So this is just to explain what's going on with this blog and why I haven't updated like I promised.
I've been on a downward trend of motivation for this blog for a while now and it's started to feel more like an obligation than something I did because I wanted to.
I made this blog to tell a story and have fun, but if I'm not having fun then the point of the blog is gone.
So I'm taking a break from this. I'm not going to give any dates on when I'm coming back but I hope it won't be long. I still want to tell the story I set up, but I also want to enjoy doing it again.
I'm also going to be turning off asks for the foreseeable future.
To the anon asking about updates I know you're just invested in the story and I'm glad I've made something you enjoy, but those asks have contributed to my lack of motivation. I need to feel like this blog is for me again not for the people who read the story.
As for the person who's sending me uncomfortable asks again, I told you to stop and I'm done being nice about it. I've already blocked you multiple times if you continue to make new blogs to keep sending those asks I'm reporting you for harassment.
So yeah this blog is on hiatus for a while. I might post the part I'm mostly finished with but after that it's going to be a while.
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What’s the status of the next 4? Also I think it’d be really cool if you could show us a speed paint of some of your drawings like a time lapse. Could you consider doing that?
I have 2 for the next post done, which should actually only be 3 pictures in total.
I've never done a speed paint before so I'll have to learn how to make one before I put one up. Not sure if it'll even be possible since I tend to only work on my drawings a little at at time rather than all at once.
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Thank you for continuing this. Your art style is amazing and you really know how to make it a legit sounding Scooby-Doo story. Is Velma about to unintentionally cast a spell with the wand? I like how you finally used the lost glasses trope and can play it out and/or have her fall down a trap door like in the movies/shows.
Thank you.
I'm glad you like the art style I've gotten more comfortable with it over the time of making this blog. It's more of a mash up between my original style and the Scooby Doo style.
I'd also say that I'm happy you see my story as accurate to Scooby Doo but given the way the Scooby Doo franchise is going apparently having more care for the source material than the actual show runners isn't that hard.
Ok with my legally required Velma show shade out of the way thank you I hope to get the next part out in a week or two, you'll get to see what happens to Velma then.
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Fred: “Is everyone alright?”
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Daphne: “Yeah, I think we’re ok.”
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Guy: “We are too.”
Fred: “Velma?”
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Velma: “Yeah, I’m ok. What happened? I couldn’t see anything.”
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What’s the progress of the next set of images? This story got so good and now it’s at a really interesting part! What if Krudsky made Velma’s glasses disappear or turn into something else?
I've got 1 and 1/2 done out of 4. I've got the next three days off so I'll be working on them.
As for what happens you'll just have to be a little patient. I know I've already made you wait but I promise I'm not abandoning this blog.
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It’s understandable you have a life and all but it’s frustrating having to wait for the next pictures especially now that it got interesting. Any tips?
Yes I'm sorry about the wait. I made a post about how I lost motivation after a series of uncomfortable asks were sent. I've tried to get back into it but I also work as a teacher and that doesn't leave a lot of time for personal projects during the school year.
I just left a link to my personal blog on the previous ask, so if you'd like to ask more questions over there that might help me get more motivated to continue this.
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Do you have other social media we can ask you about your work and make suggestions?
My personal tumblr is @everystarstorm
Feel free to send me messages there.
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Daphne: “What?”
Shaggy: “Like this doesn’t feel right.”
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Krudsky: “Oh are you kidding me? The boy had magic now too.”
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Krudsky: “Ah!” 
Fred: “Everyone get down!”
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That person who had the idea of Velma falling down a trap door next after losing her glasses is genius. It’s a classic gag done in a lot of Scooby media and you should do that! When can we expect more? So excited to see where the story goes. Soon please???
Sorry for not answering this sooner. I've had a lot on my plate with work and other stuff taking over my life.
I do hope to get more posts out soon.
Updates will still be sporadic but hopefully I can at least end the current arc in a timely manor.
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Krudsky: “Oh lucky me.”
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Krudsky: “Seems I get to take out a particular pest of mine.”
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Daphne: “Shaggy look out!”
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Do you have an idea where the story will be going? I’m so glad you finally included Velma losing her glasses now she needs to be clumsy without them like fall down a trap door like in the movie/shows. Love your art style btw!!!
Thank you.
I do have and idea of where I want the story to go. I've already set up a couple plot points for the over arching mystery. However, the way I get from each of those plot points is a bit more "make up as I go".
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Hey I just wanted to tell everyone, I’m not dead.
Work has been hectic lately, making me have very little time to write let alone draw.
I’ve also been getting some rather, uncomfortable asks in my inbox which has really killed my motivation. Please remember that I am a person who just likes Scooby Doo and wants to tell a story with these characters. You’re overly personal comments are not appreciated.
To everyone else thank you for being patient and understanding. I do plan on continuing this blog when I get the chance it just will take some time to get back into it.
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I hope Velma glasses didn't break!
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Velma's glasses are fine.
Velma and the rest of the gang on the other hand....
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Velma: “Daphne are you ok? My glasses got knocked off in the collision. I can’t see anything without them.”
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Krudsky: “Well this is just too easy.”
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Shaggy: “NO!”
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Velma: “Daphne look out!”
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Daphne: “Whoa!”
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Velma: “Ah! My glasses.”
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Daphne: “You know, I’m getting really sick of tripping over things.”
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Fred: “Alright, Danica’s got his attention. Now she just needs to jump over the trip wire and we’ve got him.”
Danica: “Um Fred.”
Fred: “Yeah Danica?”
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Fred: “Wait Danica?”
Danica: “Yes, whoever he’s chasing, it’s not me.”
Fred: “Then that means they don’t know about the trap!”
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Krudsky: “GET BACK HERE!”
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