asknickduvalx · 4 months
Gotta say, I'm also looking forward to seeing what all of the clubs put together! I think all of the performances will be a joy to watch and each minute will be more enjoyable than the last! And hey, I hope all of you have a great time in the process because enjoying what you're doing is one of the most important parts!
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With Invitationals coming up, I just wanted to pop in and say a big 'go get 'em!' to the rest of the show choirs around town. I can't wait to see what everyone throws together, and I speak for all of Vocal Adrenaline when I say we'd love to see your faces in the audience for ours! That way you can all see what kind of level is expected for the competition season.
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asknickduvalx · 4 months
Some people are definitely the worst, but don't lose hope just yet! There are some cool aspects to being alone and I would be willing to bet that your own Edward Cullen is out there somewhere. It just might take a little time for you two to find each other. Thank you, Tina! And there's no need to thank me. You are truly incredible as you are and there will be people who appreciate you and what you bring, platonically and romantically.
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Because some people are just the worst, I guess. But, yeah now I'm over dating apps, and I guess I'll just perish alone. I suppose there is no Edward Cullen out there for me. And thank you, Nick, you're very sweet for saying that.
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asknickduvalx · 4 months
Sounds good! I'll keep my phone close by and will be sure to respond promptly! And there are definitely worse things than optimism. Blind optimism isn't what I'm going for, but more of a healthy balance between being realistic and optimistic. I will get to work on that and get right back to you once I have updates! Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help out?
As soon as I schedule them, you will all be notified and I'll expect a response confirming that it was received. 'Awesome' isn't the word I'd use to describe us, but I guess there are worse things than optimism at this point. That'd actually be extremely helpful. You work on that and keep me updated.
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asknickduvalx · 4 months
Just let me know when and I'll be sure to note down the extra practices! And Quinn, if I may - I believe we've been doing awesome so far this year! But hey, not trying to step on any toes. Just offering some reassurance. If it helps, I'd be happy to bother rest of the guys on the team and see about squeezing in some more practice as well as gym days?
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If we're going to make it to Regionals, I seriously think we need to add more Cheerios practices. Our routines have been embarrassing at best and I'm surprised Coach is even putting up with us at this point. Everyone on the team needs to get their act together and actually try instead of putting in the bare minimum and hoping we coast our way to the Nationals trophy.
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asknickduvalx · 4 months
I'm sorry, what?! Why on Earth would some rando say that to anyone? Like there's using pop culture references in your opening messages and all that, but the rando's attempt was simply not the vibe. You're incredible as you are and good on you for deleting the app!
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No one even look at me right now. I'm so mortified. I tried to step out of my comfort zone, and I downloaded Tinder. The first message I got? "Hey baby, you'd be fuckable if you took those Hot Topic hair extensions out and dressed normal." The second? "Be my big-titty goth girlfriend, mommy." So, safe to say I deleted the app. I don't even have big boobs!
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asknickduvalx · 5 months
Sorry, what? Are you doing alright? Because if you're okay with having company, I can be over with a playlist to supply good vibes and a care package with snacks of your choosing?
And if you'd like some help with either memorizing your monologue or someone to spot you then I can absolutely do that too. Or anything else that you would like a hand with.
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Now that I'm single again, I can finally put all my focus on where it should have been in the first place: college and Cheerios. I've got a monologue coming up for my Stage Acting class and I only have 70% of it memorized at the moment, plus I'm still working on one of the combinations for the Cheerio's newest routine that I need to nail before the next football game. It looks like I made a change to my relationship status at the perfect time.
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asknickduvalx · 6 months
Nick fondly smiled at Finn's words before he replied, "My mom does the same thing with me." He moved to catch the frisbee then chuckled, "Can't really argue with the advice of a parent or a doctor." Nick turned it over a few times as he mulled over the request to help out with learning dance moves. He was more than likely rusty himself on account of being out of practice for six years. And as odd as it may sound, he was a little nervous about how it may go. On the other hand, it was just dancing. Most importantly, it would be helping out a friend. Something Nick was always up for doing. "You're not a total idiot, Finn. And you won't look like one," he encouraged while he tossed the frisbee back. "I would be happy to help out." The mention of Professor Schue's idea made Nick laugh a little before he remarked, "I've heard legend of his setlist suggestions. Something about how it seems like he hasn't listened to the radio since the eighties. Nothing wrong with a power ballad, but you're right. Times are changing and it can't hurt to add some modern songs to the glee club playbook."
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“Dude you kinda sound like my Mom… but like in a good way,” he chuckled nervously because he was sure that could have been taken in a weird way. “I mean just like she tells me to take care of myself too.” He tried to over explain. Nick being a Cheerio meant he had a leg up when it came to memorizing any kind routines. Finn’s memory was trash and he was well aware of it. “You think you could help me go through my dances sometime? I know you’re not in show choir but you could maybe help me not look like a total idiot.” Surely that couldn’t be too hard to do right? Taking the frisbee and tossing it to the other he shrugged. “I wish I even knew what we were working on. Schue has us going through a list of songs we can use at Sectionals but none of them are really that great. He needs some modern songs.”
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asknickduvalx · 6 months
At this point, I honestly would not be surprised if she did have that super power. It would just be another of those unexplainable Coach Sue things. And I agree. A little extra training never hurt, especially with competitions and other important events coming up! Thank you, Bree. I seriously appreciate this.
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PM: Awesome! Where would you like to go?
As ridiculous as that concept is, Coach does seem to actually possess that super power. It's definitely best you assume she was speaking to you, not like it hurts to train a little extra anyway. Because I refuse for us to lose a competition due to your lack of clean round offs, I can make time on Tuesday or Thursday.
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PM: I could eat, I guess.
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asknickduvalx · 6 months
Nick nodded in an understanding manner as he listened to Finn's life updates before he offered a sympathetic smile. "That does sound crazy busy," he responded. "Don't forget to take a little time for yourself to recoup energy." Homecoming season meant it was a busy time for the Cheerios as well - what with Coach Sue calling for more practices to make sure they would nail their routines - so Nick could definitely relate to having a packed schedule between classes and other extracurriculars. "And hey, that's valid. Dancing can be a lot, but it does get easier with time. Learning the moves and committing them to memory requires the most brainpower. Then it should be uphill from there." Nick remembered spending hours in a dance studio like it happened yesterday as opposed to a few years ago. Now, his rehearsal duffle had been repurposed for his baseball stuff and dance felt like a distant memory. "Can I ask what you guys are working on? Or is top secret? For New Directions discussion only?"
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Spending time with Nick always came naturally to him which was why it was so easy for him to be attracted to him. Though he was still closeted, Nick never pushed and their friendship would always be more important than anything else. "Good to know," he hugged the other tight in his arms. He enjoyed the dark-haired boy's positive energy because it always made him feel light, like no matter what was going on in his life it didn't matter. "Well, it's Homecoming season so of course I've been crazy busy between football, Quinn, and New Directions my brain is kind of all over the place. I had no idea dancing required so much brain power."
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asknickduvalx · 6 months
I could have sworn I did! But Coach said she smelled the potential for failure the other day and that I should clean up my round-offs. At least I think she was talking about mine because she was looking in my general direction. Anyway, when are you free to meet up for this tumbling training sesh?
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PM: And would you like to grab a bite to eat after? I've missed bothering you, Bree!
You cheer at a collegiate level and you haven't perfected your round-offs, dear God Duval how did you even make the team? For the sake of Coach's blood pressure we should train tumble together. As the best tumbler we have, if you can't learn from me then you simply can't learn.
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asknickduvalx · 6 months
Has anyone told you that you're the sweetest person on campus?
Awww, thank you! I will gladly concede the title over to @askwallflowermarley though because she is an actual angel. I do my best to treat people with kindness every day, but even I'm not immune to having catty moments.
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asknickduvalx · 6 months
Be under Coach Sue’s power for a day or listen to Mr. Schue rap?
Technically I'm already under Coach Sue's power as a Cheerio, so for the purpose of the question I'm going to assume this means be her personal assistant for the day.
Even with that hypothetical, this is the easiest would you rather ever. No offense to Professor Schue, but I'm going to go with being Coach Sue's personal assistant for an entire day. A man never forgets overhearing you rapping Ice Ice Baby while walking to class.
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asknickduvalx · 6 months
What are you top 5 songs at the moment?
Dance the Night - Dua Lipa
Cruel Summer - Taylor Swift
Count on Me - Bruno Mars
Uptown Girl - Billy Joel
Check Yes, Juliet - We the Kings
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asknickduvalx · 6 months
Okay, this sounds like an awesome idea! It has been a minute since I've had a movie night which is an absolute shame, but tis the life of a college student! And you can never go wrong with a laughing at a bad movie while hanging out with cool people. Would you like for people to bring more snacks, drinks, or blankets? Or all of the above?
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I went down a silly, goofy horror movie rabbit-hole the other night to reset myself after Homecoming and have fallen in love with the Blair Witch sequel, Book of Shadows. Oh, golly, it's a bad movie and I'm obsessed. I can feel the hyperfixation setting in and I am unable to stop it! So, basically, if anyone is up for a movie night where we watch Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 - let me know! I'll bring popcorn!
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asknickduvalx · 6 months
Do you like being a student at McKinley?
Yeah! It's been a cool experience here so far and I'm hoping that my junior year will be just as much fun.
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asknickduvalx · 6 months
When was the last time you felt sad?
I mean, there's been a couple of big instances here recently. Does feeling sad for someone count? Because I tend to feel sad for my friends on a more regular basis.
And I've been missing my dad a lot here lately. It's been six years, so it's not fresh like it was back when I was in high school. But I know he would have loved coming to hang out during the Homecoming game and it just turned into generally missing him from there.
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asknickduvalx · 6 months
Marley! Or should I say your majesty? Congratulations on the win! Super happy for you! And may I just say that your mom is the coolest?
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Thank you to everyone who voted for me for Homecoming Queen. It really means a lot that you think I'm special enough for the crown. My mom promised that if I won she'd put extra meatballs with everyone's food in the cafe on spaghetti days.
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