell if song lyrics or serious... though I assume you're okay if you're posting on tumblr, but still, that's no good!))
((Just crashed my motorcycle))
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askcocoabutter-blog · 13 years
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Sorry for this taking a little longer than I expected, Mr. Colox. I hope you like it!
Mr. Greenmane, yours is next, and the last one I'm doing. I will hopefully get it done this weekend, but I may not be able to.
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askcocoabutter-blog · 13 years
One of ED’NDRW’s favorite bands is Evanescence. They have a song called My Immortal.
((I... I feel old.
Or possibly young.
But everyone in my age group knew that. I didn't even listen to the radio in middle/high school and I knew Evanescence.
Also the song is much better than the story.))
...that story, My Immortal. The one I don't talk about.
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askcocoabutter-blog · 13 years
((I found out my school is being involved in a state wide poetry contest where I can submit any number of entries. But where can I find the time to write so many poems? Oh…wait…))
((Oooooh. Best of luck! And glad to see you’re still lingering.))
((Yes, a...
((Hmmm, I missed that. And you know, if you're still bothered about posting in character for Erudition, you could always convert the blog to be a different character. :) ))
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askcocoabutter-blog · 13 years
((I found out my school is being involved in a state wide poetry contest where I can submit any number of entries. But where can I find the time to write so many poems? Oh…wait…))
((Oooooh. Best of luck! And glad to see you're still lingering.))
((Interesting day))
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askcocoabutter-blog · 13 years
trying again.
Me: OH SHIT WHAT IS THIS SHOOT ME NOW *shoots Anon and goes on killing spree* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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askcocoabutter-blog · 13 years
(( (originally IC, like, 2 months ago)
Goodnight Equestria and Luna’s moon As I Yawn, I hope to see you soon Rest is needed for a pony’s health As the darker hours pass with stealth Thank you to my fine pony friends I can’t wait to see you yet again And Luna is the reason why Tonights message is don’t drink and fly
Awww, this is so sweet :)
((My very first poem on here, "Goodnight"))
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askcocoabutter-blog · 13 years
“Snap was spying on me and he was taking a video tape of me! And Loopin was masticating to it! They were sitting on their broomsticks”
— My brain just died. DA FREAK?
I don't see why she's making such a big deal about this "Loopin" fellow eating.
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askcocoabutter-blog · 13 years
Reblog if you want to kick the flank of anyone who would kick Manehattan's flank for not getting done faster.
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