I was wondering, I know you were working a Chat Noir Shimeji at one point (The imaged to it was removed), are you still working on it? (Or did i get the wrong person?)
I think you have the wrong person anon, I was trying to think of who you might be thinking of but no names come to mind
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Do you prefer to travel or stay close to home?
For right now I want to stay home and just spend time with my family and friends, but when I get older I definitely want to see the world (although the idea of being in a foreign land where I know no one is kinda scary). I might even want to study abroad?  
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If I could travel in a group with my friends I would do it, but I think traveling alone might get lonely. (It would be kinda hard to make friends somewhere if I’m constantly traveling from place to place) 
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What is your favorite childhood memory?
I have fond memories of going to the park with my parents. We would just walk around and take in all the scenery, and sometimes we would even have little picnics.
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When I was little my mom used to always get me a special dessert on my birthday. I would get to pick out anything I wanted, and afterwards I would always share some with my parents.
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Well I mean that depends on if you guys send us kawaii questions 
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Kawaii? You mean like a kiwi? 
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Would you be willing to reduce your life span by 10 years to become rich or famous?
No, I think there are more important things in life besides money or fame. I would rather spend that time with the people I care about.
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You know money and fame isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, I mean the long work hours and hardly having time to see your friends…I mean that’s what I assume by how celebrities act haha
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What is your biggest pet peeve?
I really can’t stand lying, people need to be more honest with each other otherwise things spiral out of control. I know that may seem a little contradictory since I keep my identity hidden, but hey I mean I’m a superhero
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I don’t like it when people try to control you and the things you do. We are all individuals and should think for ourselves. I mean of course there needs to be boundaries, but people shouldn’t tell you who you are or should be.
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Soooooo ladybug what do you think of chat noir
Chat? He’s great, I consider him to be one of my best friends (even though we keep our identities secret from one another) and there’s no way I could do what I do without him, we are a team after all! He can still get on my nerves though
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Happy new year everyone! Here’s to to another safe year! 
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We will be on patrol for the night so if you have any questions feel free to stop by and we will try to answer them if things start to get slow
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Merry Christmas to all you that celebrate it! and wishing happy holidays to all!
- Ladybug +Chat Noir 
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Greetings from America!! I'm a huge foodie so I wanna know what yall's favorite foods are?? And do you prefer homemade foods or precooked frozen foods (like pizza and stuff)?? :3
Ladybug: Why hello! My favorite food isnt really a meal but it’s  croissants, I just love it when they are fresh from the oven. I prefer home cooked meals because they taste better and I get to spend time with my family (cooking and eating of course)!
Chat: I love Quenelles, they remind me of my mom’s home cooked meals which beat frozen food any day 
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Hey all!
So Chat and I started this blog, please stop by any time and talk with us we would love to hear what you have to say! 
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Guess its time for me to actually open up this ask blog! 
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So do you guys think I should actually run this ask blog?
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