Goodbye For Now, Thalia
Hey. So as y'all know I've officially dropped Thalia. I just didn't feel the muse anymore and thought I was clogging space on follow lists with her.
Hopefully someone will apply for her in the future.
I'll still be on Tayen's account, but from now on this account is temporarily archived.
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Solo: No Way Back
Thalia was having the nightmares again. The dreams where she was running from something, but she couldn't tell what.
"I'M COMING FOR YOU!" the monster screeched.
Thalia ran, ran harder than she ever knew she could. Her wings were cracked and broken so she couldn't fly away.
She was at the edge of a cliff. Her two options were to jump or face the creature. She tossed herself from the ledge...
She landed on a pillow.
Tayen was changing her dreams again. Thalia sighed in relief. She didn't know if Tayen would get there in time.
Thalia had been having issues adjusting since Tayen returned. She knew what she wanted to do. But once she made her choice, there was no way back.
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                                                             REMEMBER  ME
                                                                that’s all i ask
                                                             REMEMBER  ME
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AskDescendants Hogwarts Houses ~ Hufflepuff ~ Part 1/2
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“You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;”
~ AskDescendants Characters & Hogwarts Houses
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Hey Guys…
So, uh… We just found out that my uncle has colon cancer that’s spread up his intestine and other parts of his abdomen. The doctors are saying he doesn’t have much longer left. Activity on both of my blogs is going to dwindle a little, maybe even stop for days at a time. When he goes I’m going to have to go on hiatus because we’ll be flying halfway across the country and I think it’s not a good idea to try and blog whilst visiting home to bury my uncle.
Thanks for understanding.
Sincerely, Flynn
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Thalia bit her lip. She'd never been very good at comforting people in her opinion although Eva would say otherwise. She thought out carefully what she wanted to say.
"Alia, don't blame yourself. You didn't know. I don't think anything really happened between them in the first place."
Open starter: Lost a friend
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Thalia pursed her lips. She’d heard a little of the gossip about Alia and Tayen, but she didn’t like to listen to that kind of stuff.
“Is this about Tay? Because I can assure you she isn’t going to be mad. It’s not like you killed her bat or something.” She smiled. “Plus, she doesn’t hold grudges often.”
Open starter: Lost a friend
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Seriously? I wasn’t even aware she liked anybody other than Eva... 
Why am I hearing about drama between you and Tayen?
There isn’t anything going on. People think that Alia took me from her. Which didn’t happen
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Thalia was looking for a book to entertain herself with since Tayen was ignoring most people since her and Tayen had their own things to do. She wandered over to a section she usually sequestered herself in and heard.. a sigh? She peeked around a corner and saw Alia.
“Alia?” she asked. “What’s wrong? Why are you hiding in a corner?”
Open starter: Lost a friend
Alia sat in the bay window in the library, looking out at the people wandering in the courtyard. She sighed and looked at the letter that she had started to pen to Tayen. She was trying to figure out the right words to say to apologize for doing something that no friend should do. She honestly hadn’t known that anything had been going on between Tayen and Parker, they had never mentioned anything about it. To be fair though, she had not had any long and in depth conversations on their romantic lives with either of them. 
Sighing deeply again she looked at her chair. She supposed that she would never be able to fly with Tayen and Thalia again. She had had so much fun with them as well. She turned around when she heard the clearing of a throat behind her.
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Thalia shrugged. “I haven’t come across any other humans with pixie dust allergies, but hopefully it doesn’t act up too much while you’re here. That would suck.”
Tayen spotted someone across the crowd and waved. “I’ll be back in a while, I need to go say hi to someone. You two have fun.” Then she was gone.
Open Starter: The Party of a Lifetime
continued from here:
Cora grinned, her smile a bit reminiscent of the Cheshire Cat as she hugged Thalia while nodding politely to Tayen, “You know I wouldn’t miss a wicked party.  Though to be honest, it is a little bizarre realizing my daggers kinda look like toothpicks at this size.”  Cora retrieved one to demonstrate, the silver blade flickering in the light as she replaced it in the sheath.  “Anyway, their size isn’t important.  You are.  It’s your day.  Happy birthday, Thalia!” Cora chirped, presenting Thalia with a beautifully wrapped box. 
“Thank you,” Thalia grinned. She took the box carefully. “I can’t wait to open it.” She noted what it looked like in her head so she wouldn’t be looking for it when she was opening them.
“Sorry about that,” Tayen said, gesturing to the knife. “A normal sized dagger just wouldn’t fit into the Hollow.”
Cora shrugged, “It’s okay.  I understand.  I wouldn’t want to rip the leaves or anything by accident, though-”
Suddenly, Cora sneezed, “That rotten guddler!” she cursed, “He promised me this would work,” somewhat apologetically, she amended, “You know about my pixie dust allergy.  I’ve been trying to work on it, but nothing seems to be helping.  Any suggestions?”  She asked both sisters.
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What brings you to Auradon so late, if you don’t mind me asking?
Hi! I'm Thalia, daughter of Tinker Bell. What's your name?
Hi Thalia! I’m Jace, son of Jasper Badun. Nice to meet you!
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“Thanks,” Thalia said. She flushed a little. “I’ve never really done drawings for people to see before. i usually just keep them sitting in a sketchbook in my closet.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” she said. “He was just excited and wanted a little attention.”
Closed Starter: Thalia, Missing Dog
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Thalia thought, which was hard for her sleep-deprived brain. “Fern, right? Sorry I’m pretty out of it. I haven’t been in the normal dorms for long so it kept slipping my mind that you were moving in.” She cringed. I need to tone down on the nice, she thought.
Closed Starter, Thalia “New Girl in Town”
Fern rolled her eyes as she stepped into her new dorm, cringing at all the light colors and sun shining in. She bristled as she rolled her suitcase in a threw it on the bed, sitting down next to it. It was also freezing as hell, like she’d just walked into a refrigerator. She didn’t see her roommate, didn’t hear anyone in the bathroom. It seemed odd, the AK she was paired with should’ve been here.
“Helloooo? Am I just alone here?” Fern laid her back down on the bed, trying to get used the feeling of actually having a bed.
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7. Talk about a poem or quote you like
My favorite quote is, “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” It’s an Albert Einstein quote. He’s one of my favorite Clums- I mean, humans!
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Do you have your eye on someone?
Not right now. I'd rather focus on my mental health and my sister for now.
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How is your relationship with your sister now?
It's getting better. I've been helping her learn how to be good again lately. She's taking up on it pretty easily.
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Is it hard to control your powers?
It was when I first came here. They were all out of whack because they're closely tied to my emotions, and I'd only come to Auradon because of what happened with Tayen. Now they're a lot more under control because I've been taking my medication and takin care of myself.
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