askhwa · 6 years
are you alive ?
Hey, so yeah, I’m alive.
Back in November I think, I started my own original mpreg blog over at bedbellyandbeyond, and it grew rather popular. When it comes to art, I pretty much dedicated my work to it for two reasons:1. I was actually able to make some money over there, and2. I’m kinda trying to get out of Hetalia and fan work in general. I feel like I’ve grown as an artist enough that my work doesn’t need to rely on fandom exposure to be able to support itself.
The thing is, I still like this blog and I know you guys do too, but for my time and effort running it, I don’t really feel like this blog is giving back enough as I am a working student without so much time on my hands. So I dunno, I’d like to continue, but…ehhhn? I took a small hiatus on Circumstances and now I am very close to finishing it, but the motivation isn’t really there because either people don’t care to read my work anymore or they don’t care to comment and as a writer (who might I remind you is giving you free content) not getting more than 1 comment every two or three chapters is extremely demotivational. And over here, some asks are a little ignorant, some forget that I’m just one person and can’t do holiday asks on or right before the holiday, and then others are really great but get buried or miss their moment. For example, the Father’s Day ask. Not a bad ask, if it had been asked a week before Father’s Day. But no, it was on Father’s Day. And I wanted to do it, so I worked really hard to get it out. But I felt really pressured by the time constraint though and I don’t like that feeling. I’ve had other holiday asks since then that I’ve just ignored because I didn’t have time. Not to mention, a lot of asks are by country name. They are not countries here. I have to ignore those questions too, even if they’re good.So, I don’t know. What do you guys think? Am I being reasonable here?Either way, that’s my update.
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askhwa · 7 years
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Emil: Christmas is over. Do you really need to keep wearing the hat?
Leon: Every day with you is Christmas to me.
Emil: Guð minn góður...
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askhwa · 7 years
Do you have a main blog or other ask blogs?
I do. My main is mostly for reblogging shit-posts and memes. No Hetalia there.Main: @lupoartisticoPokémon reblogs: @27th-strongest-aquaAnimal Crossing reblogs and some old fanart by me: @patria-crossingMpreg/oviposition ask blog w/ original characters (fairly sfw, very fluffy ): @bedbellyandbeyond@askhwa is the only place you will find Hetalia content from me on Tumblr.
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askhwa · 7 years
Congrats Lukas and Mathias! Runa is such a pretty name. So once you guys are comfortable and all, when can we see her?
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Lukas: She got Mathias’s eyes. He’s proud.
Mathias: I’m proud!
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askhwa · 7 years
so Matthew's pregnancy was pretty much okay, but what about Alfred's if he did carry?
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Ivan: Alfred has body image problems.
Al: I do not!
Ivan: No one asked you about your weight.
Al: I know. I was just saying…
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askhwa · 7 years
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Toni: With them both having necklaces, we had to resort to colour coding them.
Lovi: You did. I can’t believe you still have trouble telling them apart.
Toni: I don’t! I don’t! It just...takes me a moment...
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askhwa · 7 years
Hey Feli, since we know how Lovi and Antonio got together and such, what was it like for you and Ludwig?
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Feli: Yeah, in high school he was shy and it was hard for him to admit his feelings. It took him til one Valentine’s Day, but even then, I think he didn’t know what he was doing… He was so cute. Still is, just more muscles.
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askhwa · 7 years
i love love love the pregnant finland you drew! i was wondering what he meant when he said 'youre treating it like im going to die, ber"? is berwald just being super concerned and overprotective because of finland's pregnant state
That's exactly it. When Timo went into latent labour, Berwald was so worried, he wouldn't even let him labour at home and Timo had to sleep over at the hospital just to make Berwald feel like he's in good hands. I thought it'd be funny to try and imagine Berwald getting upset over something like that and Timo being the calm one.
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askhwa · 7 years
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How to upset your expectant partner with a camera. Part 2!
Part 1
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askhwa · 7 years
Hey Matthew, How's Maple Been?
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Matt: Oh! I rhymed! Hah, let’s act like I did that on purpose…
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askhwa · 7 years
Toni, Lovi, I was wondering if you guys have any alone time anymore? Like do you ever get to have time to yourself?
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Lovi: Antonio, wake up! Get off, you’re heavy.
Toni: *whines* Five more minutes…
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askhwa · 7 years
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Inktober 31/2017 - Happy Halloween!
Can’t believe I actually succeeded at an Inktober. Hope you liked it!
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askhwa · 7 years
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Inktober 30/2017 - Pirate Elizabeta
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askhwa · 7 years
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Inktober 29/2017 - Pirate Leopold
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askhwa · 7 years
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Inktober 28/2017 - Pirate Roderich
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askhwa · 7 years
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Inktober 27/2017 - Not Legolas Folkert
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askhwa · 7 years
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Inktober 26/2017 - Police Officer Manon
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