asko54 · 4 years
Well, France’s only redeeming quality is gone now
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asko54 · 4 years
The most annoying part of being an O5 is that none of the horror movies are scary anymore
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asko54 · 4 years
In my country, kids put their shoes by the fireplace and if they’re good they’ll get small gifts from Père Noël on Christmas
I hope he brings me an antidepressant that works this year
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asko54 · 4 years
((OOC: Accurate))
O5-4 “The Collector“ [during a breach]: There’s an imposter among us.
Lie [wearing a mask with “OVERSEER” scribbled on it]: no there isn’t
O5-4: Guess you’re right
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asko54 · 4 years
i'd watch that movie tbh
Thanks anon, finally someone recognizes my creative genius
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asko54 · 4 years
A hallmark christmas movie: by me
“I have to go to a business meeting at Businessy Business Inc,” Said the businesswoman in her business suit. “I’m very cynical because capitalism destroyed my soul”
“Go to this random village,” Boss businessman said adjusting his business glasses, “I want to tear it down and put another business building there”
“Hi I’m Chad McChristmas I eat pine needles and snort candy cane dust” Said the eccentric Christmas loving lumberjack love interest in random village
“Ewwwww I hate happiness”
“Do lines of candy cane dust with me”
Then she did and died of christmas syndrome the end merry christmas you christmas fucks
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asko54 · 4 years
Fuq 😃
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asko54 · 4 years
I’m supposed to be 36 right??? So why hasn’t anyone noticed? What the fuck is my birthday again?
Wait hang on I think I know what’s happening brb
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asko54 · 4 years
Bro what's wrong where tf are you
I’m home but i’m not home
Where’s Admin? Fuck 
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asko54 · 4 years
something’s wrong
Wait wher e the fuck am I 
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asko54 · 4 years
Wait wher e the fuck am I 
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asko54 · 4 years
Ok I lied it’s actually Oliver Clozoff
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asko54 · 4 years
whats ur real name
Jugemujugemugokōnosurikire Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyōmatsu Unraimatsu Fūraimatsu Kūnerutokoroni-sumutokoro Yaburakōjino-burakōji Paipopaipopaiponoshūringan Shūringannogūrindai Gūrindainoponpokopīno-ponpokonāno Chōkyūmeino-chōsuke
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asko54 · 4 years
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It’s the weirdest shit ever!
There’s a clear recording of it, we know the lyrics, location and year
But we still don’t fucking know the name of the song
I hope one of the original band members catches wind of this and comes forward if any of them are even still alive
Wait, what song?
Gather round children it’s storytime again
Once upon a time, someone who went by the screen name Blue uploaded an audio file of a post punk song to a website called spiritofradio.ca, claiming it was from a cassette tape recorded from a German radio station in 1984
Since then it’s gained a cult following and there’s a subreddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMysteriousSong/), several YouTube videos and fuck knows what else dedicated to trying to find it
What fucks me up so badly about this song is that there were real people in a real band who wrote and recorded this song, and now nobody knows who the hell they are
Here’s the song, if anyone recognizes it please come forward on the subreddit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74wuqGKPIdk |
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asko54 · 4 years
Wait, what song?
Gather round children it’s storytime again
Once upon a time, someone who went by the screen name Blue uploaded an audio file of a post punk song to a website called spiritofradio.ca, claiming it was from a cassette tape recorded from a German radio station in 1984
Since then it’s gained a cult following and there’s a subreddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMysteriousSong/), several YouTube videos and fuck knows what else dedicated to trying to find it
What fucks me up so badly about this song is that there were real people in a real band who wrote and recorded this song, and now nobody knows who the hell they are
Here’s the song, if anyone recognizes it please come forward on the subreddit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74wuqGKPIdk |
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asko54 · 4 years
The most mysterious song on the Internet fucks me up everytime I remember it
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asko54 · 4 years
Also the lyrics are just gibberish
It’s basically some dude and a choir singing “Tell me” over and over and over for 4 minutes
People who think Dorime is some new meme were clearly not on youtube in 2008
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