askdeadponyta · 6 years
Goodbye for a while...
Time to take time away from tumblr for a while. Unfortunantly, the mailbox will be closed until further notice. Until then, good day for now
Ponyta Shimmer.
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askdeadponyta · 6 years
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Here is where i stand, this blog might be changing locations depending on how bad this situation gets, until then, here are the places i will be until the choice is made..
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BadmanFarah
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BadmanFarahtv2010
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/officialponeshimmer
I will not leave, but if things get outta hand, i will let you all know. That is all for now, Good Night.
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askdeadponyta · 6 years
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[The Surgery (FINAL)]
Now... We wait....
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askdeadponyta · 6 years
Thats actually not a bad idea, maybe i should try it out sometime. :O
My mom would beat my ass if i used her pans for this
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askdeadponyta · 6 years
You are an amazing artist and a great person in this community FlufflePuff, keep up the amazing works and never give in to the worst things in life and this community. ^-^
An Update
I’m sure a lot of you were expecting this, but I think it’s time for this blog to end. A lot of things have been going on. I won’t bore you with details. It mostly involves severe depression and an existential crisis. I’ve slowly been putting myself back together. And now I have so much I want to express. But I can’t do it with how things are now. I need to do something new, that’s more my own. Something that isn’t copying a show. I’ve always felt held back with copying the show’s style. Eventually, I felt like I hit a wall and couldn’t advance or learn anything else. Like, that was it. What I was doing was the peak of what I could do with that art style. There wasn’t much room to feel motivated when I was staring at a wall. There were also the thoughts of getting a cease and desist always looming overhead, making me put out even less effort and avoiding anything ambitious. So I’ve been settling for less all this time, just to avoid that. Which only made me feel worse. There’s a pretty long list of things that chipped away at my interest and enjoyment. But those two and the community are the main three. The community being a very large part and a whole story in itself, which I’m sure a lot of you are painfully aware of by now. The uncountable amount of fake smiles. The sea of lies and cheating. The endless theft and traced artwork. Using ripped or stolen assets out of sheer laziness to do even a shred of work themselves. There are so many big names who genuinely don’t care about their fans and are only using that poor fandom to stroke their ego. I don’t want to be in a community where kindhearted fans are treated like objects and slaves. I don’t want to feel like I’m one of those “big names” who don’t care. I want to work again. To express myself again. If someone wants to follow me, I want to feel like it’s because of my content. Not because I go to conventions, trying to get as much attention as possible for as little work as possible. In all seriousness, I’m willing to bet that a lot of you reading this right now have done more genuine work in the past year than so many of the people you call “horse famous” will do in their lives. A fandom, especially one supposedly about friendship and kindness and generosity, and full of children no less, should not revolve around selfish, heartless, monsters. I really can’t count the amount of terrible things I’ve see or experienced personally. So I’m going to move away from all of it. I need to move away from it. To start fresh. Technically, I’m redesigning and reinventing things. But it’s to the point where it feels pretty new. It will still be a story about “Fluffle Puff”, but not the pony version you know. Although, she may show up every now and again. I’ve also redesigned “Chryssi” to be more of a unique character. I wanted them to be similar to keep the familiarity of “Fluffle and Chryssi”, but original enough to be their own characters, in their own world, that can stand alone by itself. And hopefully avoid cease and desists. I’ve been working on this for about a year now, building a new world from the ground up, redesigning characters, and even populating the world. No more ghost town backgrounds. To me, it feels like it’s becoming a completed world. It’s something that’s been in the back of my mind for years, ever since the first EG episode I did. This story will be told in a more personal way, in a more personal art style I’m much more comfortable with. Just about every episode I’ve written means something to me. They feel pretty similar to the EG episodes. The first three episodes of this new series will be retelling of those, actually. Those EG episodes meant a lot to me. They came from a very personal place. And it always bothered me that I didn’t do them how I wanted. I rushed them. Took shortcuts. The lack of motivation from everything around me took its toll and I was very lazy. It’s depressing looking at something that came from my life, heart, and emotions, done in such a crappy way. Even more so, seeing how popular those were, and still are after all this time. But I’m fixing that now. I’m taking my time and going into a lot of detail. More than I probably should. The first three episodes of this new series will be a reboot of an idea I never fully completed. And then from there it’ll start telling a story I’ve been writing for easily 3 years. With an occasional episode of nonsense. I even gave spooky “Big Sis” a bit of a story. I don’t know how people are going to react to this new series. And to be honest, I kind of don’t care. That might sound harsh, but I’ve always stayed within the lines just to stay relevant. I don’t want to cut myself short anymore. I want to follow what I want to do. I want to be productive again. To express myself and tell my stories, exactly how I imagine them. If you like the more sincere feeling of the EG episodes, you’ll probably like this new series. I’ve been wanting to do a story like this since nearly the beginning, but I never had the help or resources. I still don’t have a shred of help, but now I feel comfortable enough that I can do it by myself. So I’m going for it. In all seriousness, if I were to have a life goal it would be to do this series. I know a few of you are really die hard fans of Fluffle Puff, and I’m genuinely sorry. But I just can’t do this specific blog anymore. There are too many limitations and bad memories attached to it. I want the both of us to be free. I can only hope you like the new Fluffle and continue to follow her. Beyond that, I don’t know when the first episode will be released. It all started out with a simple idea of doing an EG 4 in a different art style and turned into “Just do it. Do the whole thing. Stop holding yourself back.” I really had no idea it was going to take this long. Then life things piled up, slowing me down more. But things are picking back up and I’m not going to stop now. So, the time has come. I’m going to be closing questions to this Ask Fluffle Puff blog and concentrate on her new adventure. I’ll still be regularly active on my Twitter, with the usual nonsense and occasional doodle. Which will also be posted to my personal blog. They’re about the only sites I even look at these days. I also have a Discord group I’m on daily. But I won’t be doing anything else until she’s ready for her first episode. Which I will announce pretty much everywhere when it happens. At which point, her Facebook will also be updated to her new appearance. There will also be an occasional stream of little parts of this new project, but I don’t want to make that public yet. It feels kind of weird concept arting and experimenting while people are watching. It’s not too hard to find my stream profile, though. In the mean time, if you’re still a patron, I’ll be posting Patreon only screenshots and stuff on occasion, relating to this new series, in hopes to make up for the lack of content. Otherwise, I’m perfectly okay if you want to move on and find someone else to support. I haven’t done anything in months. I honestly think you should find someone else to support. So if you feel bad about it, please don’t. I’m the one that should, and does, feel bad. You should be getting your money’s worth. And that’s not me right now. But by the off chance you want to come back, I’ll be announcing on my Twitter, around when the first episode will be coming out. When that will happen, I really can’t say. It could be another half a year. I’m quite literally building an entire world from the ground up, completely by myself. But whether you stick around or not, I cannot begin to describe how much it meant to me to have genuine fans among the not so fun experiences in the fandom. The community was rough to the point where I considered stopping and just leaving. Quite a few times, if I’m being honest. But a lot of you helped me through it. Whether it was just a genuine message sent directly to me, or you went out of your way to stop me at a convention. I honestly couldn’t handle some of those encounters. Not in a bad way. But more of a “I’ve never had any kind of attention or praise on such a genuine level” kind of way. I made Fluffle Puff to entertain myself. She was just nonsense in the beginning. Something to fill the time and help get away from a previous blog. A parody of a show I liked. Nothing more. But then she evolved into a way for me to express myself. I never really had friends. I can’t talk easily. I always feel out of place and alone. But she gave me a purpose. She became a part of me and such a large part my life. She helped me through so many of my mental stops and barriers. I felt happy for the first time in my life. And to see her helping others in the way she helps myself cannot be put into words. And on a personal level, I loved the whole “Fluffle x Chryssi” thing. Like, so much. So she’s not going anywhere. I don’t think I’ll ever let her go. She’s just getting a redesign along side me redesigning my own life. I really can’t wait to start these new episodes. And I hope everyone likes them. But if this is the end and you’re going to move on, I’d just like to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the years of support and helping me find true happiness. The next post on this blog will most likely be the last. And it will be a link to Fluffle Puff’s new life, in her new home.
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askdeadponyta · 7 years
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[The Surgery: Part 4]
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askdeadponyta · 8 years
Is this gonna be like one of those shows which gains a cult following in 5 years?
okay so
we discovered this absolutely horribly wonderful cartoon– Horseland
it’s basically about a bunch of girls on a ranch with horses
the animation is stupid and the voice acting is terrible bUT SEAN CONNERY AS A DOG YOU GUYS
the animals can all talk but not in the presence of people
like there’s these bitchy ginger chicks that I think are sisters but they’re mY NEW OTP and there’s a hispanic chick with a really overly dramatized accent (her horse has an accent too) and the black chick’s horse is JAMAICAN and there’s this one guy who looks kind of asian but he has blue eyes and sounds like a girl???
it’s awesome
it’s on netflix so
y'all should watch it
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askdeadponyta · 8 years
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The Surgery [Part 1]
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askdeadponyta · 8 years
Hey everyone, sorry for the slight delay on the posts for "The Surgery". I have been out and about lately, mainly coming back from a trip to Michigan. Then dealing with Work related stuff while coming back from my trip. So ill be back to work soon and continue this series of events that will soon come in the futhre. For an Update, i will present Part 1 soon. Just be on the look out and i will begin looking and working on the next part of the comic soon. :3
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askdeadponyta · 8 years
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[Surgery (Prologue Part 3)]
And so, our survivor is now going to get into his first challenge of survival... will he be alive to see his family again...
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askdeadponyta · 8 years
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[Surgery (Prologue Part 2)]
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askdeadponyta · 8 years
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[Surgery (Prologue Part 1)]
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askdeadponyta · 8 years
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I really like the size of that cock. Source
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askdeadponyta · 8 years
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askdeadponyta · 8 years
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Mods Note: Yeah, my mailbox has been empty for a while on here, mind asking us anything ponies, it would help me progress story and even get updates faster than our revievement of your questions. Thank you for watching and your time
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askdeadponyta · 8 years
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So, this is my reaction when i heard about Pinkie Pie going up against Deadpool. Kinda sketchy knowing that this is the 2nd time a MLP character will be added in Deathbattle. So i hope and wish luck to bother Pinkie and Deadpool together, and hope the battle goes out well! :D
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askdeadponyta · 8 years
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