askengiecow · 5 hours
Taurie gave Dell's ass a final soft squeeze before allowing his hand to be pushed away, his cheeks flushed and feeling like he'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
"Ah think ah can behave... Hope so; startin to get damn sore." He grumbled, wincing as he felt his over productive balls ache as he shifted. "Can't complain much though; ya felt amazin' Sugar."
The two leaned against one another as they walked across the clearing. Taurie's attentions kept to flirty glances and innocent touches. He was happy to see his clothing right where he'd shucked them and shook them out before dressing himself.
"Motorcycle might be Abit less conspicuous, ya think? Not that ahm too worried... Ain't like we're gonna find anyone but civilians." Meaning not Spy's. "Hell, we might not find anythin at all. Maybe...maybe it was just a fluke."
He gives Dells hand a squeeze and a silent, hopeful look.
"How ya wanna go about this? Probably still be a few people millin' about. We just blend in?" He asked. It was always nice to have some sort of plan before a mission, instead of going in guns blazing like Soldier advocated for.
Back on the bike he hugged against Dell's middle but didn't get as handsy as before, content to lean against his back as they raced toward the edge of town.
“Alright, safe word is Spook, no more than two friendly shoulder pats a day and no stories about killing, maiming, arson, or unethical procedures or anything that I couldn’t tell Dolly Parton.” Dell continued to mumbled nervously as he continued to “look” for something in his pack.
He wasn’t sure of bringing the wedding ring was a good idea, the closer they got the more he was compelled to check and make sure it was still there, and it wasn’t even like he was going to ask until they were well on their way back.
After finishing reciting the rules for what felt like the 100th time in the past ten minutes Dell finally stopped and nodded to himself just as he pasted a sign confirming they were but 5 minutes away.
Seeing this Dell felt his panic welling back up but this time for a different reason. “Pull over somewhere secluded, I want to kiss ya one more time… again.”
Taurie couldn't help the amused smirk that rested on his face as he listened to Dell nervously talk himself through the rules the two of them had came up with. The longer they were in the truck the more restless Dell had become. Taurie couldn't deny his own nerves were making butterflies in his stomach, but being it was his own parents house helped.
"Sounds about right. We're just engineers that so happen to design and build weaponry." He nodded, chuckling as Dell asked him to pull over.
"Again? Ya act like ahm taken ya to death row, Dell." He teased, though Taurie did find a pull off that seemed empty.
He gave Dell a reassuring pat and offered his bottle of water after taking a quick sip. The air was hot and dry just as he'd remembered it.
"Try not to panic. Yer just a buddy that needed a break from work so ah let ya tag along." Taurie smiled, glancing around to confirm they were alone before leaning in to give his boyfriend another 'final' kiss, one of many over the past hour.
Patting Dells cheek he pulled back into the road. Taurie's excitement to see his family after being gone for several years outweighed his apprehension. After another minute or so of driving he nodded to the rolling pastures on the left side of the road.
"Property starts about out here. These fields are used later in the year, after the ones the cows are in now have grazed the grass short. Used to come out to the woods just yonder to explore when ah was little." He said, finger popping up from the steering wheel to point at a thicket of trees.
Looking over he lightly nudged Dell with his elbow, offering him a smile.
"Just breathe pardner. You've been through worse than this."
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askengiecow · 15 hours
Mark breathed a sigh of relief when the phone was finally answered but it was short lived; the woman sounded awful.
His frown grew as she spoke as if someone held her at gunpoint, his unease culminating into confusion at her hint.
"His watch? Deb ah don't underst-wait! God dammit!" He growled as the woman hung up. Glaring at the phone he rested it back in its cradle and rubbed the back of his neck. What the hell did his cousin's watch have to do with anything? Now that he thought about it he hadn't seen him with it off, but that wasn't all that unusual.
"What have ah gotten mahself into?" He sighed.
The faint sound of crickets starting to chirp in the evening light played into a dream Taurie was having. Sitting out on the porch of his families house he was talking to his mother, smiling at some story or other she was telling. He had his arm wrapped around the person next to him and as he turned to give them a kiss he saw it was Dell. In his dream there was no fear of being found out, no worries; his mother didn't even react as he kissed his man's stubbled cheek.
The stirrings of consciousness tugged at his mind, the dream fading as the warm body resting on him shifted. He groaned as his stubborn erection prodded into soft flesh, hips rolling gently to keep contact, rutting against his lover.
Rubbing his eyes he was met with Dell's soft smile, encouraging him to smile back.
"Now there's a sight to wake up to. Love ya Sugar... Ya doin ok?" He asked, hoping Dell wasn't too sore. His hand moved down to lightly cup an ass cheek, rubbing gently.
"Gonna be able to walk tonight?" He added shyly, feeling how Dells muscles twitched at his touch. A finger dipped just between those plump cheeks, trying to seem flirty but actually checking for damage. If he'd blown Dell's ass out they might have no choice but to leave early...
"Damn, suns settin already? We slept out here that long?" He said with a click of his tongue, "Told ya ah needed to catch up on mah sleep with ya."
“Alright, safe word is Spook, no more than two friendly shoulder pats a day and no stories about killing, maiming, arson, or unethical procedures or anything that I couldn’t tell Dolly Parton.” Dell continued to mumbled nervously as he continued to “look” for something in his pack.
He wasn’t sure of bringing the wedding ring was a good idea, the closer they got the more he was compelled to check and make sure it was still there, and it wasn’t even like he was going to ask until they were well on their way back.
After finishing reciting the rules for what felt like the 100th time in the past ten minutes Dell finally stopped and nodded to himself just as he pasted a sign confirming they were but 5 minutes away.
Seeing this Dell felt his panic welling back up but this time for a different reason. “Pull over somewhere secluded, I want to kiss ya one more time… again.”
Taurie couldn't help the amused smirk that rested on his face as he listened to Dell nervously talk himself through the rules the two of them had came up with. The longer they were in the truck the more restless Dell had become. Taurie couldn't deny his own nerves were making butterflies in his stomach, but being it was his own parents house helped.
"Sounds about right. We're just engineers that so happen to design and build weaponry." He nodded, chuckling as Dell asked him to pull over.
"Again? Ya act like ahm taken ya to death row, Dell." He teased, though Taurie did find a pull off that seemed empty.
He gave Dell a reassuring pat and offered his bottle of water after taking a quick sip. The air was hot and dry just as he'd remembered it.
"Try not to panic. Yer just a buddy that needed a break from work so ah let ya tag along." Taurie smiled, glancing around to confirm they were alone before leaning in to give his boyfriend another 'final' kiss, one of many over the past hour.
Patting Dells cheek he pulled back into the road. Taurie's excitement to see his family after being gone for several years outweighed his apprehension. After another minute or so of driving he nodded to the rolling pastures on the left side of the road.
"Property starts about out here. These fields are used later in the year, after the ones the cows are in now have grazed the grass short. Used to come out to the woods just yonder to explore when ah was little." He said, finger popping up from the steering wheel to point at a thicket of trees.
Looking over he lightly nudged Dell with his elbow, offering him a smile.
"Just breathe pardner. You've been through worse than this."
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askengiecow · 2 days
Well dammit. He just couldn't win could he? Seems he freaked everyone out in one way or another.
Trying not to let it upset him he helped Dell get comfortable on his chest, watching him rise and fall with his breathing. He continued to pet the man's scalp, the occasional half feline sounding purr he drew making him smirk. When Dell glared up at him he had to bite his lip to not burst out into genuine laughter.
"Guess that's understandable.... Ya sure took me easy enough ah'll give ya that." He smiled, lightly squeezing Dell's ear. "Were you really gonna shove that stick up mah ass? Y'know ah was doin' mah best; ain't easy to keep control. Not when you were soundin' so cute under me."
Dell's head bounced on Taurie's pecs as the cowman let a few chuckles slip. He cocked a brow, looking down at Dell in mock disapproval.
"That ain't true. Couldn't be a bulldozer; ah wasn't sleepy at the time."
After a few moments the mirth died down, his own eyes feeling heavy. Dell was right, they'd sort it out. Closing his eyes he was willing to fall asleep for a few, enjoying his slice of Texas heaven.
If he had known his cousin was talking to Debbie, Taurie would have been far less relaxed. Mark had worriedly called the woman, seeing the state she had stormed off in.
"Hey, you ok? What happened?" Mark asked into the phone. "You looked... pretty shaken up when ya left. Torrence ain't here right now either so ah'm kinda in the dark here."
“Alright, safe word is Spook, no more than two friendly shoulder pats a day and no stories about killing, maiming, arson, or unethical procedures or anything that I couldn’t tell Dolly Parton.” Dell continued to mumbled nervously as he continued to “look” for something in his pack.
He wasn’t sure of bringing the wedding ring was a good idea, the closer they got the more he was compelled to check and make sure it was still there, and it wasn’t even like he was going to ask until they were well on their way back.
After finishing reciting the rules for what felt like the 100th time in the past ten minutes Dell finally stopped and nodded to himself just as he pasted a sign confirming they were but 5 minutes away.
Seeing this Dell felt his panic welling back up but this time for a different reason. “Pull over somewhere secluded, I want to kiss ya one more time… again.”
Taurie couldn't help the amused smirk that rested on his face as he listened to Dell nervously talk himself through the rules the two of them had came up with. The longer they were in the truck the more restless Dell had become. Taurie couldn't deny his own nerves were making butterflies in his stomach, but being it was his own parents house helped.
"Sounds about right. We're just engineers that so happen to design and build weaponry." He nodded, chuckling as Dell asked him to pull over.
"Again? Ya act like ahm taken ya to death row, Dell." He teased, though Taurie did find a pull off that seemed empty.
He gave Dell a reassuring pat and offered his bottle of water after taking a quick sip. The air was hot and dry just as he'd remembered it.
"Try not to panic. Yer just a buddy that needed a break from work so ah let ya tag along." Taurie smiled, glancing around to confirm they were alone before leaning in to give his boyfriend another 'final' kiss, one of many over the past hour.
Patting Dells cheek he pulled back into the road. Taurie's excitement to see his family after being gone for several years outweighed his apprehension. After another minute or so of driving he nodded to the rolling pastures on the left side of the road.
"Property starts about out here. These fields are used later in the year, after the ones the cows are in now have grazed the grass short. Used to come out to the woods just yonder to explore when ah was little." He said, finger popping up from the steering wheel to point at a thicket of trees.
Looking over he lightly nudged Dell with his elbow, offering him a smile.
"Just breathe pardner. You've been through worse than this."
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askengiecow · 2 days
Listening quietly Taurie was unsure what to make of that answer. If he'd met Dell before his accident, would they have gotten this close? Did it really matter?
He gave a noncommittal grunt hearing Dell didn't want him feeling self conscious around him. His arms tightening around the man's middle and pulling him close. He pressed his lips to the back of Dell's shoulder, sitting quietly in thought.
"It comes and goes. Mean... ah feel better when ah look normal. Feel like it's what ya deserve. But ah don't reckon there's anyone ah'm more comfortable around than you."
Sighing he closed his eyes and rested his head in the grass. Despite laying out in the open naked the sun had him feeling like he was tucked under a warm blanket. So tired yet comfortable...
"Miss spendin' the night with ya... We get back to base yer gonna have to run me out of yer room if ya want to get anythin' done; Gonna spend a whole day just holdin' ya like this."
His hand resumed its petting over Dell's head, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
"Love that shampoo yer usin... Think it really suits ya." He chuckled, kissing the top of Dell's head. "What ya say we take a rest for awhile... Then, if we're both able to walk, we'll see about tryin' to find out what caused mah watch to malfunction. Ah got the feelin' if there's somethin' around here that can tamper with Mann Co. technology the higher ups would want us to root it out."
“Alright, safe word is Spook, no more than two friendly shoulder pats a day and no stories about killing, maiming, arson, or unethical procedures or anything that I couldn’t tell Dolly Parton.” Dell continued to mumbled nervously as he continued to “look” for something in his pack.
He wasn’t sure of bringing the wedding ring was a good idea, the closer they got the more he was compelled to check and make sure it was still there, and it wasn’t even like he was going to ask until they were well on their way back.
After finishing reciting the rules for what felt like the 100th time in the past ten minutes Dell finally stopped and nodded to himself just as he pasted a sign confirming they were but 5 minutes away.
Seeing this Dell felt his panic welling back up but this time for a different reason. “Pull over somewhere secluded, I want to kiss ya one more time… again.”
Taurie couldn't help the amused smirk that rested on his face as he listened to Dell nervously talk himself through the rules the two of them had came up with. The longer they were in the truck the more restless Dell had become. Taurie couldn't deny his own nerves were making butterflies in his stomach, but being it was his own parents house helped.
"Sounds about right. We're just engineers that so happen to design and build weaponry." He nodded, chuckling as Dell asked him to pull over.
"Again? Ya act like ahm taken ya to death row, Dell." He teased, though Taurie did find a pull off that seemed empty.
He gave Dell a reassuring pat and offered his bottle of water after taking a quick sip. The air was hot and dry just as he'd remembered it.
"Try not to panic. Yer just a buddy that needed a break from work so ah let ya tag along." Taurie smiled, glancing around to confirm they were alone before leaning in to give his boyfriend another 'final' kiss, one of many over the past hour.
Patting Dells cheek he pulled back into the road. Taurie's excitement to see his family after being gone for several years outweighed his apprehension. After another minute or so of driving he nodded to the rolling pastures on the left side of the road.
"Property starts about out here. These fields are used later in the year, after the ones the cows are in now have grazed the grass short. Used to come out to the woods just yonder to explore when ah was little." He said, finger popping up from the steering wheel to point at a thicket of trees.
Looking over he lightly nudged Dell with his elbow, offering him a smile.
"Just breathe pardner. You've been through worse than this."
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askengiecow · 2 days
The pinch drew a yelp from Taurie, snapping him back to the moment and snorting at Dell. One hand going to rub his still stinging nipple he clicked his tongue.
"Maybe ah spoke too soon... You can be a naughty thing when ya've a mind to you know that?" He grumbled, the light in his eyes showing he wasn't the least bit upset. If anything he took it as a challenge; wanting to show Dell just how he could turn the man to putty in his hands.
He could feel a third orgasm building in his own core and was determined to hold it off, wanting to come in sync with his lover. This left him snorting and panting hard, sounding like when he carried his heavy load across the battlements, hurrying to get his sentry or dispenser in place before he was struck down by a bullet or bomb.
His concentration is broken as Dell's muscled arms clamp around him, squeezing him to release with a cry (fairly sure his back had been thrown out). Still, there was a small sense of victory as he heard his lover join him, feeling the hot spurt of the Texan's release coating his hand.
"Woah there- careful." Taurie said, catching the exhausted man. He winced as his back twinged and was quick to lower them both to the ground. Reluctantly he pulled from Dell's ass, a regular river of come flowing out onto the ground.
Smiling Taurie nuzzled Dell's shoulder and pulled him close, one hand smoothing over that sensitive, sexy bald head.
"Not too much was ah?" He asked gently, hoping he hadn't gone too far. Hearing the declaration of love he gave the body in his arms a squeeze. After a moment his hand moved to those pecs he was fond off, smoothing the soft hair down, then brushing back up before repeating the motion.
"Ah love you too...Dell?" He finally said after a moment, a question nagging at his mind. He knew if he didn't get it out it would be bothering him. "Would you... still feel that way, if ah... was normal? Mean ya looked kinda disappointed when ah turned mah watch on.."
It was a silly worry, a stupid worry. But after the strong reaction he had drawn from Debbie he was feeling very self conscious, and admittedly, afraid for reasons he couldn't explain.
"Mean... ah might not have this much stamina forever. Ain't as young as ah used to be as it is y'know."
“Alright, safe word is Spook, no more than two friendly shoulder pats a day and no stories about killing, maiming, arson, or unethical procedures or anything that I couldn’t tell Dolly Parton.” Dell continued to mumbled nervously as he continued to “look” for something in his pack.
He wasn’t sure of bringing the wedding ring was a good idea, the closer they got the more he was compelled to check and make sure it was still there, and it wasn’t even like he was going to ask until they were well on their way back.
After finishing reciting the rules for what felt like the 100th time in the past ten minutes Dell finally stopped and nodded to himself just as he pasted a sign confirming they were but 5 minutes away.
Seeing this Dell felt his panic welling back up but this time for a different reason. “Pull over somewhere secluded, I want to kiss ya one more time… again.”
Taurie couldn't help the amused smirk that rested on his face as he listened to Dell nervously talk himself through the rules the two of them had came up with. The longer they were in the truck the more restless Dell had become. Taurie couldn't deny his own nerves were making butterflies in his stomach, but being it was his own parents house helped.
"Sounds about right. We're just engineers that so happen to design and build weaponry." He nodded, chuckling as Dell asked him to pull over.
"Again? Ya act like ahm taken ya to death row, Dell." He teased, though Taurie did find a pull off that seemed empty.
He gave Dell a reassuring pat and offered his bottle of water after taking a quick sip. The air was hot and dry just as he'd remembered it.
"Try not to panic. Yer just a buddy that needed a break from work so ah let ya tag along." Taurie smiled, glancing around to confirm they were alone before leaning in to give his boyfriend another 'final' kiss, one of many over the past hour.
Patting Dells cheek he pulled back into the road. Taurie's excitement to see his family after being gone for several years outweighed his apprehension. After another minute or so of driving he nodded to the rolling pastures on the left side of the road.
"Property starts about out here. These fields are used later in the year, after the ones the cows are in now have grazed the grass short. Used to come out to the woods just yonder to explore when ah was little." He said, finger popping up from the steering wheel to point at a thicket of trees.
Looking over he lightly nudged Dell with his elbow, offering him a smile.
"Just breathe pardner. You've been through worse than this."
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askengiecow · 3 days
"What? No ah didn't!" Taurie frowned, blushing brightly. "That only happened when ah didn't have a lick of sense about me... Ah do NOT eat grass." He huffed, embarrassed Dell thought he'd just start grazing, mouth to the ground like one of the cows back at the dairy. Flowers were one thing...grass was demeaning(and he would not admit tasty).
He couldn't stay pouting for long at the moment in any case.
"Can tell ya are...plenty more where that came from too." Taurie groaned in agreement. He'd really filled his lover, his bovine breeding him long and hard. Pulling back just slightly he could feel his own release leak from that quivering entrance, giving Dell small relief from feeling so full before he pushed back in.
Any other time he'd be wore out, unconscious and snoring next to the Texan. His heat drove him onward, nothing to do but to allow his body to burn it up like an automobile running out of gas, making him coast to a drowsy halt.
"Hey now, ah can't help but plow such a fertile field." He said with a soft smile as Dell pulled him into his arms. The firm holds and gentle expressions attempting to patch up the wounds received by his exes expressions earlier. To the rest of the world he might be a freak, a monster...but not to Dell.
Hit by a sudden wave of emotion his eyes sting, misting as his lover comes in for more kissing. Taurie can feel the others cock prodding into the softness of his belly and he brings a hand between them to encircle the neglected shaft. The sounds his mate made making him low in turn.
"Good boy... What ya say we take care of this for ya?" He mumbled, carefully giving the throbbing length in his palm a soft squeeze. "Ah can probably be persuaded to remove mah gun from its holster after another round... Least for a little bit. Let us both rest out here in the sun."
Spooning Dell while they lay naked and warmed by the sun sounded like heaven on earth. He wanted to enjoy this little slice of paradise before returning to the reality that faced him when they left. He wasn't entirely sure nothing would be waiting for them; Debbie surely wouldn't phone his mother and try to convince her of what happened... Surely...
Shaking those worries from his head he focused on pleasuring his lover, pressing the pad of his thumb into the leaking head while their tongues continued to sample one another.
"You gonna be a good fella n'come fer me?" Taurie drawled. "Can tell yer close..."
“Alright, safe word is Spook, no more than two friendly shoulder pats a day and no stories about killing, maiming, arson, or unethical procedures or anything that I couldn’t tell Dolly Parton.” Dell continued to mumbled nervously as he continued to “look” for something in his pack.
He wasn’t sure of bringing the wedding ring was a good idea, the closer they got the more he was compelled to check and make sure it was still there, and it wasn’t even like he was going to ask until they were well on their way back.
After finishing reciting the rules for what felt like the 100th time in the past ten minutes Dell finally stopped and nodded to himself just as he pasted a sign confirming they were but 5 minutes away.
Seeing this Dell felt his panic welling back up but this time for a different reason. “Pull over somewhere secluded, I want to kiss ya one more time… again.”
Taurie couldn't help the amused smirk that rested on his face as he listened to Dell nervously talk himself through the rules the two of them had came up with. The longer they were in the truck the more restless Dell had become. Taurie couldn't deny his own nerves were making butterflies in his stomach, but being it was his own parents house helped.
"Sounds about right. We're just engineers that so happen to design and build weaponry." He nodded, chuckling as Dell asked him to pull over.
"Again? Ya act like ahm taken ya to death row, Dell." He teased, though Taurie did find a pull off that seemed empty.
He gave Dell a reassuring pat and offered his bottle of water after taking a quick sip. The air was hot and dry just as he'd remembered it.
"Try not to panic. Yer just a buddy that needed a break from work so ah let ya tag along." Taurie smiled, glancing around to confirm they were alone before leaning in to give his boyfriend another 'final' kiss, one of many over the past hour.
Patting Dells cheek he pulled back into the road. Taurie's excitement to see his family after being gone for several years outweighed his apprehension. After another minute or so of driving he nodded to the rolling pastures on the left side of the road.
"Property starts about out here. These fields are used later in the year, after the ones the cows are in now have grazed the grass short. Used to come out to the woods just yonder to explore when ah was little." He said, finger popping up from the steering wheel to point at a thicket of trees.
Looking over he lightly nudged Dell with his elbow, offering him a smile.
"Just breathe pardner. You've been through worse than this."
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askengiecow · 4 days
Expecting Dell to be angry Taurie looked like a puppy that knew it was about to get scolded. When instead Dell smiled he couldn't help but smile back, his tail wagging happily behind him.
Closing his eyes as dirt pattered down from where Dell worked the plant off his horns he snorted in amusement.
"Don't like the taste of dirt? Didn't have you out eatin' enough grass when ya messed with respawn." He teased, shaking his head as it was freed. "Sorry about that. Didn't mean to get us stuck fornicatin' in the foliage. Just a sec..."
A few taps of his watch and his bovine features faded away. Shyly he reached up to wipe dirt off Dell's face, the pad of his thumb rubbing just under an eye.
"Hope ya know a lil dirt just adds to yer charm. But ah'll take care of ya... Think ah let loose again when ah was pullin that thing out."
The tightening of his muscles from flexing while still rooted to his partner had caused a less intense orgasm to trigger. After the many he'd had during the day it had barely been noticeable, save his balls didn't feel quite so tight and he was able to think clearer.
Leaning Dell back he tucked his arm under the man's head to offer as a pillow.
"Ah can say there ain't never a dull moment with ya. You just let yer bull clean ya up, aight? Get ya freshened up from the inside out."
Carefully he pressed their lips together, his tongue slipping past Dell's teeth, allowing his mate to taste and tussle with the warm muscle. Taurie could just taste the lingering flavor of some of the leaves that had accidentally gotten into the Engineers mouth, finding he rather liked the taste. Like icing on an already delicious cake.
Humming in appreciation he withdrew his own tongue, coaxing Dell's to follow and sucking ever so gently on it. When he spoke he just barely broke contact, their lips still lightly touching.
"Tastes better?"
“Alright, safe word is Spook, no more than two friendly shoulder pats a day and no stories about killing, maiming, arson, or unethical procedures or anything that I couldn’t tell Dolly Parton.” Dell continued to mumbled nervously as he continued to “look” for something in his pack.
He wasn’t sure of bringing the wedding ring was a good idea, the closer they got the more he was compelled to check and make sure it was still there, and it wasn’t even like he was going to ask until they were well on their way back.
After finishing reciting the rules for what felt like the 100th time in the past ten minutes Dell finally stopped and nodded to himself just as he pasted a sign confirming they were but 5 minutes away.
Seeing this Dell felt his panic welling back up but this time for a different reason. “Pull over somewhere secluded, I want to kiss ya one more time… again.”
Taurie couldn't help the amused smirk that rested on his face as he listened to Dell nervously talk himself through the rules the two of them had came up with. The longer they were in the truck the more restless Dell had become. Taurie couldn't deny his own nerves were making butterflies in his stomach, but being it was his own parents house helped.
"Sounds about right. We're just engineers that so happen to design and build weaponry." He nodded, chuckling as Dell asked him to pull over.
"Again? Ya act like ahm taken ya to death row, Dell." He teased, though Taurie did find a pull off that seemed empty.
He gave Dell a reassuring pat and offered his bottle of water after taking a quick sip. The air was hot and dry just as he'd remembered it.
"Try not to panic. Yer just a buddy that needed a break from work so ah let ya tag along." Taurie smiled, glancing around to confirm they were alone before leaning in to give his boyfriend another 'final' kiss, one of many over the past hour.
Patting Dells cheek he pulled back into the road. Taurie's excitement to see his family after being gone for several years outweighed his apprehension. After another minute or so of driving he nodded to the rolling pastures on the left side of the road.
"Property starts about out here. These fields are used later in the year, after the ones the cows are in now have grazed the grass short. Used to come out to the woods just yonder to explore when ah was little." He said, finger popping up from the steering wheel to point at a thicket of trees.
Looking over he lightly nudged Dell with his elbow, offering him a smile.
"Just breathe pardner. You've been through worse than this."
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askengiecow · 4 days
"Alright alright... ain't like ah've shoved yer head in a fire or nothin..." Taurie grumbled, his ass clenching at the thought of anything being roughly inserted into his hind end, much less a stiff, scratchy stick wielded by an angry Engineer.
"Ok ok... ah can do this... just.. gotta scoot backwards is all." Taurie mumbled to himself, getting his arms under Dell's hips and managing to tug. To his confusion Dell didn't budge. He gave a few more tugs and grunted in confusion, not realizing a branch was catching under the Texan's chin each time he was pulled and preventing him from coming out.
"Well shit...Just uh...just a sec Sugar. Ah'll get ya out!" Taurie said, giving a nervous chuckle and blushing as his hips jolted Dell back into the plant. "Sorry, here;" he tried to a different angle, giving a frustrated groan. "Ah can't think straight! This ain't fair..."
Should Dell give another threat Taurie would gulp, sagging in frustration. It was just a damn bush! Maybe he could...oh...
Getting an idea he clicked his watch off, shoving his head back into the leaves and giving Dell a nervous smile.
"Here, let me just.." He hummed, shoving his horns close to the bushes trunk. With a grunt he flexed the muscles of his neck, ripping the bush out of the ground. Soil and leaves rained down on the two, but Dell was free.
Looking down with the plant attached to his head Taurie bit his lip.
"Heh... well... Got ya out, didn't ah?"
“Alright, safe word is Spook, no more than two friendly shoulder pats a day and no stories about killing, maiming, arson, or unethical procedures or anything that I couldn’t tell Dolly Parton.” Dell continued to mumbled nervously as he continued to “look” for something in his pack.
He wasn’t sure of bringing the wedding ring was a good idea, the closer they got the more he was compelled to check and make sure it was still there, and it wasn’t even like he was going to ask until they were well on their way back.
After finishing reciting the rules for what felt like the 100th time in the past ten minutes Dell finally stopped and nodded to himself just as he pasted a sign confirming they were but 5 minutes away.
Seeing this Dell felt his panic welling back up but this time for a different reason. “Pull over somewhere secluded, I want to kiss ya one more time… again.”
Taurie couldn't help the amused smirk that rested on his face as he listened to Dell nervously talk himself through the rules the two of them had came up with. The longer they were in the truck the more restless Dell had become. Taurie couldn't deny his own nerves were making butterflies in his stomach, but being it was his own parents house helped.
"Sounds about right. We're just engineers that so happen to design and build weaponry." He nodded, chuckling as Dell asked him to pull over.
"Again? Ya act like ahm taken ya to death row, Dell." He teased, though Taurie did find a pull off that seemed empty.
He gave Dell a reassuring pat and offered his bottle of water after taking a quick sip. The air was hot and dry just as he'd remembered it.
"Try not to panic. Yer just a buddy that needed a break from work so ah let ya tag along." Taurie smiled, glancing around to confirm they were alone before leaning in to give his boyfriend another 'final' kiss, one of many over the past hour.
Patting Dells cheek he pulled back into the road. Taurie's excitement to see his family after being gone for several years outweighed his apprehension. After another minute or so of driving he nodded to the rolling pastures on the left side of the road.
"Property starts about out here. These fields are used later in the year, after the ones the cows are in now have grazed the grass short. Used to come out to the woods just yonder to explore when ah was little." He said, finger popping up from the steering wheel to point at a thicket of trees.
Looking over he lightly nudged Dell with his elbow, offering him a smile.
"Just breathe pardner. You've been through worse than this."
330 notes · View notes
askengiecow · 4 days
"S'what ah'm doin..." Taurie groaned in response to Dell's shout. He didn't currently feel the nails raking over his back, or how tight his middle was being squeezed by Dell's thighs. The fire stoked between the two of them was all encompassing. No matter what happened later, what consequences of his secret getting out brought on, they had this moment together.
As Dell groaned and let out soft grunts and moans of increasing intensity Taurie captured his lips, silencing his cries with a kiss. It didn't last long, turning his head to let his tongue lick along Dell's cheek. It wasn't until the next thrust suddenly had his lover's head shoved into a bush that Taurie realized they had somehow scooted to the edge of the tree line. Looking over his shoulder at the grass pressed down in their wake. Dell was bound to have some in his ass.
"Woops... s'sorry... You ok in there?" He asked, "Ah-ah don't know if this r-ride has a reverse, Sugar." He stammered, trying to stop his rutting to pull his lover's head from the foliage. He felt like when one pressed the gas pedal on a car in park, revving but going nowhere.
"Aw hell..." He grumbled, giving up and shoving his own head in after, his face framed by leaves as he offered Dell an apologetic smile.
"H-hold on..Think you can stop squeezin' so dang tight?" He whined, "Makes it hard to think..."
Out of breath he rested his head between Dell's pecs, a branch pressing against his cheek.
"You sure that shampoo stretched ya any? Feel like yer tighter than the lug nuts on Soldier's truck tires."
“Alright, safe word is Spook, no more than two friendly shoulder pats a day and no stories about killing, maiming, arson, or unethical procedures or anything that I couldn’t tell Dolly Parton.” Dell continued to mumbled nervously as he continued to “look” for something in his pack.
He wasn’t sure of bringing the wedding ring was a good idea, the closer they got the more he was compelled to check and make sure it was still there, and it wasn’t even like he was going to ask until they were well on their way back.
After finishing reciting the rules for what felt like the 100th time in the past ten minutes Dell finally stopped and nodded to himself just as he pasted a sign confirming they were but 5 minutes away.
Seeing this Dell felt his panic welling back up but this time for a different reason. “Pull over somewhere secluded, I want to kiss ya one more time… again.”
Taurie couldn't help the amused smirk that rested on his face as he listened to Dell nervously talk himself through the rules the two of them had came up with. The longer they were in the truck the more restless Dell had become. Taurie couldn't deny his own nerves were making butterflies in his stomach, but being it was his own parents house helped.
"Sounds about right. We're just engineers that so happen to design and build weaponry." He nodded, chuckling as Dell asked him to pull over.
"Again? Ya act like ahm taken ya to death row, Dell." He teased, though Taurie did find a pull off that seemed empty.
He gave Dell a reassuring pat and offered his bottle of water after taking a quick sip. The air was hot and dry just as he'd remembered it.
"Try not to panic. Yer just a buddy that needed a break from work so ah let ya tag along." Taurie smiled, glancing around to confirm they were alone before leaning in to give his boyfriend another 'final' kiss, one of many over the past hour.
Patting Dells cheek he pulled back into the road. Taurie's excitement to see his family after being gone for several years outweighed his apprehension. After another minute or so of driving he nodded to the rolling pastures on the left side of the road.
"Property starts about out here. These fields are used later in the year, after the ones the cows are in now have grazed the grass short. Used to come out to the woods just yonder to explore when ah was little." He said, finger popping up from the steering wheel to point at a thicket of trees.
Looking over he lightly nudged Dell with his elbow, offering him a smile.
"Just breathe pardner. You've been through worse than this."
330 notes · View notes
askengiecow · 4 days
"A shampoo bottle? Didn't...didn't that hurt?" Taurie asked, picturing a normal sized bottle of the stuff. How open did Dell think he needed to be? How did that even fit? "Didn't even know ya had the stuff.."
Oh God...he didn't shove his Ma's honeysuckle and lilac scented bottle up there, did he?
His curiosity and worry was replaced by pure lust as he watched Dell undress, an approving rumble vibrating from his chest and a soft chuckle as he saw the string.
"Think of everythin don't ya." He said with a smile, lowering himself to the ground. Taurie watched mesmerized as Dell worked the bottle out(relieved it was much smaller than he thought), somehow minding himself until Dell gave the go ahead.
A racehorse had never bolted from the gates as fast as Taurie dove on the man. He wrapped Dell in his arms, rutting so frantically he was missing the Texans well prepped opening. When he finally lined up he entered in one thrust, sheathing himself like one of Demos swords and letting out a cry at the sensation. His movements so vigorous Dell was getting pushed across the grass.
He tried to ask Dell if he was alright, knowing he was being rough. All that came out was a needy low though, the feeling of his mate wrapped around him clouding his mind. When the words did come they were nearly growled out, his mouth close to Dell's ear, teeth grinding as he continued to lose himself.
"Mine...mine... Understand?" He panted. Their bellies and chests flush against one another as Taurie stiffened, pulling Dell close and shuddering through an orgasm, one of many he'd had that day. There was little respite or sign the man had climaxed as his hips continued to work, deep strokes driving him in far as possible. But his mind did seem to clear momentarily.
"Alright?" He asked between breaths, "Not gonna try n' run off on me, are ya?" He grinned. "Earlier ah pictured you trottin around just outta mah reach...bein a tease."
“Alright, safe word is Spook, no more than two friendly shoulder pats a day and no stories about killing, maiming, arson, or unethical procedures or anything that I couldn’t tell Dolly Parton.” Dell continued to mumbled nervously as he continued to “look” for something in his pack.
He wasn’t sure of bringing the wedding ring was a good idea, the closer they got the more he was compelled to check and make sure it was still there, and it wasn’t even like he was going to ask until they were well on their way back.
After finishing reciting the rules for what felt like the 100th time in the past ten minutes Dell finally stopped and nodded to himself just as he pasted a sign confirming they were but 5 minutes away.
Seeing this Dell felt his panic welling back up but this time for a different reason. “Pull over somewhere secluded, I want to kiss ya one more time… again.”
Taurie couldn't help the amused smirk that rested on his face as he listened to Dell nervously talk himself through the rules the two of them had came up with. The longer they were in the truck the more restless Dell had become. Taurie couldn't deny his own nerves were making butterflies in his stomach, but being it was his own parents house helped.
"Sounds about right. We're just engineers that so happen to design and build weaponry." He nodded, chuckling as Dell asked him to pull over.
"Again? Ya act like ahm taken ya to death row, Dell." He teased, though Taurie did find a pull off that seemed empty.
He gave Dell a reassuring pat and offered his bottle of water after taking a quick sip. The air was hot and dry just as he'd remembered it.
"Try not to panic. Yer just a buddy that needed a break from work so ah let ya tag along." Taurie smiled, glancing around to confirm they were alone before leaning in to give his boyfriend another 'final' kiss, one of many over the past hour.
Patting Dells cheek he pulled back into the road. Taurie's excitement to see his family after being gone for several years outweighed his apprehension. After another minute or so of driving he nodded to the rolling pastures on the left side of the road.
"Property starts about out here. These fields are used later in the year, after the ones the cows are in now have grazed the grass short. Used to come out to the woods just yonder to explore when ah was little." He said, finger popping up from the steering wheel to point at a thicket of trees.
Looking over he lightly nudged Dell with his elbow, offering him a smile.
"Just breathe pardner. You've been through worse than this."
330 notes · View notes
askengiecow · 5 days
Taurie was more out of it than Dell realized, he was just currently in a giddy mood. After being in his room with nothing but his hand and imagination he was feeling like a man about to die of thirst being offered a drink.
As Dell explained just how he had prepped himself Taurie's grin widened and he leaned in to low teasingly into Dell's neck before the words finally registered and he paused.
"Somethin? Like what kinda somethin' we talkin' about?" He asked. "Ya didn't drive over here sittin' on that red handled hammer ah like did ya?"
Shrugging he cupped Dell's chin in one hand, making him look back at him.
"Oh well. Ah'm sure we'll be glad ya did some renovatin'.... Gonna need lots of space for everythin' ah plan on deliverin into the loadin' bay." He drawled, tugging his shirt off and letting it drop messily to the earth, his boots and jeans soon to follow.
When lastly his boxers were kicked off Dell would see just how pent up his lover was. His length visibly throbbing, the stud ready to claim his mate.
"You just say the word... Once ah start ah...ah don't know if ah'll be able to settle down for awhile." He admitted. "Don't let me hurt ya, 'aight?"
“Alright, safe word is Spook, no more than two friendly shoulder pats a day and no stories about killing, maiming, arson, or unethical procedures or anything that I couldn’t tell Dolly Parton.” Dell continued to mumbled nervously as he continued to “look” for something in his pack.
He wasn’t sure of bringing the wedding ring was a good idea, the closer they got the more he was compelled to check and make sure it was still there, and it wasn’t even like he was going to ask until they were well on their way back.
After finishing reciting the rules for what felt like the 100th time in the past ten minutes Dell finally stopped and nodded to himself just as he pasted a sign confirming they were but 5 minutes away.
Seeing this Dell felt his panic welling back up but this time for a different reason. “Pull over somewhere secluded, I want to kiss ya one more time… again.”
Taurie couldn't help the amused smirk that rested on his face as he listened to Dell nervously talk himself through the rules the two of them had came up with. The longer they were in the truck the more restless Dell had become. Taurie couldn't deny his own nerves were making butterflies in his stomach, but being it was his own parents house helped.
"Sounds about right. We're just engineers that so happen to design and build weaponry." He nodded, chuckling as Dell asked him to pull over.
"Again? Ya act like ahm taken ya to death row, Dell." He teased, though Taurie did find a pull off that seemed empty.
He gave Dell a reassuring pat and offered his bottle of water after taking a quick sip. The air was hot and dry just as he'd remembered it.
"Try not to panic. Yer just a buddy that needed a break from work so ah let ya tag along." Taurie smiled, glancing around to confirm they were alone before leaning in to give his boyfriend another 'final' kiss, one of many over the past hour.
Patting Dells cheek he pulled back into the road. Taurie's excitement to see his family after being gone for several years outweighed his apprehension. After another minute or so of driving he nodded to the rolling pastures on the left side of the road.
"Property starts about out here. These fields are used later in the year, after the ones the cows are in now have grazed the grass short. Used to come out to the woods just yonder to explore when ah was little." He said, finger popping up from the steering wheel to point at a thicket of trees.
Looking over he lightly nudged Dell with his elbow, offering him a smile.
"Just breathe pardner. You've been through worse than this."
330 notes · View notes
askengiecow · 5 days
Dell would hear Taurie giggling behind him, the vibrating machine a pleasant surprise. He wrapped his arms tightly around Dell's middle, giving the slight pudge a loving squeeze and pressed his cheek between the other's shoulders.
He laughed as the bike took off, for a moment not caring if anyone saw them leaving together. Dell was his, nothing would change that.
As the wind whipped around the two Taurie couldn't help but rut against the body in front of him, panting over Dell's back. Thankfully they only passed a single car on the road, its occupant having a look of confusion on their face as they watched the man in the back seemingly try to pry the driver from his seat.(Taurie getting grabby enough he did lift Dell's hips a time or two).
Oh well... it was none of their business.
Eventually the bike slowed, coasting down a small lane, overgrown and rarely used saved for farm machinery passing by. With the motor quieted down as they rolled slowly along, Taurie rested his chin over Dell's shoulder, eyes bright with anticipation. A mischievous smirk on his face as they stopped and slid off the bike.
"On the count of three." He teased, "One...two...-" He playfully pounced on Dell, wrapping him tightly in his arms. "Just kiddin...here..." He chuckled, helping Dell remove his helmet and goggles.
"My little buttercup, with yer eyes so bluuuee." He sang, starting to giggle and unable to continue the song. "Feelin' better already... what ya say we forget about everything for a little while?"
“Alright, safe word is Spook, no more than two friendly shoulder pats a day and no stories about killing, maiming, arson, or unethical procedures or anything that I couldn’t tell Dolly Parton.” Dell continued to mumbled nervously as he continued to “look” for something in his pack.
He wasn’t sure of bringing the wedding ring was a good idea, the closer they got the more he was compelled to check and make sure it was still there, and it wasn’t even like he was going to ask until they were well on their way back.
After finishing reciting the rules for what felt like the 100th time in the past ten minutes Dell finally stopped and nodded to himself just as he pasted a sign confirming they were but 5 minutes away.
Seeing this Dell felt his panic welling back up but this time for a different reason. “Pull over somewhere secluded, I want to kiss ya one more time… again.”
Taurie couldn't help the amused smirk that rested on his face as he listened to Dell nervously talk himself through the rules the two of them had came up with. The longer they were in the truck the more restless Dell had become. Taurie couldn't deny his own nerves were making butterflies in his stomach, but being it was his own parents house helped.
"Sounds about right. We're just engineers that so happen to design and build weaponry." He nodded, chuckling as Dell asked him to pull over.
"Again? Ya act like ahm taken ya to death row, Dell." He teased, though Taurie did find a pull off that seemed empty.
He gave Dell a reassuring pat and offered his bottle of water after taking a quick sip. The air was hot and dry just as he'd remembered it.
"Try not to panic. Yer just a buddy that needed a break from work so ah let ya tag along." Taurie smiled, glancing around to confirm they were alone before leaning in to give his boyfriend another 'final' kiss, one of many over the past hour.
Patting Dells cheek he pulled back into the road. Taurie's excitement to see his family after being gone for several years outweighed his apprehension. After another minute or so of driving he nodded to the rolling pastures on the left side of the road.
"Property starts about out here. These fields are used later in the year, after the ones the cows are in now have grazed the grass short. Used to come out to the woods just yonder to explore when ah was little." He said, finger popping up from the steering wheel to point at a thicket of trees.
Looking over he lightly nudged Dell with his elbow, offering him a smile.
"Just breathe pardner. You've been through worse than this."
330 notes · View notes
askengiecow · 5 days
Whining as he was pried loose Taurie turned to go back to his room, pausing and looking over his shoulder.
"You know how to drive a motorcycle? Mark's got one in the garage..." He suggested. The smaller vehicle would be more discrete leaving than the truck.
And he could hold Dell in his arms the entire ride.
Back in his room Taurie stared at the disheveled sheets as he was reminded of what has just happened. Turning his watch off he grimaced as his udders came in to view. Debbie's look of horror flashing through his mind. It wasn't just her revulsion that bothered him...she had acted like he was some sort of wild animal ready to kill her.
She wouldn't tell anyone, would she?
"Damn thing..." He growled, angrily pushing the cups on his teats. His frustration with his body ebbed as he thought of Dell, how Dell looked at him. Those icy blues never repulsed by his form, never taking his humanity away.
He pictured staring into those eyes as he was drained.
Once...moderately put together he waited outside of Dell's door. Occasionally a quiet low snuck out, calling his mate to him. It took a good deal of effort to not grab him then and there when the Texan finally emerged.
"Ah'd ask if yer ready, but ah swear if ya say no ahm gonna have to put mah head through the wall." He chuckled, only half joking. It was a good thing they were alone in the house as it became very clear Taurie's willpower was running thin. As they walked a hand would try to sneak up the back of Dell's shirt, or he'd follow so close behind the cowman would knock into him when he stopped, his erection pressing into one ass cheek.
"Seems clear... Guess everyone's still busy." He hummed as they neared the garage. Mark's bike was parked along the wall, shined and pristine. A helmet sat on the seat and Taurie smirked thinking his hard skull would be fine.
"Make sure ya take us far enough.... Ah got the feelin things are gonna, heh, get noisy." He said bashfully.
“Alright, safe word is Spook, no more than two friendly shoulder pats a day and no stories about killing, maiming, arson, or unethical procedures or anything that I couldn’t tell Dolly Parton.” Dell continued to mumbled nervously as he continued to “look” for something in his pack.
He wasn’t sure of bringing the wedding ring was a good idea, the closer they got the more he was compelled to check and make sure it was still there, and it wasn’t even like he was going to ask until they were well on their way back.
After finishing reciting the rules for what felt like the 100th time in the past ten minutes Dell finally stopped and nodded to himself just as he pasted a sign confirming they were but 5 minutes away.
Seeing this Dell felt his panic welling back up but this time for a different reason. “Pull over somewhere secluded, I want to kiss ya one more time… again.”
Taurie couldn't help the amused smirk that rested on his face as he listened to Dell nervously talk himself through the rules the two of them had came up with. The longer they were in the truck the more restless Dell had become. Taurie couldn't deny his own nerves were making butterflies in his stomach, but being it was his own parents house helped.
"Sounds about right. We're just engineers that so happen to design and build weaponry." He nodded, chuckling as Dell asked him to pull over.
"Again? Ya act like ahm taken ya to death row, Dell." He teased, though Taurie did find a pull off that seemed empty.
He gave Dell a reassuring pat and offered his bottle of water after taking a quick sip. The air was hot and dry just as he'd remembered it.
"Try not to panic. Yer just a buddy that needed a break from work so ah let ya tag along." Taurie smiled, glancing around to confirm they were alone before leaning in to give his boyfriend another 'final' kiss, one of many over the past hour.
Patting Dells cheek he pulled back into the road. Taurie's excitement to see his family after being gone for several years outweighed his apprehension. After another minute or so of driving he nodded to the rolling pastures on the left side of the road.
"Property starts about out here. These fields are used later in the year, after the ones the cows are in now have grazed the grass short. Used to come out to the woods just yonder to explore when ah was little." He said, finger popping up from the steering wheel to point at a thicket of trees.
Looking over he lightly nudged Dell with his elbow, offering him a smile.
"Just breathe pardner. You've been through worse than this."
330 notes · View notes
askengiecow · 5 days
"Yeah..." Taurie nodded, remembering how the woman had grabbed his arm when Dell had proudly opened the door in nothing but a Speedo. "Sure looked mighty handsome to me."
Lifting Dells flesh hand he kissed his knuckles, holding them to his lips as he listened. Going tonight would certainly give the two a chance to look around with fewer witnesses, should his watch malfunction again. Would be nice to get his mind off things as well. It wasn't a battle, but having a mission of sorts to focus on was better than sitting around worrying.
As Dell offered to assist in his heat his eyebrows shot up, breath puffing hot from his nose to the back of Dell's hand.
"Well...it ain't a bad theory ah reckon. Just, um...You sure? Ya are aware ahm in a toppin' mood, right?" He asked, lowering his voice. "Mean we ain't got our dispensers... Oh, darlin...ah want ya somethin' fierce. Ah wanna help ya feel better. Ah don't wanna rip yer back door off it's hinges though."
He knew once presented with Dell's dump truck of an ass he wouldn't be the most gentle lover, much as he'd try. Hell, Medic had had to prep them when the two were so far gone they were practically mating in the base's hallway.
The mental image of Doc's fingers stretching his ass helped keep him in check; it was...a very erotic memory otherwise.
"Long as yer sure. Somethin wrong?" He asked. Taurie could tell Dell was working some sort of problem out in his head. He probably should be working out the best way for them to sneak off too, but all he could think of was chasing Dell through the woods. Really pouncing on his short little heifer this time, grabbing handfuls of those plump cheeks.
He raised a hand to fan himself.
"If we're goin let's not wait long...everythins feelin all tight n'pent up." He whined, his balls starting to ache.
“Alright, safe word is Spook, no more than two friendly shoulder pats a day and no stories about killing, maiming, arson, or unethical procedures or anything that I couldn’t tell Dolly Parton.” Dell continued to mumbled nervously as he continued to “look” for something in his pack.
He wasn’t sure of bringing the wedding ring was a good idea, the closer they got the more he was compelled to check and make sure it was still there, and it wasn’t even like he was going to ask until they were well on their way back.
After finishing reciting the rules for what felt like the 100th time in the past ten minutes Dell finally stopped and nodded to himself just as he pasted a sign confirming they were but 5 minutes away.
Seeing this Dell felt his panic welling back up but this time for a different reason. “Pull over somewhere secluded, I want to kiss ya one more time… again.”
Taurie couldn't help the amused smirk that rested on his face as he listened to Dell nervously talk himself through the rules the two of them had came up with. The longer they were in the truck the more restless Dell had become. Taurie couldn't deny his own nerves were making butterflies in his stomach, but being it was his own parents house helped.
"Sounds about right. We're just engineers that so happen to design and build weaponry." He nodded, chuckling as Dell asked him to pull over.
"Again? Ya act like ahm taken ya to death row, Dell." He teased, though Taurie did find a pull off that seemed empty.
He gave Dell a reassuring pat and offered his bottle of water after taking a quick sip. The air was hot and dry just as he'd remembered it.
"Try not to panic. Yer just a buddy that needed a break from work so ah let ya tag along." Taurie smiled, glancing around to confirm they were alone before leaning in to give his boyfriend another 'final' kiss, one of many over the past hour.
Patting Dells cheek he pulled back into the road. Taurie's excitement to see his family after being gone for several years outweighed his apprehension. After another minute or so of driving he nodded to the rolling pastures on the left side of the road.
"Property starts about out here. These fields are used later in the year, after the ones the cows are in now have grazed the grass short. Used to come out to the woods just yonder to explore when ah was little." He said, finger popping up from the steering wheel to point at a thicket of trees.
Looking over he lightly nudged Dell with his elbow, offering him a smile.
"Just breathe pardner. You've been through worse than this."
330 notes · View notes
askengiecow · 5 days
The shy request for reassurance made Taurie smile and nod his head eagerly.
"Oh hon....ain't no comparison. Ah might go after anyone with a pulse in heat; but yer the only one ah want all the time."
He grinned as he was pulled into those wonderfully deadly arms. His hips gently rutting as he peppered soft kisses over his man's face. He worked along his jaw, pausing just beside Dells ear.
"If you only knew what ah've been doin to ya in mah head all day today..." He breathed.
Sadly he couldn't keep fussing over the other, faced with the reality of what had just transpired. Taurie's shoulders drooped slightly at the question and he gave a half hearted shrug.
"Mean...It went about like ah always imagined if anyone saw me. She looked at me like ah was the worst thing she ever laid eyes on. How'd you feel?" Taurie mumbled. "Ah threatened her pretty good...don't think she'll talk. N'ah don't wanna cut seein mah family short unless ah really gotta, y'know?"
Carefully he slid over onto the bed, sitting next to Dell, the two engineers leaning on one another.
"Sides...long as mah watch works who'd believe her? Reminds me...wish ah knew what made it malfunction the other day... "
“Alright, safe word is Spook, no more than two friendly shoulder pats a day and no stories about killing, maiming, arson, or unethical procedures or anything that I couldn’t tell Dolly Parton.” Dell continued to mumbled nervously as he continued to “look” for something in his pack.
He wasn’t sure of bringing the wedding ring was a good idea, the closer they got the more he was compelled to check and make sure it was still there, and it wasn’t even like he was going to ask until they were well on their way back.
After finishing reciting the rules for what felt like the 100th time in the past ten minutes Dell finally stopped and nodded to himself just as he pasted a sign confirming they were but 5 minutes away.
Seeing this Dell felt his panic welling back up but this time for a different reason. “Pull over somewhere secluded, I want to kiss ya one more time… again.”
Taurie couldn't help the amused smirk that rested on his face as he listened to Dell nervously talk himself through the rules the two of them had came up with. The longer they were in the truck the more restless Dell had become. Taurie couldn't deny his own nerves were making butterflies in his stomach, but being it was his own parents house helped.
"Sounds about right. We're just engineers that so happen to design and build weaponry." He nodded, chuckling as Dell asked him to pull over.
"Again? Ya act like ahm taken ya to death row, Dell." He teased, though Taurie did find a pull off that seemed empty.
He gave Dell a reassuring pat and offered his bottle of water after taking a quick sip. The air was hot and dry just as he'd remembered it.
"Try not to panic. Yer just a buddy that needed a break from work so ah let ya tag along." Taurie smiled, glancing around to confirm they were alone before leaning in to give his boyfriend another 'final' kiss, one of many over the past hour.
Patting Dells cheek he pulled back into the road. Taurie's excitement to see his family after being gone for several years outweighed his apprehension. After another minute or so of driving he nodded to the rolling pastures on the left side of the road.
"Property starts about out here. These fields are used later in the year, after the ones the cows are in now have grazed the grass short. Used to come out to the woods just yonder to explore when ah was little." He said, finger popping up from the steering wheel to point at a thicket of trees.
Looking over he lightly nudged Dell with his elbow, offering him a smile.
"Just breathe pardner. You've been through worse than this."
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askengiecow · 5 days
"Ya think ah wanted her to see me like that?" Taurie scoffed, "Course not. Ah didn't know mah watch had gotten loose. Not until she started lookin' at me like ah was some sort of....monster."
He couldn't deny, that had hurt.
The next question gave him pause. He wanted to assure Dell that no, nothing would have happened... It didn't feel right to lie though, to either of them.
"Ah can't say ah wouldn't of taken the chance. But not because ah want her; when ah'm in heat its just... very hard, y'know." He admitted, his turn to look down in shame. His tented boxers reminding him just how hard the situation could be.
"Ah didn't know she was comin', ah was tryin' to get her to leave. Get her out before... that part of me took over."
Shuffling on the floor he swiveled around to the direction Dell had turned, trying to meet his eyes.
“Alright, safe word is Spook, no more than two friendly shoulder pats a day and no stories about killing, maiming, arson, or unethical procedures or anything that I couldn’t tell Dolly Parton.” Dell continued to mumbled nervously as he continued to “look” for something in his pack.
He wasn’t sure of bringing the wedding ring was a good idea, the closer they got the more he was compelled to check and make sure it was still there, and it wasn’t even like he was going to ask until they were well on their way back.
After finishing reciting the rules for what felt like the 100th time in the past ten minutes Dell finally stopped and nodded to himself just as he pasted a sign confirming they were but 5 minutes away.
Seeing this Dell felt his panic welling back up but this time for a different reason. “Pull over somewhere secluded, I want to kiss ya one more time… again.”
Taurie couldn't help the amused smirk that rested on his face as he listened to Dell nervously talk himself through the rules the two of them had came up with. The longer they were in the truck the more restless Dell had become. Taurie couldn't deny his own nerves were making butterflies in his stomach, but being it was his own parents house helped.
"Sounds about right. We're just engineers that so happen to design and build weaponry." He nodded, chuckling as Dell asked him to pull over.
"Again? Ya act like ahm taken ya to death row, Dell." He teased, though Taurie did find a pull off that seemed empty.
He gave Dell a reassuring pat and offered his bottle of water after taking a quick sip. The air was hot and dry just as he'd remembered it.
"Try not to panic. Yer just a buddy that needed a break from work so ah let ya tag along." Taurie smiled, glancing around to confirm they were alone before leaning in to give his boyfriend another 'final' kiss, one of many over the past hour.
Patting Dells cheek he pulled back into the road. Taurie's excitement to see his family after being gone for several years outweighed his apprehension. After another minute or so of driving he nodded to the rolling pastures on the left side of the road.
"Property starts about out here. These fields are used later in the year, after the ones the cows are in now have grazed the grass short. Used to come out to the woods just yonder to explore when ah was little." He said, finger popping up from the steering wheel to point at a thicket of trees.
Looking over he lightly nudged Dell with his elbow, offering him a smile.
"Just breathe pardner. You've been through worse than this."
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askengiecow · 5 days
He had nearly given up, thinking Dell was going to refuse to see him. Turning to leave he paused when he heard the Texan's voice. Carefully Taurie opened the door, muscles tensing as Dell's scent filled his nostrils. He had to keep it together.
Moving over he stopped in front of him, unsure just what to say. He had seen Dell maim and kill plenty of times. Had watched as he pounded a spy's skull so hard it was unrecognizable. None of those actions had bothered him, but seeing him angrily throw Debbie hard enough into the wall to knock her out....
He breathed a long sigh through his nose, sensing his lover was going to stubbornly continue to stare at the floor.
"Ya break someone's neck ya might as well do it when we're gettin' paid." He said, kneeling down. It hurt his heart to see Dell's mouth in such a tight thin line, so upset with him. "Dell... what do ya think was goin' on? Ah thought ya trusted me more than that..." He said softly.
Not that he could blame him exactly... he HAD been caught half naked in bed with the woman after all.
"Hey, look at me, okay?" He coaxed, taking a chance and reaching out to touch Dell's knee. "It ain't what it looked like Dell..."
“Alright, safe word is Spook, no more than two friendly shoulder pats a day and no stories about killing, maiming, arson, or unethical procedures or anything that I couldn’t tell Dolly Parton.” Dell continued to mumbled nervously as he continued to “look” for something in his pack.
He wasn’t sure of bringing the wedding ring was a good idea, the closer they got the more he was compelled to check and make sure it was still there, and it wasn’t even like he was going to ask until they were well on their way back.
After finishing reciting the rules for what felt like the 100th time in the past ten minutes Dell finally stopped and nodded to himself just as he pasted a sign confirming they were but 5 minutes away.
Seeing this Dell felt his panic welling back up but this time for a different reason. “Pull over somewhere secluded, I want to kiss ya one more time… again.”
Taurie couldn't help the amused smirk that rested on his face as he listened to Dell nervously talk himself through the rules the two of them had came up with. The longer they were in the truck the more restless Dell had become. Taurie couldn't deny his own nerves were making butterflies in his stomach, but being it was his own parents house helped.
"Sounds about right. We're just engineers that so happen to design and build weaponry." He nodded, chuckling as Dell asked him to pull over.
"Again? Ya act like ahm taken ya to death row, Dell." He teased, though Taurie did find a pull off that seemed empty.
He gave Dell a reassuring pat and offered his bottle of water after taking a quick sip. The air was hot and dry just as he'd remembered it.
"Try not to panic. Yer just a buddy that needed a break from work so ah let ya tag along." Taurie smiled, glancing around to confirm they were alone before leaning in to give his boyfriend another 'final' kiss, one of many over the past hour.
Patting Dells cheek he pulled back into the road. Taurie's excitement to see his family after being gone for several years outweighed his apprehension. After another minute or so of driving he nodded to the rolling pastures on the left side of the road.
"Property starts about out here. These fields are used later in the year, after the ones the cows are in now have grazed the grass short. Used to come out to the woods just yonder to explore when ah was little." He said, finger popping up from the steering wheel to point at a thicket of trees.
Looking over he lightly nudged Dell with his elbow, offering him a smile.
"Just breathe pardner. You've been through worse than this."
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