asksebsmythe-blog · 10 years
What was the best part of your Christmas holiday?
Being with our families, and then of course finding out we're pregnant!
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asksebsmythe-blog · 10 years
And then our parents cried and we cried more! 
Did you and Sebastian celebrate being pregnant?
We cried and hugged for about an hour straight! Then we called our parents and told them the good news. 
We are going to celebrate with our friends tomorrow at our New Year’s party! 
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asksebsmythe-blog · 10 years
What was your favorite gift you got for christmas?
This was an after-Christmas gift but definitely the news we're expecting!
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asksebsmythe-blog · 10 years
Any updates on the surrogate?
The surrogate is officially pregnant! 
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asksebsmythe-blog · 10 years
Jeff and I have some news...
We are OFFICIALLY expecting our first child!  Our surrogate is pregnant and we could not be happier, Jeff and I can't wait to be parents!
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We got the news earlier today -- this is the best late Christmas present we could have asked for! 
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asksebsmythe-blog · 10 years
Are there still times where you shut down emotionally? Or has Jeff completely changed that about you?
There are times when I want to, then I look at Jeff and I realize that my life is his and the struggles I face I can share with him.   Having Jeff as a husband and in my life has made such a difference for me.
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asksebsmythe-blog · 10 years
I got worried over nothing and asked a question that caused an argument between someone I really care about. What should I do to show I'm sorry ?
I would apologize first and foremost.  Then I would explain why you were worried, offer an explanation.  
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asksebsmythe-blog · 10 years
What is your favorite christmas movie?
Home Alone, it's one of the best!
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asksebsmythe-blog · 10 years
How did you guys celebrate Jeff's birthday?
On Thursday Jeff and I went to Boston for the night to celebrate his birthday -- it was really romantic and just the two of us.  Friday we came back to New York and had a huge party with everyone, his brothers flew in for that too.  Saturday his mom and dad flew in and they're still here, we all went out to a show and then dinner to celebrate Jeff's birthday -- it's been really great!  I hope Jeff has been enjoying it!
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asksebsmythe-blog · 10 years
How are you going to spend your Christmas break?
I plan on spending Christmas break with my husband!  We're hoping to have a baby on the way by the time school goes back.
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asksebsmythe-blog · 10 years
Describe the last sex you had with Jeff.
It was actually really passionate and slow, definitely love making.  When he came home from campus today I had candles out and gave him a massage and then we made love, I topped.
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asksebsmythe-blog · 10 years
Do you miss being a slut?
I really don't, it wasn't as fulfilling as being with Jeff is. 
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asksebsmythe-blog · 10 years
Do you always get what you want?
No, I've actually learned to compromise. 
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asksebsmythe-blog · 10 years
How are you and Jeff feeling now?
We're feeling a bit better, we're closer to finding a surrogate now than we had been. 
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asksebsmythe-blog · 10 years
How was your thanksgiving?
It was really great, this entire Thanksgiving break went by so quickly. 
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asksebsmythe-blog · 10 years
Have you started to apply to law school?
Yes, I actually have all of my applications in! 
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asksebsmythe-blog · 10 years
Are you ready for finals?
No, not at all actually!  I need to get studying, I think Jeff and I will both be spending a lot of time in the library this week! 
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