asklepur · 5 years
Harry smirked at that, “Looks like yer learnin’ my language, Cillian.”
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“Harold please,how couldn’t I when you talk so,so, so much.” He adds, rolling his eyes as he thinks the conversation over,”Well I suppose, not enough about what we are together,... I’m surprised I’m the one who handled that.”
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Are you and Cillian officially dating now?
“I, uh, actually don’t know. We’ve been seein’ each other a lot, but we haven’ talked it over yet!”
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asklepur · 5 years
“What’s that term you use?...Ah- Yer gettin’ skelped.”
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Are you and Cillian officially dating now?
“I, uh, actually don’t know. We’ve been seein’ each other a lot, but we haven’ talked it over yet!”
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asklepur · 5 years
She laughed, sounding forced at first in the way she’d gotten used to laughing at boy’s jokes, before realizing that he may not have been joking, “Common enough for me to carry first aid with me,” She left the water bottle to him, deciding that his head was fine, if a little bruised and shaken.
Studying his face and less-than-kempt appearance (though perhaps that was due to being slapped with a surfboard), Fable decided that she didn’t recognize him, which was odd considering how she’d gotten around school, “You’re new here too, am I right? I just got in last week.”
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Tilting his head, he observed her rather curiously,”Concerning to say the least,...Ever considered padding that thing?” he asked, lazily motioning to her board as he lightly pressed the cold plastic to his bruise.
“Then it seems we came at the same time. Interesting way to get to know Auradon, Isn’t it.” he muttered, pushing the hair away from his face. 
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asklepur · 5 years
“I thought we were already seeing one another, my mistake.”
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Are you and Cillian officially dating now?
“I, uh, actually don’t know. We’ve been seein’ each other a lot, but we haven’ talked it over yet!”
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asklepur · 5 years
“What’s so interestin’, Cillian?”
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“It seems we have different understandings of what we are. What do you think we are?”
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Are you and Cillian officially dating now?
“I, uh, actually don’t know. We’ve been seein’ each other a lot, but we haven’ talked it over yet!”
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asklepur · 5 years
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Are you and Cillian officially dating now?
“I, uh, actually don’t know. We’ve been seein’ each other a lot, but we haven’ talked it over yet!”
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asklepur · 5 years
The boy was a tad taller than Fable, but it didn’t stop her from grabbing his face so she could get a better look at the top of it. She poked around at the speed of a tornado, assuming he was too incapacitated to be able to tell for himself. Her first week at school and she’s already beating up a cute boy because she had no spacial awareness.
“I am so sorry, I promise to make it up to you!” Fable let go of his head, looking around to see what she could possibly do to make it better, “Oh! I have a cold water bottle!” Without asking again, she held her water bottle to the bump to cool it down.
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With another soft grunt, he tried to gather his thoughts quickly, first he was hit and now he had strange, foreign hands all over his head. Auradon was only getting stranger than what he had anticipated as the days passed. His first week at school and he got a board to the head.
He shifted to the stinging sensation of something cold against the raised bruise,”I should be fine, is this a common occurrence with you?” he murmured curiously as he raised his head, wanting to get a look at whoever hit him.
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asklepur · 5 years
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asklepur · 5 years
When did you leave for Auradon?
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About a week ago. I heard from the grape vine that you we’re asking on my behalf.
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asklepur · 5 years
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The Porte Rouge of Notre Dame in the 1840′s, Paris
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asklepur · 5 years
It had been a week in Auradon Prep,a week for Cillian to start doubting the decision and missing old faces more and more.  The feeling has began to pit in his stomach and he needed an escape, something familiar to him. Now the last place that felt secure and safe was the quaint little dock he hid under with friends, along with Harry. Now he figured Auradon most definitely would have something of the sort, but came to find a bright, uncanny beach instead. He’d have to manage with what he had, right?
After what felt like an eternity of thinking and mindlessly making shaped in the sand, he didn’t expect to get smacked across the head, so that’s what that feels like.
With a grunt, he looked up at her curiously, his mind a little numb as he lightly tapped around the wound to check for blood,”huh?”
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Open Starter ~ Somewhere Warm and Sunny
Fable hustled like a mad woman to go the beach the first chance she got. Though she loved the water and her home, Corona’s shore line was a bit boring for her tastes. Now that she was attending Auradon Prep the waves were only a short bike ride away from school for her to visit every weekend. Once there, Fable spread her stuff out like she owned the beach, likely making a mess that’d be hell to clean up. That could be put off till later though! Now it was time to surf!
Grabbing her surfboard and running down to the water would’ve been easier if she didn’t immediately hit someone in the head with it in her hurry, “Ohmigosh! Ohmigosh! I’m so, so, so sorry!” Fable dropped her board on the sand, tending to their wound, “Is it bleeding? How bad is it?”
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asklepur · 5 years
The last time June and Cillian had spoken, they’d been pretty somber about their current situation. Of course, that was back when his twin was still in the picture, and he’d never heard of this guy Morgan before. Somber was a bit of every day life on the Isle, but in retrospect, he way have gotten a little too emotional in front of someone he didn’t completely trust. That was a low bar to meet, considering crying from an eyelash in your eye was considered too emotional for a Legume, but it still didn’t sit very comfortably with him.
That said, he did have some curiosity over the books he knew the Frollos kept in their home, so despite his trepidation over their familiarity, perhaps it would be worth it.
“So, when you’re reading this Bible thing,” He held a bible in front of himself as though he’d never touched one before. Admittedly, he hadn’t, “How do you know you’re reading it right? Obviously your dad got a bunch of stuff wrong, but what about you and Claudine reading things wrong too?”
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Cillian barely raised his head from the text, a hum in his throat before he spoke up,”That’s the beauty of it, there’s no right or wrong way, because you interpret it how you’d like. That’s why there’s so many different versions of it all.” he explained before shutting his own ragged and annotated little bible closed.
“The trouble is, stubborn people like father dearest, believe they were the ones who got it all right, and that everyone else has to follow it. Which obviously isn’t the case, and I don’t think he would be here if he had it all figured out, simply put.”
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CS: Curiosity Cills
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asklepur · 5 years
“Ugh, you’re right, my grandmother’s salon is the place style goes to die. Perhaps I just don’t like family being insulted, Crystal, surely you can tolerate that.”
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“Oh please Arturo, I wouldn’t dream of dragging Dizzy and the chopper bunch into anything, not even our banter. I definitely understand.” 
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Where have you been grovelling since I last seen you? It was more desolate around here without you complaining! -Asklepur
“At a five-star resort in Miami, sipping bubbly, obviously, same as yourself.”
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asklepur · 5 years
Claudine didn’t feel like letting go of her brother, but of course she needed her arms to sign. “I don’t want you to just be fine, I want you to thrive,” She explained. Maybe she wasn’t handling it well. She was incredibly scared for what this all meant for Cillian’s future. She wished it wasn’t the case that Cillian wasn’t gay or maybe that that they lived in a world that would let them be themselves, but the world wouldn’t change and neither would Cillian. It wasn’t up to her to change Cillian now, it was just God’s plan at work. Though it was scary for her, if Cillian was starting to live like this, he was the one who needed his family’s support if he was going to survive the hatred he’d now receive from every endless, ignorant angle on the Isle or in Auradon.
“I wouldn’t change you. I wouldn’t change you for the world and all the heavens.”
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“That is just it Claudine. Dealing with my truth is the closest thing to thriving I’ve ever had, and although it’s stressful and difficult, I’m making my way through it.” He signed in reply, before lightly patting her back.
“And you don’t have to, that’s what makes a sibling-hood like ours heavenly.”
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"hey, cillian," she keeps her signing small to not attract attention, "were you hanging out with harry hook?"
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His gaze quickly shifted to her subtle movements, peering around before responding,”I may or may not need to talk to you about that.” he signed right back.
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asklepur · 5 years
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“That part I don’t doubt all that much, and Yes, you may,..Oh please, Alexander I’m talking about other people’s dye jobs, not your own. Not to mention that I just like my rosary and cloak is all.”
Where have you been grovelling since I last seen you? It was more desolate around here without you complaining! -Asklepur
“At a five-star resort in Miami, sipping bubbly, obviously, same as yourself.”
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asklepur · 6 years
“I can handle this!” Claudine signed back, letting another whimper escape her mouth. This was probably harder for him of course, perhaps Claudine wasn’t giving him the reaction he had hoped, but what was she supposed to do when hearing her brother was risking his life? The names he mentioned meant almost nothing to her, but she supposed it did bring some comfort to know she was the only person to be told. There could’ve been hundreds of reasons Cillian had kept this secret, Claudine told herself, and she probably would’ve been scared too in his shoes.
The panic rushed out of her as quickly as it had come, but Claudine hung her head, “Your life is going to be so difficult,” She really wanted to support her brother, but with the potential of anyone homophobic on the Isle finding out, support had to be done in silence. She took a step back to her brother and hugged him, her head like a weight in the middle of his chest. It was the least she could do to let him know she still loved him.
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“It doesn’t seem like you’re handling it very well!” he signed back with some bitter undertones, before glancing around in an attempt to calm down. He definitely anticipated some awkwardness, maybe even a little tension, but definitely not a heated discussion.
“Look around us, our lives are already difficult! I can deal with another tablespoon of trouble.” He countered, letting out a sigh. He was caught off guard from the kind advance, before gently patting her back.
“I’ll be fine.”
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"hey, cillian," she keeps her signing small to not attract attention, "were you hanging out with harry hook?"
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His gaze quickly shifted to her subtle movements, peering around before responding,”I may or may not need to talk to you about that.” he signed right back.
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asklepur · 6 years
Absolutely frozen at the sound, Cillian hesitated before emotion welled up in his chest. “This is, me telling you everything, and it wasn’t easy for me and it’s not going to get easier!” He quipped back, running his hands through his hair in defeat. 
“Claudine I don’t,... it’s something only you know. I’m working on telling Eddie and Maybe even Trip and Morgan. I’m not intending to ever let father find out about it.” He pointed out, before rubbing his temples with trembling hands.
“I understand if you don’t know what to do right now, and I don’t know either but this is exactly why I tried to make sure you could handle hearing something like this.” He signed after a few moments, trying to collect his thoughts.
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"hey, cillian," she keeps her signing small to not attract attention, "were you hanging out with harry hook?"
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His gaze quickly shifted to her subtle movements, peering around before responding,”I may or may not need to talk to you about that.” he signed right back.
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