askelesh-norn-blog · 10 years
Thank you for the praise, my child!
You talk a lot about Elesh Norn and how good of a commander she can be, but could you put together a deck list possibly?
Here’s a decklist and here’s an article about Elesh Norn in general
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askelesh-norn-blog · 11 years
"The wrong message"?
Whatever do you mean?
I do nothing but preach about coexisting and accepting the wretched heretics!
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nope nope nope
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askelesh-norn-blog · 11 years
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I am Elesh Norn and I am kawaii.
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askelesh-norn-blog · 12 years
Elesh Norn's character is interesting at first, but like a good joke it gets old after a while. I think you should try and find some kind of new Zangst to add because reading your post feels as though, I've re-read over and over. We haven't found out too much about Norn's personality in particular, perhaps you could add something else to make seem much more interesting? Just some thoughts
((Why do you think I don't really check this one anymore?
Elesh Norn is a character that pretty well by her defining traits cannot have much of a personality.  Individuality is essentially one of the most sinful things in the religion that she heads up.  On top of that Phyrexia is pretty single-minded to begin with.
Like it or not, canon should be the biggest concern of someone running these things.  Deviate too much and we have a different character entirely.  Phyrexian Monster Pope is pretty well the only way to take it since...  That's what she is.  The other "active" Praetors basically did the same thing.  Vorinclex is ornery and has a clear focus on evolving while Jin-Gitaxias SCIENCE'd with a little demented bent.  Bless those guys and their awesome contributions to this community.
I'm not going to do the character a disservice by going off on some self-indulgent tangent to try and inject dynamism into a character that must be static.  The staleness was inevitable.  So I'm just not messing with her much anymore.  The static nature of the Praetors, and Phyrexia in general, is extremely important.  The juxtaposition of the single-mindedness of Phyrexia and the dynamic, tumultuous Mirrodin are exactly what makes it work.
I really hate breaking character but I felt this needs to be addressed.  I'm pretty well done with this, since I can only televangelist so much.  It's been fun, though!  No doubt!))
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askelesh-norn-blog · 12 years
So, how many Mirrans has you Church saved (flayed) since last week? Just being curious...
Approximately 58 members have been newly christened as members of the glorious Machine Orthodoxy!
Kadeen's mysterious absence is very convenient!
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askelesh-norn-blog · 12 years
It's like someone took notes of everything I hate and rolled them together to form you!
It's like they allow slobbering, unclean filth on the Aethernet!
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askelesh-norn-blog · 12 years
What I find most humorful about humans is the sheer fact that despite all of the innovative and allegedly life-changing advances in technology in such, life is just as difficult as it was when they had only just developed simple forms of communication. What do you make of this?
It's simple:
Woeful inefficiency.
No matter what "progress" they make, their heretical nature causes them to flounder their purposeless lives away.
This is true of all species.  Not just humans.  The blessing of Phyrexia is the removal of the shackles of purposelessness.
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askelesh-norn-blog · 12 years
Heretics, mostly.
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who doesn’t love this cutie
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askelesh-norn-blog · 12 years
"Love of Phyrexia is coming"... Luckily you aren't able to travel between planes just yet... And keep your love all by yourself. We don't need it!
You think you're special because you can be cheeky behind a veil of anonymity?
Looks like you are in more desperate need of saving than we thought!
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askelesh-norn-blog · 12 years
Red Phyrexians. Amirite or amirite?
Their lack of zeal is saddening.
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askelesh-norn-blog · 12 years
about Elesh Norn
[LaB] Atticus: also tag that for gore if you post it
[LaB] Motherfucking Gravehound: oh my god
[LaB] Motherfucking Gravehound: fine
[LaB] Atticus: js
[LaB] Atticus: she is FLAYED after all
[LaB] Motherfucking Gravehound: FLAYED IS BEAUTIFUL DORIAN
[LaB] Motherfucking Gravehound: WHAT ARE YOU TO SAY IS OR ISN'T BEAUTIFUL
[LaB] Atticus: let's
[LaB] Atticus: actually make this a tumblr discussion
[LaB] Atticus: I'd like to see SJ come in and actually say that a flayed body is beautiful.
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askelesh-norn-blog · 12 years
"Lives are mortal. Courage, emotions, rage, destiny. All immortal. Keep your filth away. Or my behemoths will punch your face in and I'll get that thing on your head as a trophy. Or a boomerang."
Such sinful blithering!
Even a loud-mouthed, filthy heathen like you can be helped.  That is the glory of Phyrexia!
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askelesh-norn-blog · 12 years
When will you accept that what you call beliefs are in fact corruption of the foulest sort, and that you and your so-called followers are impure creatures that must be purged from existence itself?
When will you accept that your impurities can be corrected?
You resist the benevolent hand of Phyrexia!  We merely wish to bring you to perfection!  Your obstinance in sin is one of the most pitiable things I have ever seen.
We will help you.  We truly will.
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askelesh-norn-blog · 12 years
One day Plane of New Phyrexia will fall into nothingness. What are on the top of your faction's to do list top 10 before that Dark (GREAT) day will come? Add own comments to every paragraph.
The Plane of Phyrexia WILL fall into nothingness as the entire Multiverse is brought together as we unite all of you poor, unfortunate children.
10. Reclaim Minutiae:
There are many tools that the heretics use that need to be reprocessed for the sake of having more flesh to work with.  There is currently no shortage, so standard conversions give the Orthodoxy plenty of this material.
9. Banish remaining Fleshless
Many disgusting abominations still haunt New Phyrexia.
These are far more disturbing than the heretics themselves and require special measures.
8. Create More Angels.
My beloved harbingers are too few in number!  This requires no further elaboration.
7. Destroy infectious ooze.
Some lifeforms prove to be resilient.
These continue to reproduce and tend to be a minor hindrance.  The stain they leave on my cathedrals tend to sully their pristine image.
6. Destroy Melira
Such a disturbing anomaly should not exist in this world!  Especially one that continues to enable sinful existence.  This...  Monster can not continue to be tolerated.  There is some relief in that there is only one of it.
5. Destroy the False Machine Father and Reprocess his Compatriots
Not only will their conversion make it considerably easier to process the remaining, heretics...
My greatest Knight, Elspeth Tirel will be mine.  It is regrettable that the Sojourner was unsuitable for proper conversion like Vorinclex's harlot.  Koth and Elspeth will not escape their glorious rebirths like their unfortunate transport...
4. Expand the Orthodoxy
The absence of Annex all across the Plane is disturbing.  Worshipers should have easy access to the proper teachings of The Machine Orthodoxy.  My missionaries are not enough.
3. Convert Remaining Heretics
Nothing saddens me more than these lost souls.
The answer to their salvation, their very perfection lies in front of them but they die in filth, their blighted souls unsaved by the loving caress of Phyrexia.
No more of these pitiable deaths will occur.  The Orthodoxy will save their flesh.
2. Unite my Brethren
High ranking positions in The Orthodoxy await each and every one of my siblings that will accept the methodology of the Machine Orthodoxy.  Even Urabrask and Sheoldred if they will abandon their disgusting, heretical habits!
Their subjects are sadly misguided...  This can be remedied!
1. Spread the Loving Will of Phyrexia
As we have observed on this very platform, there is a dire need for the intervention of the Orthodoxy in these pitiable heathens' lives.
Fear not, my beloved flock!  Your saviours will arrive in due time.
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askelesh-norn-blog · 12 years
Mindcranks go after memories. No, you see, I need specifically something that will go after /just/ the emotion.
You presume to tell me, the Grand Cenobite, how a device that I use daily works?
After their consecration, not a single one of my, or any other of my siblings' subjects experience those pesky emotions.  Only perfection. 
I would discuss this with Jin-Gitaxias since you do not seem to be satisfied with the truth.
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askelesh-norn-blog · 12 years
How does one kill one's feelings? Mine have become quite the burden to me.
Phyrexia has a tool for that!
You can try to lobotomize yourself, though, I'd hate to see you die, darling.  I'd recommend waiting for us to come to you.
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askelesh-norn-blog · 12 years
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Melira blushes deeply, her skin is a brighter red that her hair, “I.. I really like you.”
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