askkathrynekeyron · 7 years
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askkathrynekeyron · 8 years
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Don’t try this at home.
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askkathrynekeyron · 8 years
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It’s quiet.
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askkathrynekeyron · 8 years
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askkathrynekeyron · 8 years
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[[ The fact that a 3D model of Kathryne exists will taunt me until the end of days. I can rig and animate, but can’t model people to save my life. ]]
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askkathrynekeyron · 9 years
[[ Sounds like my headcanon for Kathryne isn’t too far off from the Japanese version. Though I prefer something a little more nuanced then “emotional crybaby”, considering their circumstances, and I would’ve thought cats rather then dogs-
Thank you for the translation~ ]]
Biolabs Official jRO Profiles
My friend translated their Bios just for me, so excuse me for writing Engrish, but hopefully you get the gist of it as I did.[I’ll re-word some, but others I can’t seem to re-word. For example… Intermediation…? ] Al Fo Sho. By the way, these guys are freaking tall…?!
Seyren Windsor- H: 178㎝ W: 70 Good at being Attentive and Intermediation. His sense of responsibility is strong, but he is indecisive, so Margaretha is to advise him, often. Motto: With a true value what that attention. […Sorry… I…? XD] Born Season: Late Winter Favorite Animal: Cats Favorite Food: Sweet Ones
Katheryne Keyron- H: 158㎝ W: 45 She is logical and realistic, but she is actually a crybaby, and is very emotional, though she wants to hide it. Motto: Knowledge is the asset. Born Season: Late Spring Favorite Animal: Dogs Favorite Food: Sweet ones
Cecil Damon- H: 172㎝ W: 56 Strong personality. When she concentrates, the mood is uplifting, but when she shows a smile, the smile seems scary. She worries she is not feminine enough. Motto: Crush it thoroughly when they are collapsed. [Destroy all existence when they are down, basically..] Born Season: Early Winter Favorite Animal: Falcon Favorite Food: Shaved Ice
Eremes Guile- H: 180㎝ W: 69 Reticent. [huwat?] He is somewhat obsessed with mission accomplishment. Motto: Patience is [more] convincing than ability. Born Season: Summer Favorite Animal: ? Favorite Food: Easy to eat things.
Margaretha Sorin- H: 163㎝ W: 50 Sympathetic and Devoted personality. By the time she became a Priestess, it was a little famous. [.....] Motto: Be thankful to all. Born Season: Spring Favorite Animal: Fluffy Animals Favorite Food: Spicy Foods [Yyyeess]
Howard Alt-Eisen- H: 183㎝ W: 74 Single-minded and Passionate guy. Does not think of tomorrow. Acts before he thinks. Motto: I’ll take whatever challenge without fear of failure! Born Season: Autumn Favorite Animal: ? Favorite Food: No likes or dislikes.
Randel Lawrence- H: 185㎝ W: 75 Unsociable. Doesn’t speak unless necessary. Motto: Unanswered.[He does not understand the meaning.] Born Season: Mid-Winter Favorite Animal: Peco Peco Favorite Food: ?
Celia Alde- H: 160㎝ W: 47 She loves studies of nobody interested. [She loves studying things not many are interested in?] Motto: Fun is a good thing! Born Season: Early Spring Favorite Animal: Poring Favorite Food: Poring Juice [omf]
Alphoccio Basil- H: 175㎝ W: 65 Cheerful and Optimistic Personality. Husband of Trentini. Motto: Always smile!! Born Season: Late Autumn Favorite Animal: ? Favorite Food: Trentini-Made Cuisine [omf. could he get more perfect?! Honestly?!]
Trentini- H: 166㎝ W: 51 Quiet Personality, however passionate when she dances. Wife of Alphoccio. Motto: Always so hard… Born Season: Mid-winter Favorite Animal: Picky [the bird] Favorite Food: Except dishes made of Alphoccio. [WORDING DUDE. Dishes made by Al, I’m sure but still. wwww]
Gertie Wie- H: 162㎝ W: 50 Cheerful Personality, however because she is the oldest on the team, she speaks for the adult position. She is thought reluctantly. She likes macho guys and her most favorite person is Chen. Motto: Ownership of the my stuff with me. Of course, ownership of your stuff with me. [My stuff is mine, but of course your stuff’s mine, too.] Born Season: Late Autumn Favorite Animal: Starfish NOT Favorite Food: Spicy
Chen Riu- H: 181㎝ W: 87 He plays a Cool and Handsome Role, but his original personality is a comedian. He is the same age as Flamel. When he is with Flamel, he acts like a fool. [Fffff… Copy - Pasta: To say that comedian, there is a broad sense in Japan. Let your favorite interpreted.ヾ(*‘∀`*)ノ♡*] Motto: Do not show emotion to others. Born Season: Late Summer Favorite Animal: Small Animals NOT Favorite Food: Sweet stuff
Emule Flamel- H: 170㎝ W: 56 He is a high ability person, but ignorant to the world. He has an excellent concentration and memorization ability, but he is in love with Celia. He can not concentrate at all. Additionally, to forget that he had memorized. Motto: π 3.141592653589793238462643383279… [What a dORK. I love it. For Science!XD] Born Season: Early Spring Favorite Animal: ? Favorite Food: Sweet Ones.
These guys are killin’ me, man. I know some people hate the jRO versions of them, but I actually like it and totally respect all other views.[I change them often, too, but actually, I like the jRO bios.] Please don’t be too mean about the jRO official bios.(^人^)
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askkathrynekeyron · 9 years
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askkathrynekeyron · 9 years
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You have no taste in headgear.
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askkathrynekeyron · 9 years
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askkathrynekeyron · 9 years
Hey blogmod, do you ship any of the bios? Don't have to answer with a drawing!
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[[ You said no drawing was necessary, so I went and drew ALL of them. …Minus the bio2 kids, but we’ll just say they’re too young for shipping. (No such thing.)
Short answer: No.
Long answer: I suppose I can reveal the horrible horrible truth… I’m a yuri shipper. Yet I’m a passive shipper, which means I almost never make my own ships; I board existing ships. The RO artist community is dominated by straight and yaoi shippers, so with no other yuri shippers building ships I just take a back seat and let the others do their thing. ]]
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askkathrynekeyron · 9 years
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askkathrynekeyron · 9 years
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askkathrynekeyron · 9 years
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[[ I should start by saying that I'm quite terrible at choosing favorites, but here they are.
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Sputnik: http://sputnik.ever.jp/
Shouldn't be much of a surprise that Sputnik's art takes up several slots, since he's one of the most prolific biolabs artists. Probably not hard to spot his influence on this blog, heh.
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Pharmacy: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=4771744
An older drawing, but a good one, and something a bit brighter and happier. Could be her before biolabs happened.
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Mandatory chibi with deserts for the cuteness quota. Sadly the Pixiv link for this one is dead, so I don't know who the artist was. ]]
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askkathrynekeyron · 9 years
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askkathrynekeyron · 9 years
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[[ A little something extra now that I have some free time again. Made a seasonal update to the page chibi too, merry Christmas! ]]
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askkathrynekeyron · 9 years
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[[ The last ask was a small drawing, so I made a bonus process gif. Each frame is 10 minutes, except the last couple which are more around 15 since I just wanted to finish and sleep. You can see where all my time goes. ]]
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askkathrynekeyron · 9 years
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