askryomen · 25 days
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Erm...is this you?
what is this.
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askryomen · 26 days
I am crafting a pair of dangling earrings from human teeth, but I seem to have found myself in a dilemma. In your expert opinion, which order should the teeth go in that would look best hanging from the ear: wisdom tooth - molar - incisor - canine, or canine - incisor - molar - wisdom tooth?
the first one. the canine should be at the bottom, giving the earring a pointed end.
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askryomen · 26 days
please what.
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askryomen · 1 month
I'll do anything you ask, daddy. 🥴🥴🥴
(googles how to not annoy someone who is constantly annoyed)
it is not possible. you will always get on my nerves. consider the fact that you’re still alive and not being digested by my stomach acids a good sign, though.
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askryomen · 1 month
so lets talk about your tattoo marks specifically your thighs ones… you going to let me lick them all around?
do you truly believe you’re worthy?
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askryomen · 1 month
No bitey?
not as long as you wish to still have teeth. however, i’m feeling generous, so if you stop being irritating, i’ll let you suck my fingers. do we have ourselves a deal?
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askryomen · 1 month
Honestly I’d let you crack me like a human glow stick for a crumb of dick
it’s always you in my inbox asking me the weirdest shit. i’ll spit on you.
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askryomen · 1 month
I merely ask your opinion on such things because your opinion is just so important. In other news, do you think I should sell my liver every year that it grows back and get rich?
that’s actually clever. liver is delicious, you can be my dealer.
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askryomen · 1 month
*sits at your feet*
Ur so cute. I'm gonna bite your cheekies.
Nom nom
you try to bite my cheeks, and i will tear each tooth out of your jaw one by one and make you swallow them.
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askryomen · 1 month
a kiss, no. you have not earned that. but you can sit at my feet, and i'll pat your head. i'm feeling.... kind today. or something adjacent to that.
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askryomen · 1 month
I will rip out my heart from my chest with my bare hands and give it to you so you can feel the last beating seconds of it.
good. just as i deserve.
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askryomen · 2 months
OUR BELOVED KING IS BACK!!! My ethereal god, how have you been? 🩷 Also, the tramp stamp tattoo idea is great !!! I've thought about getting it a long time ago!! With your face tattoos specifically 🩷
i've been busy, pest. and you should get the tramp stamp, i would like to see it. if you do, i'll reward you.
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askryomen · 2 months
Can I have one little forehead smooch 💋
it will be the last thing you ever experience, but sure.
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askryomen · 2 months
I discovered a dinner plate sized huntsman spider in my home a while ago and as you do when you encounter a spider that big I began charging him rent. He’s been slacking on his job as evidenced by the amount of bugs in the house, and last month he paid me 6 cents. Do you think I should evict him?
what is this nonsense i just read.
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askryomen · 2 months
Also, how do we feel about Tyler the Creator
i feel nothing. who is that.
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askryomen · 2 months
That’s a great idea, stop feeding my obsession
no. your obsession, time and attention should belong to me anyway.
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askryomen · 2 months
You’ve been gone so long I’ve gotten three new tattoos. This one’s my fave though
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i like it. you should get a tramp stamp of my tattoo marks.
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