askponyinabox · 8 years
A very important change is coming, Baker Street Regulars, and Box-fans of “The Adventures of Sherlock Hooves.”
We have a new channel!
Make sure to listen to the vid, but to sum up: with Squeak’s request for all to forge on, we’re opening up our own channel, called The Division at 221B.
All of our future uploads will occur here. Right now we’re putting up the older episodes, but once that’s done, we’ll finally upload our newest episode, “The Meek Interpreter,” which we know you’ve all been waiting for!
Be sure to follow, subscribe to us, and don’t worry: we’re still part of the Box Family, and always will be.
The game is ahoof, Regulars!
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askponyinabox · 8 years
Reblogging an update from our fanstudio head. Hopefully this will answer some questions and soothe some fears. 
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A Few Things
Thank you everyone for the kind words, I’m sorry for the relative radio silence on all fronts. I kinda….fell away from everything I guess? I haven’t quite had the courage to go in and try being me again….and I kinda still don’t? 
BUT, here’s a few things. 
Is Doctor Whooves Adventures/Ponyinabox canceled?
No, I would never have the heart to give up on it, though it’s been hard to be creative lately and moreso in recent weeks. It’s been a bit of an aimless ship with me as not…there as I once was. But I’d like to be there more…In the mean time to any Boxers reading this, if you could help get that short done in my absence it’d be appreciated. Poke the VAs, get some assets that kinda thing…I’ll work on Bells of Fate Part II it’s been a long way coming, but if I don’t get it done at some point I fear what it’ll do to me. 
In anycase email me if you need anything.
What’s Up With You?
Lots of things, complicated things. Not fun at all things, emotional things generally. I’ve been unproductive, lazy and generally all over the map for some time now, I think recent events just kinda pushed everything to a bit of a panicy ‘Time to hide inside my shell’ kind of climax? Still dealing with it, and not very well I might add. There’s just…a bunch of stuff, I’m ashamed, scared, tired, and in that isolation phase of things I suppose. 
But Squeak People Care About You
I know, and I’m thankful for all of you. Your support is much appreciated
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askponyinabox · 9 years
Here’s a small preview of something we wrote today. =)
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askponyinabox · 9 years
Here’s something that we made a while ago. It was supposed to have a bunch of singers, and maybe eventually it will. But today I decided that it’s not doing us any good just sitting around on the drive, so here it is! Follow along with the lyrics below. The tune, naturally, comes from “Carol of the Bells”. (Does this have anything to do with ongoing DWA storylines? Who knows?? Well actually, I think the similarly to “Bells of Fate” is just a coincidence. But hey, I don’t know what the plan is. =P)
Update: Jitters informs me that we actually posted this awhile ago. Oh well, enjoy this blast from the past!
Carol of the Clocks
Hark! how the clocks, flying blue box All seem to say, throw cares away. Doctor is here, bringing good cheer He's young and old, brilliant and bold tick, tock, tick-tock, wonder unlock Ood-creature sing, all sonic-ing Changing his form, oncoming storm Tracking the probe, saving the globe
Ding Dong, Ding Dong Ding Dong, Ding Dong
Hark! how the clocks, flying blue box All seem to say, throw cares away. Doctor is here, bringing good cheer He's young and old, brilliant and bold
Hope will he bring, while ponies sing Songs of good cheer, Doctor is here! But he may fail, now comes the tale Darkness arise, vile surprise! vile surprise
Hark! how the drums, crafty one comes All seem to say, throw hope away Doctor is here, quaking with fear Fire arise, filling the skies dum-dum, dum-dum, where is it from Nemesis old, coming foretold Friend did he snatch, monsters dispatch Never to fall, master of all...
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askponyinabox · 9 years
What ever happened to Sonic Suns?
Long story short: My mom died. =(
*SIGH* It’s really, really hard to summarize everything, especially considering that I had personal problems long before cancer was even on the radar screen. (And I’m still healing from those old wounds.)
But recently I’ve been looking over my old work and remembering how much I love this stuff. It’s not just that audioplays themselves are cool (though they certainly are), it’s that the Box is such a great group to work with. And we have such great fans! You guys are amazingly patient and kind. That’s a general trait among bronies, but I find it’s particularly true of PIAB fans. Thank you so much. *HUGS* Your comments help me feel good about myself.
So I’m thinking of getting back in the game. I’m thinking of making stuff again. And I really hope you’ll enjoy the ride. =)
P.S. My private tumblr is here.
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askponyinabox · 9 years
Hi! I'm a really big fan, and recently I've been looking into trying to build on my voice acting. I could have sworn I saw it here earlier, but I think you mentioned a place to put your voice, if you did, can you tell me where that would be? Thanks :D
Well you can always get an account at SoundCloud and record a demo reel. Just do a bunch of different voices, maybe a sentence or two each. Then you can give people the link whenever they ask what kind of voices you can do. Do that and send me a link, and I’ll listen to it. =)
But in general, you want to be on the lookout for projects calling for auditions. Follow the directions they give you, record something, and send it in.
In fact...we might start holding auditions for Daring Do Adventures soon. It’s been a long hiatus, and I’m looking into giving it another shot. After all, I love this project. =)
Right now we’re working out the internal stuff. (For instance: Who’s still here, and do they want their old roles back?) But hey, we might post an audition on this tumblr. =)
Actually, I might do some random one-off shorts too. So make a SoundCloud demo and send it to me. You might just inspire me to create a short with one of your voices. =)
One final note: Rejection happens all the time. Rejection happens to boxers, even. (I once lost out on 14 roles on the same day!) So don’t take it personally if that happens to you. Just keep trying, and keep having fun. =)
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askponyinabox · 9 years
So in fairly new to this series and I'm a bit confused. Is there a second part to the bells of fate?
It’s coming. We did a timey-wimey thing where we did the first part of Bells, and then the next episode was apparently unrelated, and then comes Bells part 2.
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askponyinabox · 9 years
Strange Love: An Anthology 
Science Fiction/Fantasy are cornerstones of fiction. But people cry out for representation in publishing. We want to answer that cry. - http://kck.st/1JWdQeY
With your help, we will begin taking submissions to fill the pages of this book with the kind of stories people have been yearning to see for years,
Writers who submit to the anthology, if funded, will be paid 7 cents a word, for their work. (I.E If a 2000 word story were accepted, that would be $140 in the author’s pocket, plus a free copy if the book goes to print) We hope to publish the anthology by first quarter of next year, and with your help we can make that a reality. Funding will go towards paying writers and artists, along with possible publishing costs.
What your pledge helps pay for
To treat this anthology with the respect it deserves, we want to give it every chance the mainstream ones have. This means, even in ebook format (Though we hope to fund a physical run), paying line editors, copy editors, marketing and all of that’s not even counting the cost of paying writers for their work in the first place. Publishing a book on a professional level is more expensive than you’d think. and this will be a professional project. make no doubt about that.
For example
Your average anthology is 300+ pages. We’re not aiming that big, but let’s do some math:
300 pages is round about 135000 words. Paying authors 7 cents per words, that works out to $9,450 in author payouts. We’re aiming for 200+ pages of content. That’s 90,000+ words which equals up to a minimum of $6,300 in writer payouts. That’s all before paying editors and screeners. As you can see, we’re not doing this to get rich. At most, after funding we’ll break even. We’re not doing this to make money, we’re doing this for the love of fiction. But the farther over we go over our goal the bigger the anthology will be.
Excited? Well so are we!
Help us reach our goal by pledging on kickstarter! And if you can’t pledge, share your own Strange Love by spreading the word on Tumblr, Twitter Facebook, to your Grandmother’s cat….Anywhere!
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askponyinabox · 9 years
Bronycon was a blast!
Thank you to everyone who came by. This is Bigpip head of Con-relations, and pictures and news will be forthcoming! 
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askponyinabox · 9 years
May I say with each new audiodrama episode and short that you guys make inspires me even more everyday to become a voice actor, thank you so much for what you do.
Aw, thank you! =)I’m not a pro VA by any means, but here’s a few small tips:
Go to “Learn VA” panels at conventions. They usually have a bit where audience members get to “audition” for the pro VA who’s hosting the panel. You can learn a few things that way.
Sadly, most of the pro VA work is for commercials and stuff. But if you make your own amateur project, you’ll get to do all kinds of interesting characters. =)
Don’t start out with an expensive microphone. Get a basic USB mic for $20 and practice with that.
Use Audacity to record.
Most people instinctively do a voice that’s halfway between what they normally sound like and what they’re trying to sound like. Don’t go halfway; go all the way.
Remember that VA is a form of acting. You actually have to understand your character and such.
Spike Spencer gives lessons. He’s the voice of Shinji in Neon Genesis Evangelion. (It’s one of  my favorite animes.) If you have money to burn and you want to learn from a pro, you can hire him here.
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askponyinabox · 9 years
My nephew is a huge doctor who fan and mlp fan and I was wondering if you have these in script form or similar. He is mostly deaf and had a really difficult time understanding spoken words when he cannot see a person's mouth!
Say hi to your nephew for us. We’re always glad to have a fan! =)Some of our scripts are available here. If we’re missing one that you want, give us a shout and we’ll see about adding it in.
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askponyinabox · 9 years
Update: Crisis averted! Thanks, everypony! =)
Ok, ponyinabox.com is not shutting down. Yet.
Wow. HUGE thank you to everyone who donated yesterday. In the first day I received enough donations to keep the site running for at least another 2 months! This isn’t to say that it will just shut down after 2 months. It just means that I have the funds now to keep it up until I find another source of income in my new place.
That doesn’t mean the donation drive has closed. You can still (and please do) donate using this link:
Seriously, you don’t know how helpful this is. Even if you can’t donate much it still means the world to me. I am so grateful to have the support of such an awesome community.
Now since the site is not going down here’s a list of changes that’ll be coming soon to the site.
Adding Sherlock Hooves shorts
Adding Daring Do shorts
Episode of the month
Offline mode
There’s one more change that I still haven’t decided on. Originally the server was used for the Pony in a Box wiki but I’ve seen less and less traffic to that part of the site so I’m considering removing the wiki entirely from the site.
It’s not all bad news. I’ve put together a strawpoll so you can vote on if you want to keep the wiki, remove it, have a forum instead or keep the wiki and have a forum.
If you guys end up wanting a forum it’ll be a place where our fans can come and chat about the new episodes and we can talk a little more directly with you guys.
That’s all I have to say so far. Keep donating and supporting the site! I’ll have some more stuff to post in a day or so. Make sure you follow this blog for more info.
- Logic
P.S. Little tidbit of info about Hidden Signal. Development has just begun on the Android and Windows 10 ports of the game. Stay tuned for info about beta testing.
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askponyinabox · 9 years
Important. Due to the MASSIVE rise in traffic over the last few weeks, it’s suddenly quite a bit more expensive to keep our website (Which hosts all our episodes so Itunes can get at them for your convenience) up! 
We love that website, but the hosting is growing expensive. So if you enjoy listening to the newest Doctor Whooves on your iphone and tablet, along with us having such a swanky website with which to draw listeners, please consider clicking that support button and keeping the website running!
ponyinabox.com might be shutting down
At the end of August I will be moving house with my family. However it’s the most expensive move we’ve ever made. As a direct result of this, money will be extremely tight for the next 2-3 months.
I enjoy running ponyinabox.com and I’m sure some of you enjoy what I provide through the site (Hidden Signal and iTunes podcasts). However because of this move I may need to pull the plug on the site, which includes the podcasts and Hidden Signal.
I realise some of you may be annoyed by this. If you read the title of this post a little closer you may have noticed I said ‘might’. That’s because I’m starting a donation drive while I’m moving. This donation drive will be used to keep the server, file storage and domain active. The drive will be kept up and running until I get settled and find a job which I estimate will be approximatly 2 months from now.
I’m not an artist so I can’t offer in anything in return other than the continued uptime of ponyinabox.com and all projects hosted on that server. 
You can donate using the support link below. Every penny counts here. If you’ve gotten any use out of ponyinabox.com, our iTunes podcasts or Hidden Signal then PLEASE consider donating.
All the money donated will first go to the pay the site bills. Any extra money raised will be saved to keep the site running for future months. 
Support ponyinabox.com
Thank you for your support.
- Logic
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askponyinabox · 9 years
How big is your entire team, exactly? How many of which occupation do you have?
Well there are about 60+ official ‘Boxers’ at any given moment, but most of them are VAs we call in when they’re needed. The actual editors and writers are a bit of a skeleton crew. We have about four editors with Squeak being head editor and head writer of various projects, with VA staff fluctuating episode to episode. 
We also have a few artists and website editors/designers. 
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askponyinabox · 9 years
So what kind of presence will you guys have? A panel or something more like that game thing from last year? Or both?! :D
We will have a panel AND another audio event.
Doctor Whooves and the Changeling Uprising
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askponyinabox · 9 years
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A lovely poster by Lilla Dessert! It’s like if Wrong Way Backwards got even MORE crossed up! 
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askponyinabox · 9 years
Will PonyinaBox have a presence at BronyCon this year? Last year was so much fun!
We will! Exact date and time pending
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