askmightymegatron · 10 years
While your annoyance at humanity is certainly understandable, don't you recognize any parallels between your contempt for organics and the oppression faced by the lower classes on your home planet?
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Ah ha... Oh I was laughing for quite some time over this message. Then I realized that it wasn't a joke and it became even funnier.
Thank you for that. I have not laughed so hard in a long while.
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askmightymegatron · 10 years
Frag, Bond, Terminate: Starscream, Knockout, Shockwave.
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askmightymegatron · 10 years
Why is it that Cybertronians always appear to be speaking English, even when conversing with each other?
There are many languages that may be downloaded into one’s vocal processor, but rather than waste energy switching back and forth between four or five, it is easier to set a default. 
As the Autobots arrived on Earth, they chose English as their default to communicate with you humans- and how are you meant to understand whom should be feared if we did not follow suit?
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Though we have little contact with humans now, it would seem that most of my troops have not yet reset their default. That will change once the Autobots and their attachment to alien language is eradicated.
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askmightymegatron · 10 years
Have you ever heard of an entity known as Makuta Teridax? I feel you would find that you have much in common.
I feel that I would have little in common with what I can see from my research is a children’s character and toy.
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askmightymegatron · 10 years
Soundwave or Shockwave?
For what?
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askmightymegatron · 11 years
Hows it feel to be dead and not only dead but run through by a scout half your size with a sword 3 times his size, whom you thought had his spark extinguished by your bad self?
I wouldn’t know how it feels to be dead, but I came close enough not to wish repeating the experience. 
To say I was shocked would be an understatement. To say I was angry is an overstatement. I underestimated the scout in battle, and let my guard down.
It will not happen again.
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askmightymegatron · 11 years
Have you ever sang before?
Soundwave, get out of my inbox.
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askmightymegatron · 11 years
How unfortunate for you and yours.
«We’ve been through this before, Megatron. My answer hasn’t changed.»
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askmightymegatron · 11 years
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Come along, then.
You are too cruel, dear Ratchet. You enjoy access to my laboratory.
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askmightymegatron · 11 years
You're alive...? H-How?
Borrowed energy. A good surgeon. Willpower.
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askmightymegatron · 11 years
You are too cruel, dear Ratchet. You enjoy access to my laboratory.
Come now, Doctor. Don’t pretend you didn’t miss me.
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askmightymegatron · 11 years
Why do you have teeth?
They are not teeth, they are dental plates, used for breaking up raw energon. Call it an evolutionary remnant. Mine are however chipped and filed- primarily for intimidation purposes.
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askmightymegatron · 11 years
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 imadoctor-notasoldier said:Please see to it that you get worse.
Come now, Doctor. Don't pretend you didn't miss me.
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askmightymegatron · 11 years
Aren't you dead? FINALLY! Thank Primus! *tells everyone your dead and has a party* HA!
I got better.
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askmightymegatron · 11 years
I see a lot of people pairing you with Miko these days. How do you feel about that?
Is it that time of the day already? I thought the insane ones were nocturnal.
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askmightymegatron · 11 years
If an Autobot is captured and interrogated for information, and they somehow willingly give up accurate information (however unlikely that is), would you spare their life or simply kill them anyway?
That would depend on the nature of the information, of course. If it were to perhaps lead me to crippling the enemy somehow, they would be more a more valuable asset.
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askmightymegatron · 11 years
Would you ever kill an Autobot sparkling intentionally?
I have said before that sparklings are too young to comprehend the consequences of choosing a faction. They are no threat.
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