askdottie · 3 months
DOTTIE: And the same to you! DOTTIE: Early days. Fingers crossed that it works out! Another friend is always a good thing. DOTTIE: Could you?? That'd be amazing! I'll even let you do the first few swipes for me. DOTTIE: I trust Kitty's judgment. And I don't really know what my requirements are beyond someone who is nice to me and like... cute.
MADISON: I know, if you need someone to hype you up just come in my room. MADISON: Probs? Like sometimes the convos die but also we legit have only hung out twice so. MADISON: You do, sadly. How bout I help you make your profile. MADISON: Okay why does Kitty's requirements mean anything? What about your requirements? Also just skip the gross men holding fish photos. Its like a FYP algorithm it eventually learns what you like.
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askdottie · 3 months
I like your extra TMTS, actually. It's fun to think of them just continuing to add on letters until it would be quicker to just say the actual title.
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A little late to decide to change, though. And I'm still minoring in my first choice, so what's meant to be will be.
Ah yes, my bad. My dyslexia gets confused with how many Ts and Ms there are.
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Practical smactical. I say do what you enjoy, life's too short to be stuck in a career you hate.
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askdottie · 3 months
So really I should've been doing the work all semester so that studying could be easier now. I can do flashcards, at least. I feel like those could be helpful for some of my classes. What kinds of stuff do you put on yours? Just definitions or...?
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I revise all of the lectures throughout the semester, then I highlight what I think it going to be the most important criteria. Then I make cue cards and quiz myself until I know every answer without having to think and second-guess. It takes a while, but I've found to be effective. It certainly works better when you have someone else to work off of.
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askdottie · 3 months
Definitely not necessary... but still appreciated. And maybe temporarily, but I don't think a permanent face tattoo is in my future. Hold on. Excuse me? THAT was what you were covering up? Why?? I promise I wouldn't have teased you about it that much. And actually I might've been able to help, because now that I think about it nail polish remover probably would take care of it. How many other things have you attributed to football?
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I know about the hits in games - you're the reason why I go to them. And it's very concerning every time it happens.
I'm bringing you a care pack! If you're gonna live in the library then you gotta do it and take care of yourself still! And if you won't do it, then I will. You could def rock like a cute little love heart on your cheek or somethin like that. Sounds like a real one would hurt a lot but if T-Swizz can pull it off, you can too! You don't remember that week where I walked around with the Band-Aid on my face?? I told you it was from taking a rough hit at football practice. Which I kinda always use when I wanna cover something up and not have no-one question it. But also.. I do take a lotta hits at practice. And in games.
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askdottie · 3 months
That's fine. I hope your finals go well.
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You figured I was the kinky expert? ...how many other people do you think assumed the same? I promise it's psychology. Everyone can Google it if they're worried about accidentally showing up to, like, a five person sex thing.
wtf. lame. pass.
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dsm? not much of a stretch. just like someone dropped the b. and... i don't know, the five is the number of people, maybe. i'm not all that kinky like that, figured you were the expert or whatever here, just thought it was a vibe i was picking up on. ...but i guess psychology makes more sense, contextually.
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askdottie · 3 months
DOTTIE: I'm working on it. It's... a process. DOTTIE: Do you think you two are going to be buddies? DOTTIE: Thanks, but to meet them I have to go on the apps, don't I? 😩 DOTTIE: How am I supposed to make sure that they meet Kitty's requirements when from what I've heard it's just photo after photo of men holding fish!!
MADISON: Well maybe now it's time for you to become secure in yourself and then you won't need a partner to help with that. MADISON: Right? Tbh I wonder if he didn't realize how far the drive was when we decided on a place. MADISON: Okay wel no, stop. You're like super nice and cute and adorbz and there are probs plenty of people that want to do it with you. You just might not have met them yet. MADISON: Idk I'm not on them. But if you want a relationship that's probs a good place to start.
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askdottie · 3 months
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askdottie · 3 months
Has there ever been anything more than friends with you and Sam?
Oh. Uh... best friendship? Which is a category of its own, in my mind. I mean, he's probably my favorite person. But if you're asking from a romance angle, the answer's no.
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askdottie · 3 months
Do you have any siblings?
I do not, though my parents do have a dog that they refer to as their son. So, in some ways...
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askdottie · 3 months
DOTTIE: Okay yeah he was a walking red flag, but that was for other reasons. Love can make you temporarily colorblind. But he was always very good about not making me feel insecure. DOTTIE: He drove all the way from Westerville just to hang out with you? Wow. Dedication. DOTTIE: I haven't really thought about it but after being the girl in a makeup/breakup relationship for so long something tells me no one wants to do that with ME. DOTTIE: No. Why? Should I be? Are they promising??
MADISON: Okay but could that have been because he was toxic and making you feel insecure? Maybe your subconscious was looking out for yourself and getting rid of mr walking red flag. MADISON: what? no. plus he's giving very gay energy. that was just like a friend hang. MADISON: Is there anyone you want to do that with? MADISON: Are you like on tinder, hinge? Any of those dating apps?
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askdottie · 3 months
Sleep is for the weak. And by that I mean I am very weak and I'd love to sleep, but I think I've had enough coffee that it might just be impossible. Now I'm worried about the face tattoo thing, though. I know Taylor Swift made it look cool in the Fortnight music video with Post Malone, but I really don't think I can rock that look. Wait, but also, hello?? When was that? If it was during the time we've known each other, I'm super disappointed that I didn't get a photo at the very least.
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D, you know you need to like... sleep, right?? Do I gotta come and make you rest so that your brain doesn't totally explode? One time I tried to cram so hard that I fell asleep on the books, and the drool rubbed a bunch of the ink off onto my face. I was walkin around looking like I had a super bad face tattoo for days! I don't want that to happen to you too!
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askdottie · 3 months
It does, but even if it didn't you'd be invited, Hunter! What's your studying technique? I'd love some pointers. I feel like at 21 years old I should have it figured out by now, and yet...
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Does this invitation also extend to those who do not attend McKinley? I am not much help with your DSM-5 issues, but I can certainly do my best to help in anything else. I am very confident in my studying technique, I can give a few pointers if you're in need of any.
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askdottie · 3 months
Ah, I think that's the next iteration - High School Musical The Musical The Series The Musical The Series.
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I have thought about it, yeah. But... the fun ones don't feel super practical. Like, I love photography, but I think my parents would completely stop talking to me if I majored in only that.
Ah yes, HSMTMTSTMTS. God that sounds terrible. Have you thought about switching majors to something more fun?
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askdottie · 3 months
DOTTIE: Because every time I started to feel really insecure about myself I broke up with him. It doesn't do wonders for a relationship... DOTTIE: Didn't you just go on a date with that Warbler Nick though? DOTTIE: I'm not opposed to a good make out, but... I think I'm way more of a dater. And relationships person. Like, I want to go ice skating hand in hand and get hot chocolate and then kiss under the mistletoe, you know?
MADISON: Okay but why do you think that? MADISON: I just... idk it's just like never really be like an option? I kinda forget it's a thing most days. MADISON: Do you want to date or just like, get a good make out in?
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askdottie · 3 months
No worries re: the DSM. I'm just, you know, questioning my major more and more with each passing day. And rest assured that 24/7 was an exaggeration. I don't even think the Lima Bean is open that much. I'll be around plenty!
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No clue what the heck a DSM-5 is, Dot, but you should definitely come back to the room at least once a day - every other at the latest! - to shower.
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askdottie · 3 months
Oh... uh. No. BYOC - buy your own coffee.
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What?? Why does it-you know what, actually, best not to ask. It's a psychology thing. I mean, there's some stuff about sex, but I wouldn't classify the whole book as a... sex thing.
i'm in. coffee's on you, i'm assuming?
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is dsm-5 a sex thing? because it sounds like a sex thing.
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askdottie · 3 months
Oh, I wish. That's HSMTMTS, I think. The DSM is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is currently the bane of my existence as a Psych major.
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Happy end of semester to you too! DSM-5? Is that the latest high school musical film?
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