askcreekflow · 1 hour
how does one. pass time. pass the days. in a world. where no time passes? no answer. has satisfied me yet. this is all rather. new to me still.
but as you. dear reader would say. "time has passed". and indeed. it has. i have observed. Cypress. when Aria is not. by her side. and have been fascinated. by her way of living.
to others. she rarely speaks. rarely to me. or any other shadow. to Aria. she will speak more. her truest feelings. become apparent. when the Huntress. holds her.
but alone. alone. she speaks the most. to herself. to her reflection. she will curse the ground. and the sky. mutter to the pond. scoff at the grass. she says. "you". as if there is. some one else there. but there never is. in the songs she writes. she sings to some. disembodied person. or thing.
and you may be surprised. that this puzzled me. after all. i am the shadow. of another. should not i be so comfortable. with speaking to myself? or. rather. a part of myself. but for the Wolf. well. it feels quite different.
what i have come. to understand. is that she mostly. speaks to herself. her self. and her selves no longer. not a divided mind. but a divided perspective. it is something. i have become used to.
this does indeed. occur when others are. around. yes. but it is most. profound. in her loneliness. what this means for her. i am unsure.
i imagine. you will hear her songs. soon. reader. listener. do keep this. in mind. she can be immensely. equivocal.
and. be gentle. with the faint of heart. for her stories. are not. for them.
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askcreekflow · 15 days
it as if. the universe. has a sense. of irony. that one. only alicorn. could end a cycle. of tyranny. in her land's. darkest hour. but instead. fails to recognize. the hierarchy. and fails to recognize the senseless. purposes. mortals ascribe to nothings. it is tragic. but. there is a sense. to her weary whimsy.
well. may her whimsy. not doom everyone around her.
here. in the Locus. i have visited tiberius now. a few times. i have become so. curious. with their ways. well. they always eager to return. to featherdance's world. to see their alicorns. aha. no one would know. that they really truly. adore these ponies. perhaps. it is a fascination. with a joy. that only mortals can know.
should we. as immortals. feel as though. we are missing something?
indeed. we should.
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askcreekflow · 2 months
she has arrived.
covered in blood. covered in more. she choked. like a dog. as her lungs were rushed. with life.
a woman. a wolf. winged. fanged. she is. far different. from the others. i've known. far different. from my own mouse.
Aria embraced her. in a way. i have not observed. before. curious. is it love? is it pity? perhaps. a duality.
one thing. is for sure. her howls. were once frail. now. they are resolute. she has softened. with Aria.
the pitiful thing. her eyes. were wide. with terror.
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askcreekflow · 2 months
Do You know what part the Mystic will play in this story? Since She has the power to divine things That May Come it seems.
story? she? divine? it is clear. you know. of "the" mystic. but not. who they are. nor. what they will become.
and. to ordain. a world. worlds. a story. well. that is dishonest. is it not? for everything. is consequential. perhaps. you fear this.
there are many. mystics. but there is. only one. magpie. and perhaps. their role is fleeting. but it is. instrumental. Aria has already. foreseen it. well. it would be untrue. to suggest. they have foreseen it. to Aria. it has already happened.
the magpie. is no pegasus. but a unicorn. isn't that. interesting?
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askcreekflow · 2 months
do you know of a demon by the name of Crunk Lord Tiberius?
an inane title. for. the great 'demon'. tiberius. surely. they wish to amuse. the mortals.
there is no hell. the great demon. is no infernal guardian. they are in fact. an angel. their accord. with Aria. well. it is unknown to me. Aria is. the only caretaker. of souls.
oh. but such gossip. i suspect. tiberius is a courier. Aria's envoy. the Far Seer does not. venture to your realm. so. perhaps. the lowly angel. finds this operation. befitting.
such gossip. the angel. tasked with being. a babysitter. to the anomalous alicorns. is it pathetic? is it noble? one must assume. the Daughter of the Locus. has their reasons.
yes. i think tiberius. merely finds it all. so. novel.
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askcreekflow · 2 months
a garden can't grow in a salt field, can it?
you ask. the wrong question. to become a cultivator. is to know the land. to know the land. is to recall. where to plant. your seeds. why wonder. about a garden. where it doesn't belong. dream instead. of the journey. to where. it can flourish.
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askcreekflow · 2 months
Creekflow … how do you feel about having silly songs written about you?
joy. is art.
let there be. joy.
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askcreekflow · 2 months
Tumblr media
i made a new song called "where do we begin?"
it will premiere on august 1st at 6:00PM PDT
illustration by @larvaecandy
thank you to @askcreekflow for coming together with me to make this <3
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askcreekflow · 2 months
Have you met the alicorn Dubstep Growl?
Dubstep. does not share. the ambition. of its other. it has not. sought me. but it knows. and i know. of it. perhaps. with time. that will change.
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askcreekflow · 2 months
are there other shadows like you?
there are. others. yes. all denizens. of Aria's domain.
in the Locus. Aria calls me. the river seer. shadow of song.
you may. be familiar. with petrichor. he is called. the haunting seer. shadow of mischief.
Aria. is the First Shadow. The Far Seer. importantly. Lamb. The Huntress.
there have been. whispers. of a mortal. arriving. in the Locus. she is. no shadow. a mere mortal. Aria themself. granted her passage. she is. wolf. Aria's new. hunting dog. a tale. as old as time. and. as young. as time. never. and always.
how. interesting.
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askcreekflow · 2 months
a pony by the name of Top Five Videos mentioned your name, do you know of her?
she. returned me. to Aria. to the Locus.
Aria. granted me. passage. between space.
to visit. my mouse. i. the cat.
in a way. vid's efforts. were. in vain.
but how strange. the power. of that alicorn. perhaps. she is. the key. to bridging. every world. there is.
what. do you think?
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askcreekflow · 2 months
so. you have been. released.
anointed petrichor.
a storm grows. yet. it is not. your time. will thou. be patient?
betwixt space. beyond time. always watchful. dwellers. of the Locus. well. we expect to welcome. someone new. or perhaps. that was long ago. or far. far. into the future.
the canine scourge. how cry. wolf. Aria's. only. hunting dog.
like mine own witness. to the sapphire torrent. another one of her. but frail. scared. fallen. angel.
yes. another one. of her. she sings. differently. from all. the others. the only one. to howl.
a dynasty. is upon us. and other realms. can wait. Lamb watch over. Everything.
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askcreekflow · 3 months
creation becomes undone. fallen mystic. everything. leads to you. all ends. all beginnings. you. who fancies herself. a hero. you. were watched. you. were trained. daughter. of blood.
i have. known sorrow. yet. every star. weeps. for you.
why should i care.
you are. no magpie.
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askcreekflow · 3 months
Are you at all familiar with a pony named Can Opener, or anypony associated with them?
the mystic.
but they. will never know. me.
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askcreekflow · 3 months
anointed petrichor. your favour. is clear.
the only one. of us all. that will forever. traverse. the mortal lands.
may Aria. the Far Seer. the Huntress. the Monarch of Locus. watch over you. ever more.
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askcreekflow · 3 months
that. which lurks the cavern. lurks the mirror pool. like me. A Seer.
not only.
but of some.
much like.
this seer. this new seer. a forgotten memory. born again. in the mirror pool. a locus. if you will. the place. where all things. meet.
each everything. a microcosm. in time. in space. tread these pockets. between each. other everything. if only. aimlessly.
perhaps there is purpose. in these journeys. perhaps. there is not.
anointed petrichor. i sense. you will travel beyond. your cradle.
yes. yes. i see it. i see now. your fate is nestled. in the hearth of. the scholar pony. yes.
time will tell. it is not my place. after all.
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askcreekflow · 3 months
Carrion Child, how do you ignore the screams?
if you must. ask the question. you likely already have.
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