askcryoflaremlp · 8 years
Reblogging because... A) this is a redrawn image from before and B) I guess you could say it’s relevant right now.
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So, redrew this cute pony art of an update block from @askcryoflaremlp. On the left, the original piece from 2-3 years ago and the right is the refreshed version, both ponies looking beautiful.
pssst, I’m the one with glasses.
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askcryoflaremlp · 9 years
What the? How did this Unicorn... Nevermind. Mod: Eeyup. Made a pic of My Ponysona and the Only Cotton Candy.
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“ Here it is, just like I told you.”
-Submission by CryoFlare 
Thank you <33!!
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askcryoflaremlp · 9 years
Mod: Technically, I’ve just been focused on other stuff here and there.
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…Yup Blocked we are.
askcryoflaremlp (Babe is Mod, Me Artist) and tsundere-cupid (Mod and Artist) is in a block. Like…
He needs idea to continue story as I need more… Art ideas and some story revamp…
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askcryoflaremlp · 10 years
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Mod: Well, looks like things are heating up for him. Sorry this took so long. The artist doing these had some artist's blocks here and there. Artist: http://shadowlunatic.tumblr.com/
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askcryoflaremlp · 10 years
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One of these things is not like the other. 
RIP Leelah Alcorn
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askcryoflaremlp · 10 years
Twizzlers? Huh. Interesting, Thank you~!
Trick or Treat~! Please let it be a treat.
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It is, don’t worry!
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askcryoflaremlp · 10 years
Mod: Yeah, that was basically my reactions.
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This… This just sums up to last night at the end of the Livestream with me and my silly pup ( askcryoflaremlp ). Mewtwo Hype was very real. And we were fucking idiots on not even recording the audio for our live reactions.
So… Yeah. Mewtwo for SSB4. :3
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askcryoflaremlp · 10 years
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Mewtwo is back!!!!
MUST buy both versions of the game
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askcryoflaremlp · 10 years
Mod: Oooooh~! Spoilers, huh? Looks like Dissy may meet up with a reformed Discord... or possibly just a different Discord from his.
... Huh. You know, I just got a new question in my head I'm curious about. How would Discord Whooves react to seeing Discord? Not the one from His and Miss Twilight's world. More like the reformed Discord.
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askcryoflaremlp · 10 years
Mod: Ah. Well, at least that head spin has subsided.
This is reminding me of "The Bride of Discord" in the fact that in it, Discord wasn't returned to stone and Twilight Still became an Alicorn Princess... Did you and Momi get inspired by "The Bride of Discord" or is that just a coincidence?
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askcryoflaremlp · 10 years
Mod: ... This is somehow resembling "The Bride of Discord" inthe fact that Discord wasn't turned to stone by the Elements of Harmony.
Okay, so Discord wasn't reformed in Miss Twilight's world... Wait, I thought Momi said that Miss Twilight was an Alicorn Princess. Does that mean that that world's Discord has messed with everyone's mind during the bleed, making everyone think that Miss Twilight was an Alicorn Princess at one time?... or am I just making my head spin like an out of control Twister?
She was a princess.
Discord just wasn’t reformed.
That’s all. :/
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askcryoflaremlp · 10 years
Mod: ... Okay, less confused...a little.
Discord was involved? But wasn't he reformed in Miss Twilight's world?... though, there was that letter way way back about Discord being set free. Ugh. My head is spinning so much, it's like a Marry-Go-Round on Supersonic speed.
No, he hasn’t been reformed. In this universe he never was, and Fluttershy commit suicide later so yeah.
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askcryoflaremlp · 10 years
Mod: ... so many more questions now.
I'm sure you've been asked this alot, but I'll go ahead and ask it... What the Hay Happened to Pinkie?! She's already Psycho and killed RD? No way Discord did get to her. We all know what happens when she's Discorded. She almost seems like a kid that doesn't know better. Give her a hard spanking or a terrifying scare and maybe she'll snap out of it.
Discord was involved but not in the same way as before.
I can’t say why she’s the way she is right now but it will be explained later down the line.
Someone was accurate however when mentioning her 4th wall ability made her more vulnerable to the universal bleed.
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askcryoflaremlp · 10 years
Mod: Huh. I blew the mind of Jitters... Imagine that.
I'll tell you what normal is... It's a Pokemon type.
……. My mind is so blown right now
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askcryoflaremlp · 10 years
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No really. I was not expecting this.
Artist: http://shadowlunatic.tumblr.com/
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askcryoflaremlp · 10 years
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Oh this can't be good. Continued from http://askcryoflaremlp.tumblr.com/post/81993597681/artwork-provided (Artwork by http://shadowlunatic.tumblr.com/ )
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askcryoflaremlp · 10 years
Mod: Normally, I don't do this. But I'll make an exception for Robin Williams.
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