askmaidiris · 1 year
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Hey all!
Just a reminder that in case you are missing updates for my various projects, you can join my read-only Discord for updates on everything from fanart to zines to Sister Claire updates!
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askmaidiris · 8 years
Your sprites are really nice, did you make them yourself? Did you edit them or make them from scratch and do you have a collection of them somewhere? Also your links to the story so far and hcs aren't working, but I'm interested in what's going on :D
{{Mod here!I modified and animated all the sprites here based on the HD images of the sprite artwork posted on Court Records.  Since this blog has been collecting cobwebs since around 2012 and it’s safe to say it’s not going to be updated any more, I’ll probably make a post soon with all the sprites so people can enjoy them for posterity.
I’ve got a lot of other (paid!) projects on my plate now and I’ve fallen far out of touch with Ace Attorney fandom, but this blog will always have a special place in my heart!  I don’t have the time to update the blog with new “story so far” links, but you can always read the posts in their original order with this link, and get the story that way.
And if you like my art and are so inclined… you can find my personal blog and original webcomic here. ;) 
-Yamino }}
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askmaidiris · 11 years
Anonymous asked: Iris, sweetie, you crack me up, but SERIOUSLY! *flips table* Is it going to take something like a battering Mallet to the head for you to notice Ms Viola?!
I-I'm sorry, I know it might look like I ignore her to post on my blog... but only in my spare time! I do pay a lot of attention to her needs, I promise! She's never had a complaint about my service!
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askmaidiris · 11 years
awwyeahkitsunesasked: Thats quite a tan you have there, Iris! Its nice to see you back!
  kaxaks asked: you know, ever since you began answering questions again, i noticed something was different about you. I couldn't put my finger on it but now i know! Iris, you've been working on your tan haven't you? looks nice. :D
 Thank you!  Even after using the strongest sunscreen I eventually tanned unintentionally.  It surprised me, I never have before!  Then again, I've never spent that much time out in the sun before, either.
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    Anonymous asked: Iris you got sunburned?! Doesn't it hurt? D: But I bet Ms Viola finds it super hot if El furio is any clue to her tastes.
Super hot? Yes, it was! That's why Miss Viola told me to put away the uniform and get some new local clothing.  She said wearing shirts and bathing suits gives you ugly tan lines.  "Nobody wears a one when they go to the beach here," she said.  But Miss Viola always stayed in the shade.
Did Mr. Furio Tigre really have a tan?
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askmaidiris · 11 years
Anonymous asked: Dearest Iris, I was just reading Summerlightning's fanfics about you, and the china dolls mentioned in one of them made me wonder, has ms cadaverini lived with her grandfather since she was a little girl?
Anonymous asked: Drunk Iris, do you know what happened to Ms Viola's parents, or alternatively, why she stays with her grandfather?
It's something I used to wonder about too, until Miss Viola opened up to me about it. Her parents passed away when she was very young.  It was especially traumatic for her, because she was the first to find them. 
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It was right here at the estate.  I think that might be why she never seems completely happy here... despite having anything she could possibly ask for. Sometimes when she's not feeling well, she says things that scare me.  Things like, "Maybe I'll die here, too."
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Still... she's grown up here, it's the only home she knows.  And her grandfather might be overly protective, but he does genuinely care about her. It's not that easy to just run away... She's tried that already.   
  But on the positive side, she's been seeming a lot more optimistic since our extended vacation in Colombia!  A change of scenery was just what the doctor ordered.
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askmaidiris · 11 years
Anonymous asked: You! Servant wench! Aren't you worried that the old woman still has your password?
Do you mean Sister Bikini? I'm not worried about her using my computer, she never visits me here.  And... she's not that old! She's only fifty!
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askmaidiris · 11 years
Anonymous asked: What does the Cadavarini mansion(?) look like?
 It's a sprawling estate with everything you could ever dream of.  It's so large, that even now I sometimes get lost in it.  There are just endless halls and rooms in every direction.  Mr. Cadaverini uses a motorized scooter to get around it.
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  This is one of the lounge rooms.  There are seven all together.  Some of them have more Japanese-style decor.
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  While the Cadaverinis are of mostly Japanese descent, Mr. Cadaverini is a big fan of Italian culture.  The house is mostly mediterranean themed. This is the guest pool, where the family sometimes hosts outdoor parties:
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The estate also has massage rooms, where Miss Viola and Mr. Cadaverini get their weekly massages:
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This is the room Miss Viola's parents used to share.  I've only been in here a few times to clean, but I feel like it should remain undisturbed.
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This is Mr. Cadaverini's office.  He has installed all the latest technology, but I'm not sure he knows how to use it.  Miss Viola still has to show him how to use the internet sometimes.
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This is Mr. Cadaverini's room.  The symbol over his bed is kind of a family insignia, it's watermarked on all of his stationary too.
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This is Miss Viola's favorite bathroom.  She's thinking of having the walls painted red, which is her favorite color:
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This is Miss Viola's bedroom. On the opposite side are all her dolls she has lined up on shelves- but they make me anxious, so I left them out of the photo.
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I wanted to include more photos, but I ran out of battery.  I hope that gives you an idea of the place!
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askmaidiris · 11 years
Anonymous asked: I love you iris
Anonymous asked: Are you a real person
Anonymous asked: Are you a real person
Anonymous asked: I love you are you real plz tell me
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Thank you for caring about me.
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  I'm pretty sure I'm real. But sometimes when I have a couple too many tequilas I even start doubting that.  Miss Viola said that just last week I started babbling about some nonsensical conspiracy theory, something about us all being just characters in a game.
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If I was a character, I doubt I'd be a very important or popular one.  
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askmaidiris · 11 years
Anonymous asked:
what have you been up to lately, Iris?
Anonymous asked:
Are you ok
I'm sorry for my long absence!  It's a long story...
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Some things happened at the Cadaverini estate, and Miss Viola and I took a very extended vacation in Colombia while it quieted down.  We left in such a hurry, I was not able to take my laptop with me.
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askmaidiris · 11 years
(Mod Post: I said I might be able to update the blog again by March, but I won't be completely finished putting my book together till next week.  Thanks for your patience! =)
Just as a disclaimer, Even when I update the blog again, it can't be as frequently as it used to be. I'm changing my work schedule on my webcomic to be more of a full-time endeavor (it's my primary source of income), which leaves less time for updating free, fandom-based  side-blogs.  But I want to continue Maid Iris' story, and I still have plenty ideas for it, so stay tuned. =))
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askmaidiris · 11 years
Anonymous asked: Iris, do you want kids?
I'm not sure... I do like children, but..
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When I try to imagine where I could raise them, or how I'd support them, I can't really imagine it anytime in the near future.  I think I need to get my own life settled before I can really think about things like that.
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askmaidiris · 11 years
Anonymous asked: (Riddle time!) My mother is sunshine, my father is rain, my uncle is thunder, what is my name?
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askmaidiris · 11 years
Anonymous asked: Hi Iris, have you ever had an interest in drawing?
When I was very little I doodled quite a bit, but I was heavily discouraged from doing so.  My mother would get upset because if she took away my paper, I'd draw in the dirt and get my hands dirty.
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I don't have much creative drive anymore.  I just feel like nothing I create would be very interesting or beautiful, you know?  It's probably best to leave art to those with talent.
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askmaidiris · 11 years
Anonymous asked:  Hi Iris, how are you? I missed you!
Oh, thank you!  Aside from being a bit exhausted from the holiday excitement, I'm doing fine.  I've missed all of you, too. 
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askmaidiris · 11 years
Anonymous asked: I can run but not walk. Wherever I go, thought follows close behind. What am I?
Hm... could it be... a nose?
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Anonymous asked: Hello Iris I have a question for you , What can you catch but not throw?
A cold!
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Anonymous asked: pariah.? Anonymous asked: Purgatory?
Um.... hrmm.
Well, you got me. I'm afraid I've never heard that riddle before.
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askmaidiris · 11 years
Anonymous asked: Ah, it's not that, Iris. Phoenix made sure the urn breaking is a secret, so Pearl would get away with it. It's nothing Morgan Fey really had to do with.
Oh, I'm glad to hear that.  Mr. Wright is always looking out for people in trouble. 
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askmaidiris · 11 years
Anonymous asked:  Did Dahlia say anything about Phoenix while the two of you were dating?
Oh yes, she had a lot of feelings regarding the situation, and she didn't keep them to herself.  None of them were particularly kind, or polite to repeat...
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