What are your thoughts when you learned Makoto was dating Akira Kurusu? Did his criminal record make you feel uncomfortable?
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Sae found herself thinking for a moment. Being asked such a straightforward and personal question was to be expected, but this had to do with her sister and her… boyfriend. As much as Sae didn’t like admitting it, her little sister was growing up and making her own choices. And this was one of those topics that the two of them discussed several times.
“I will admit, I was certainly worried at first and I voiced my concerns to her. And I still am to a point. However, she’s insisted time and time again that he isn’t distracting her from her studies, even claiming that she’s helping him study for exams. I won’t believe it until I see the exam scores, but my sister does have a level head on her shoulders. I trust her judgement of character isn’t that…. misguided.”
She sighed and shook her head. Akira Kurusu. She knew his record well, personally looking up the file after she caught wind that Makoto was hanging out with a student on probation. Certain identifying information was scrubbed from the files so she didn’t know who had accused him of the assault, but a record was a record.
“As for Kurusu’s criminal record, he’s still a juvenile. If his probation goes well and he shows no additional signs of delinquency, then I’ll view it as a one-off incident and no more than that. The law is the law after all. If the courts deem him to be a respectable member of society again, so will I. However…”
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“If he acts up or, worse yet, harms my sister, you can be sure I will be taking him to court personally.”
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How do you feel about Goro and Makoto becoming friends?
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“I would be happy if they became friends. I’ve worked with Akechi-kun for quite some time and due to our work schedule he’s had dinner with Makoto and I on several occasions. I haven’t seen them interact much outside of those instances due to attending different schools, but they seem to get along well.”
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Have you ever seen Makoto angry and has she ever gotten angry at you before? I mean you guys still are siblings, surely there would be some childhood quarrels.
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“I honestly wish I could say that we didn’t. Looking back at it now, we were both far more energetic as children. Rambunctious even. Whenever we got into heated arguments, Dad would have to step in and help us to reconcile. If not for him, Makoto and I would probably be at odds most of the time, even now. He taught us how to put aside petty arguments and work together.
Since it became just the two of us, we’ve managed to resolve our own arguments. But…”
Sae paused before typing the rest of the response, wondering only briefly how much personal information to put.
“Lately Makoto seems to be frustrated more than angry. I can’t tell if it’s at me or from school, and it doesn’t help that she plays it off when I ask. I know she’s lying to me, but I don’t want to interrogate her and make her upset.
But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried.”
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I'm doing pretty good. Just came from the gym so I can't really walk. But ¯\_( ᐛ )_/¯
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“Maintaining your health is good, but straining yourself like that can come with poor consequences. And that’s not something to simply shrug at. This being said, I hope you feel better soon, Anonymous.”
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How's work going, sis? ~Queen
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“Oh! I didn’t expect you to find this blog so soon, Makoto. I was hoping to tell you about it when I got home. Regardless, work is going surprisingly well, considering I’ve now added running this on top of everything else. But the Director insisted it’s for the new case.
Since you have time to be on the internet, how are your studies?”
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Hi, Sae! How're you today?
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“Hello, Anonymous. I am doing well all things considered. Though I must say, I’m quite surprised at the number of people who have found this blog already. Now to return the question, how are you doing?”
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*immediately follows*
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“My, that was faster than I anticipated! Thank you for taking an interest in my blog. Please let me know if you have any questions.”
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Let the Case Begin
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Sitting at her desk on a rainy day, a sigh escapes Sae Niijima. But it’s not because of the heavy rain or even the new difficult case she’s been assigned. The prosecutor stares at her laptop for a moment before typing the following.
“Alright, Director. I know you can see this. I have begun the task you have set me to do. I doubt this blog will prove useful to the case, but considering the current state of PR, perhaps this will be worth the effort after all.
Now, to those who see this, you may ask me questions as you see fit. I will do my best to answer them in a truthful and timely manner.”
With a click on the “Post” button, the message is sent out and Sae awaits for responses patiently, coffee in hand.
[[Asks and requests are officially open! - Mod Dragon]]
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Rules and Guidelines:
Old account: @ask-niijimas-judgement
This is a headcanons, scenarios, and RP-light blog for the beautiful prosecutor, Sae Niijima. Meaning you can submit headcanons, request scenarios, ask what-ifs, or simply interact! However, if I’m busy I may not respond right away. I will NOT be accepting NSFW asks at this time. Perhaps in the future, but for now I’m keeping the blog clean for all to enjoy. Also keep in mind that I may not answer an ask if it makes me uncomfortable to write, I apologize in advanced. This being said, anything related to what happens in canon is free game. If you are also running a P5 ask blog, feel free to send asks to interact for short scenarios! Or interact as a Persona OC, or even yourself! I will not accept other fandom RP interactions here.
Note: This blog is timeline flexible. Just put Pre-Interrogation, Post-Interrogation, or Epilogue to indicate a specific time. If you don’t I will assume Pre as most of the game is within that time-frame. If it’s a short RP, you only need to do this once at the beginning.
Tags to note: “Pre Interrogation” “Post Interrogation” or “Epilogue” to indicate which point in time a scenario is located. I will put “P5 Spoilers” for any asks beyond the interrogation room.  “Case: RP Thread Name” - This is for RP threads. Each will be filed under a different name. “Headcanon Evidence” - This is for headcanons, both submitted and my own. “Gathering Evidence” - For generic in-character asks answered. “Possible Deductions” - This is for scenarios and “what-ifs”. “Presenting the Case” - For any in-character voice posts. “Mod Dragon Talks” - Out-of-character asks answered.
These rules are subject to change. I recommend you come back and check every so often.
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