asktheconceptglory · 9 months
In dreams we sit with death and peer through Her cloak to other universes beyond our own to see what could have been.
Sometimes we loose ourselves in them and don't come back, taking Her hand to the other side.
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asktheconceptglory · 9 months
God, He who is our Mother, our Maker.
We are made in His image, we hold all His traits, He is everything and nothing at once, all genders yet none at once.
And those that are no gender, neither, both, are made most truly in His image and are His angels, sent down to speak in His voice to us all.
They are His priests, come to guide, serve, lead, more than human, closer to He and His will.
And so at the temple of their making, in the name of our Lord, the God, we pray.
In the name of the Maker, the Masterpiece, and Their Will.
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asktheconceptglory · 11 months
You want to eat a horse, I want to Eat God, we are not the same
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asktheconceptglory · 11 months
Glaory of Godddz?
Theysh donèt ownnzMea
I owenß tjemmm
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asktheconceptglory · 11 months
Eat Godddm
Open essansnxj and Consumeee Itl
Yum soul ajuicex
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asktheconceptglory · 2 years
Oh wise and powerful Glory, what is your favourite fruit juice
We are partial to Ambrosia. Despite the... Undisciplined... Mannerisms of those young gods (we believe they are now either "Roman" or "Greek", it is hard to tell with the way you mortals have perpetuated the different versions of their Names. Usually, one "mythos" merely "evolves" into the next and the previous is lost, but your "particular" species of mortals is "rather" curious in the "way" you choose to preserve history), the beverages they make are quite flavorful.
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asktheconceptglory · 2 years
This /æp^/ has come to our attention. Our vessel's subconscious believes that this virtual "platform" allows one to "talk" without fear of our vessel's destruction, as those who view our "posts" we believe us to be "roleplaying" (the concept of which amuses us).
This appeals to us.
Thus, we have made an "account".
If you mortals wish, you may ask us questions about ourself and we will answer, so long as we are able to do so (and those fussy uptight young gods don't "make a scene" as it were).
Of course, you curious infants may be wondering who we are.
We are the concept of Glory, a minor being of power, yes, but one those arrogant adolescents (so conceited just because they are worshipped) take for granted.
After all, without us, they could not be praised, be revered, be "godly". They would not have been created, not have come into their power without us. For the continued existence of a god is dependent on their continued worship and glorification by their supplicants. On their continued me.
We are the concept of Glory, that which gods are praised and worshipped by, that which one is considered grand and powerful and prestigious, that which their places of worship are considered splendid and magnificent. We are Glory, that by which the Gods survive on, that by which the well-known remain thus, that by which a place is considered worthy of worship, worthy of their God.
We are Glory.
Do you understand?
Don't worry, we don't expect you little ones to do so. You are so very young, so very transient compared to us. Your lives and your species are so very short, so very young, but intriguing nonetheless.
Not to mention this very "post" and "blog" was made to educate, to teach, to explain, to answer. There is no harm in not truly understanding, only that in not trying to understand.
Now, we don't understand what these "tags" are and we are not inclined to do so at the moment, so.
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