askharoldcooper · 6 years
I’m on my way to speak to President Diaz again. We only have a few minutes, but I have something that I hope should make him listen. I’m not willing to give up on @askraymondredreddington until we’ve tried everything.
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What are you feeling with Red about to die?
To be honest with you, Anon, I’m feeling a lot. The law says  @askraymondredreddington‘s crimes deserve the death penalty. But I can’t just ignore all the lives we’ve saved and criminals we’ve stopped by teaming up with this guy. I’m mad and disappointed about all the lives we won’t be able to save if he or @askharoldcooper can’t come up with a way to stop the execution.
This man has done a lot of bad things in this life, but he’s done a lot of good, too… I really can’t ignore how much he’s cares about @askelizabethscottkeen and @askdembezuma. I worry about how Liz is handling all this, and all the unanswered questions that are left after everything else she’s been dealt.. 
I can’t forget how much he’s done for me, after Audrey and more recently with Prescott… 
Mostly I’m sad, Anon. Disappointed, frustrated, and sad.
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askharoldcooper · 6 years
We know your worth, @askraymondredreddington. All the lives that you’ve helped us save. I’d find it hard to believe that any of my people would be behind this.
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Would it make a difference in how you handled it if the person who betrayed you was part of the task force?
I don’t know.  Perhaps, perhaps not.  It’s difficult to imagine being faced with that scenario.  It would mean that I’ve seriously misjudged someone close to me.  I’d like to think that @askharoldcooper, @askdonaldressler, @askagentarammojtabai, @asksamarnavabi and of course @askelizabethscottkeen have more integrity than to go the cheap route of having me arrested after everything we’ve done together.
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askharoldcooper · 6 years
We have been for some time, @askraymondredreddington.
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Are you surprised that Cooper perjured himself for you?
A little.  I knew there was a chance it could go the other way.  The very integrity that I banked on to get him to provide a copy of my immunity agreement to the Court might have dictated a different result.  But I am grateful to @askharoldcooper for what he did today.
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askharoldcooper · 6 years
I protected myself and my team. As long as that agreement stands, as long as you and @askelizabethscottkeen are wiling to keep this going, you are part of that team.  
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Are you surprised that Cooper perjured himself for you?
A little.  I knew there was a chance it could go the other way.  The very integrity that I banked on to get him to provide a copy of my immunity agreement to the Court might have dictated a different result.  But I am grateful to @askharoldcooper for what he did today.
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askharoldcooper · 6 years
Why did you commit perjury for Reddington?
I meant what I said on that stand, this task force has saved countless lives. @askelizabethscottkeen said that she wants to continue with it, and to do that we need @askraymondredreddington free. 
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askharoldcooper · 6 years
I know we’re all still reeling from the blow, but you have nothing to worry about, Agent Navabi. 
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Mossad agent or not, you’re part of this team, and we’re not going down without a fight. This isn’t the first time that @askraymondredreddington has been arrested. We’ll find a way around this. 
What are your thoughts about Reddington getting arrested?
Well… It’s all so sudden, we’ve barely had time to process it. There are so many different ways it could go from here, it’s hard to know how to react just yet, be it dread, relief, or anywhere in between. 
But all in all… I’m not an FBI agent. I’m a Mossad agent working on loan to that  FBI taskforce. That taskforce only exists so long as the deal with @askraymondredreddington is maintained and he continued to give us cases. If anything happens to him to make that all stop, then the whole taskforce stops. And my loan to the Bureau stops. 
That worries me. 
And then there’s the fact that for all this to happen, someone out there had to have betrayed him in the first place. 
What if for whoever it is, the taskforce is next?
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askharoldcooper · 6 years
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askharoldcooper · 7 years
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The Blacklist has always given us a wild range of characters that surround Red and Liz. If you’re interested in applying for any of Season Five’s newest faces, send that application in here: http://asktheblacklist.tumblr.com/submit
We’d love to have you on the RP team!
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askharoldcooper · 7 years
We’ve all done things we’re not proud of since this task force was formed, and we’ll all have to answer for it someday.
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Until then, the work you’re doing means something. Perhaps, in time, you’ll be able to restore a little of what you feel you’ve lost. You can’t do that from behind bars. 
I know you were willing to go to jail for what you'd done. Are you still glad that Reddington stepped in and you're still able to work with the task force now though?
I was willing to go to jail because living with the wrongs I was committing for Prescott was just too much.  If me going to jail was what it took for him to go down then so be it.  The darkness was eating me alive.  And I needed that piece of light that only owning up to my misdeeds would give me.
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I didn’t want @askraymondredreddington to kill Prescott.  I wanted him to go to jail.  But, I know that if he did go to jail I would be there with him.  And I would not be able to try work towards that light I want to be in.  And show that I’m worth this second chance I’ve been given.  I have to live with what I’ve done and how I dirtied my family name and my dad’s honor.  That’s the worst of all this.  
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askharoldcooper · 7 years
Do you think Liz is really ready to be reinstated as an agent? A personal mission like she’s on seems like a dubious reason to ask to carry a badge again.
From the moment that @askelizabethscottkeen walked into my office several years ago this has been personal. Her tie to @askraymondredreddington has made it that way. If she truly believes that the man ultimately responsible for Tom’s death is in law enforcement, she’ll need that badge, and she’ll need people that she can trust to have her back to help bring this man to justice. 
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askharoldcooper · 7 years
How did you feel when Red said you were the angel on one shoulder while he's the devil on the other?
If his only motive is @askelizabethscottkeen‘s wellbeing or if there’s something deeper going on, I don’t know, but @askraymondredreddington and I disagree on what helping Elizabeth through this would be entail. 
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She believes that the man that killed Tom is in law enforcement. What level.... she’s not sure, but if that’s the case then I’m willing to do what it takes to help her bring him to justice.
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askharoldcooper · 7 years
You got more than just the penny that day, Reddington. A treasure that didn’t exist. And you used us to take it.
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You paid the price I asked for the penny. I just find it interesting that that was what you chose to purchase.
Why Winston Churchill's hat? Of all the things 3 million dollars can buy why that?
Churchill is an inspiration.  An icon.  A magnificent orator who captivated millions with the spoken word.  A fearless leader.  We could use more men like Winston Churchill these days.  I feel honored to possess his hat.  Call it an indulgence, if you will.  But sometimes money is meant to be spent on something personally inspiring.  
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askharoldcooper · 7 years
Three million? About the worth of a certain penny that you used us to get back.
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Why Winston Churchill's hat? Of all the things 3 million dollars can buy why that?
Churchill is an inspiration.  An icon.  A magnificent orator who captivated millions with the spoken word.  A fearless leader.  We could use more men like Winston Churchill these days.  I feel honored to possess his hat.  Call it an indulgence, if you will.  But sometimes money is meant to be spent on something personally inspiring.  
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askharoldcooper · 7 years
If Liz, Aram, Samar, Ressler and Tom were turned into children by a Blacklister what would you do?
If?  Sometimes I swear they already are.
I’m not sure that is scientifically possible.  But, I suppose I would have to ask Reddington to use his team to catch the Blacklister.  We can’t have children in the field with guns now can we?
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askharoldcooper · 8 years
au; raising a glass to you at this party, sir! Enjoy your scotch.
Thank you, anon.
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askharoldcooper · 8 years
AU: Party at the Post Office, huh? You breaking out the good scotch?
That’s a good possibility. 
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But, there’s a lot of people here tonight and it’s fine bottle of scotch.  I may have brought a bottle or two of wine I’m sure will stack up to celebrate. 
 I do have a few agents however that worked tirelessly, and while this is a celebration of @askelizabethscottkeen getting her badge back I’d like to remember that her fellow agents worked very hard in trying to clear her name, protect her and then when we all thought the worst imaginable thing happened - they banded together to try to apprehend her killers.  So, I think that perhaps tonight I will break out that scotch.  And have a moment with my team.  With @askdonaldressler @askarammojtabai and @confidxnteveryday along with Liz.  And together we can all take a moment as a team to reflect on what we’ve been through together and apart.
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askharoldcooper · 8 years
Did you spend Christmas with Charlene?
I spent some of the holiday with her.  Charlene and I are still working things out.  But, it was the holidays and neither of us could stand the idea of not being together for at least a part of it.  You know what they say about old habits.
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