askkirbixie · 6 years
Re-blogging this from my main blog. The future of this OC is unknown.
Hi after forever
I do not know if anyone is still following me (I didn’t bother to check), but if anyone is, then this post is for you.
I lost interest in Tumblr. This is why I went missing. The Kirby OCs I created actually embarrass me now. I also barely play Neopets these days. I do not know whether or not I will delete my blogs, but I have somewhat considered it. I’m mostly thinking no, but that means my blogs will just sit around collecting dust.
If I ever get interest back, then I will make posts again, though the OC blogs will likely stay abandoned.
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askkirbixie · 11 years
Hello.... I see that barely anyone is still following this.
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askkirbixie · 11 years
3DS test
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askkirbixie · 11 years
Where is Kirky, anyway?!
Stop messing things up! There are just certain things you can't do to Kirbixie...
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askkirbixie · 11 years
Help! There's a zombie version of me on Kirky's blog and he apparently thinks it's me! Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!
tina: sorry im not infected by zombies
tina: *flys around and heals self* 
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askkirbixie · 11 years
Let me add something!
Kirbixie is half of Dream Kirby
Anything about Dream Kirby that is listed above also applies to Kirbixie (Yes, that includes the things that Star can do with Dream Kirby.)
Random Facts about Dream Kirby
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(He’s not going to like the fact that I’m sharing these!)
Dream Kirby is very different from other puffballs
Dream Kirby does not have blood
Dream Kirby does not have a beating heart
Dream Kirby has psychic powers that he rarely ever uses
His best friend, Star, is kinda… a parasite
Because of something that happened long ago, Dream Kirby and Star cannot live without each other
Dream Kirby and Star communicate through their thoughts
Star cannot speak
Star never breathes
Star actually… can control Dream Kirby…
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askkirbixie · 11 years
Maybe you should also remind them why you aren't like the other puffballs?
Do I need to remind everyone that Kirbixie is half of me?
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askkirbixie · 11 years
How in the...
Are you SURE that's me? There's something very wrong with it...
*Kirbixie suddenly starts poking himself and whispering. You hear him say "dream toxins", but you have no idea what that means.*
Hmm... I do not have blood. Why is that thing's head bleeding?
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kirky: kirbixie! *tries to help him* oh no..its too late..he’s a zombie..
anit: what shall we do..
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askkirbixie · 11 years
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you never know what happens when you turn your head
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askkirbixie · 11 years
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I got bored...
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askkirbixie · 11 years
My Mom just said if I get 100 notes she'll let me go to my school dance
Please everyone reblog and like this :) spread the word
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askkirbixie · 11 years
you didnt forget me? c':> thank you we are frends again~
I'm happy now!
*waits for annoying slow internet to load so I can change my avatar*
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askkirbixie · 11 years
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Someone has lured Kirby-chu away from me and I don’t know why…
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askkirbixie · 11 years
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askkirbixie · 11 years
*gives you a tray of cookies* Heyo! Me and Inferno made these... I hope you like em!
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askkirbixie · 11 years
Hey Little chico
Kirby-chu... can't talk to me anymore...
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askkirbixie · 11 years
*gives you a bag of ice cubes* maybe this will feel you better
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