askthecreepslayerz · 3 years
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Eight more signatures for the second week in a row! Every week and every signature brings us closer and closer to our goal! I’m really happy with how this is going, guys. I really believe that we can save our series!
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askthecreepslayerz · 3 years
So uh. Why is steve pregnant. Hmm... hmm?????
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askthecreepslayerz · 4 years
Why does Eli have those band-aids on his arms? Is he okay?
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Eli: im okay though!.... just kinda, accident prone. Heh
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askthecreepslayerz · 5 years
Hey guys its been.... a while ha. But if anybody is still around or is interested, I've open up my commission. I need to start making some money for the christmas season while i havent been able to work.
Reblogging is always apreciated xx
I've opened my art commisions! They are fairly cheap. Im selling icons, character drawings and emotes for twitch/youtube/discord etc. Feel free to send me a message here or on twitter if your interested or have any questions :D
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askthecreepslayerz · 6 years
Dear Eli, on a scale of one to ten, how cute do you find Steve when he gets all blushy?
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Eli: …10
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askthecreepslayerz · 6 years
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((They’re watching a scary movie))
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askthecreepslayerz · 6 years
Ik im still missing.... and im sorry. I have wips i promise BUT i wanted to bring up the leaked aja/steve pic.
I love creepslayerz with all my heart, but you know what. Steve and aja is fucking adorable. So if when this season starts, any of you's start bashing and harrasing people who do like it, I dont want you following this blog. I've seen how this goes, and i really hope we dont go down the same route.
Its ok not to like it, that is 10000% fine. Just don't attack those who do.
Also updates soon i promise - i aint abandoning this forever.
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askthecreepslayerz · 6 years
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stills from 3below
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askthecreepslayerz · 6 years
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askthecreepslayerz · 6 years
What creeps do y'all have evidence of? Are ghosts real?? Aliens??? Am I even real????
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Eli: Since you sent an ask? I think thats a pretty good identifier that your real. As for evidence, I have a bunch. 
Steve: He has a massive binder filled with stuff he can’t fit on his cork board.
Eli: Hang on, I left it down stairs…
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Steve: Im just… going to delete these….
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askthecreepslayerz · 6 years
hey guys, look this is a very real thing and im sad its not as talked about as net neutrality. I live in the UK so this is going to affect me until we leave the EU in 2020. Im gonna do whatever I can to continue this blog, but in the possible chance I can’t im really sorry, and thank you for all the support you guys have given me. Lets just hope when July 4th comes around I won’t loose all of this.
I don’t want to disappear without a forewarning.
As of July 4th 2018, the Internet as we know it might be dead for good. 
The European Parliament is passing a new Copyright Directive.  Article 13 #CensorshipMachine will impose widespread censorship of all the content we share online. Art, fanfiction, parodies, remixes, mashups, memes, etc.. Anything that you do not hold the rights over will be taken down. 
Article 13 would force all online platforms to police and prevent the uploading of copyrighted content, or make people seek the correct licenses to post that content. Internet platforms hosting large amounts of user-uploaded content must monitor user behaviour and filter their contributions to identify and prevent copyright infringement. 
Such filters will be mandatory for platforms including YouTube, Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit and Instagram, but also much smaller websites. 
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This doesn’t just affect Europe. The content creators you love are going to be in hot water for sharing their art and writing with you online. Any and all content that doesn’t belong to us will be filtered. Even memes are at risk, as the person who took the original photo may want to file complaints against any platform that allows it to be used without permission. But it goes even further than that.
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Last Tuesday (19th June 2018) a group of more than 70 people who have played important roles in building the internet and developing it (Tim Berners-Lee, Vincent Cerf, Jimmy Wales, Mitchell Baker…) into what it is today addressed an open letter to the members of the European Parliament:
“As creators ourselves, we share the concern that there should be a fair distribution of revenues from the online use of copyright works, that benefits creators, publishers, and platforms alike.
But Article 13 is not the right way to achieve this. By requiring Internet platforms to perform automatic filtering all of the content that their users upload, Article 13 takes an unprecedented step towards the transformation of the Internet from an open platform for sharing and innovation, into a tool for the automated surveillance and control of its users. […] The damage that this may do to the free and open Internet as we know it is hard to predict, but in our opinions could be substantial.”
Here is the original Article 13. It’s even scarier. / Link 2 
Here is how to contact your MEPs. 
Here is a full list of everything that will be affected.
Europe is facing a huge problem, and unlike with Net Neutrality, the world doesn’t seem to care. 
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askthecreepslayerz · 6 years
Im really sorry,
Dont worry im not giving up on this i promise, just wanna explain where ive been.
June has been the worst month for me, so much i have dubbed it the month of death. Both my Grandma and my family dog passed away within a week of eachother, as well as my neighbour dying. My best friend has been sent away to a psych unit to improve his mental health, idk when im going to see him again. And this has been making my brain a gooey mess of depression.
On a side note, i turned 17 on wednesday and my gay ass got a boyfriend so?
But yeah, asks will be resuming asap, most likely in July but maybe earlier. Keep sending in questions for the boys :D
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askthecreepslayerz · 6 years
what are your favorite colors?
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Steve: I don’t really think about this sort’ve thing? But I suppose red? Its one of the nicer colours. Doesn’t really suit me tho.
Eli: Huh. Figured it would be blue. 
Steve: Im not that predictable Pepperjack.
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Eli: Mines green, Obviously. All the best things are green, Aliens, radioactive fluid, acid, emeralds. Cool things.
Steve: of course your the predictable one…
Eli: as long as its not while we're fighting creepers. its fine, so shut up. 
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askthecreepslayerz · 6 years
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Eli: Its a pleasure to meet you mister Blinky! Wow, I didn’t realise there where any other theorists in arcadia. Most of the creepers we have seen have been pretty small. There was this big goo monster, it was really gross. Oh, and there where these other things, we couldn’t get a good luck at them but-
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Eli: What?
Steve: Don’t you think it’s a bit weird? We have never heard of this guy. And here he comes barging in asking us all these questions. How do we know we can trust him? How do we know he’s not working for the bad guys? How did he get your skype????
Eli: Steve your over-reacting. Plus my Skype’s on the blog. Incase someone wanted to talk to us...like this.
Steve: I still don’t trust him, and neither should you...
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Steve: Dr Creepslayer.
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Steve: AHAHAHAHA! You called yourself that! 
(Blinky has started a video call with you)
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Mr Blinky : How do I get this camera on?, oh wait there it is
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Mr Blinky: * coughs* Why hello there, em ,Dr CreepSlayer. I happened across your blog and saw you are also interested in the rumors and theories around Arcadia.
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Mr Blinky: oh I forgot to introduce myself. I am Mr Blinky,I myself am quite the scholar ,and know of many legions from both here and abroad. I’m quite the expert in this area, and I thought perhaps you could tell me what it is you have seen, exactly?
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???: What doing? Mr Blinky: (whispered to ???) not now my friend
Mr Blinky:as I’m sure that we can help each other in our endeavors if we share some information.
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Mr Blinky: Perhaps you can start with what exactly is the biggest thing you have seen? and how good a look did you get of it?
(( @askthecreepslayerz ))
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askthecreepslayerz · 6 years
Have some free boys!
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Okay so. I love these boys. Too much. Sorry its kinda blurry its midnight and i wanna sleep. May colour tomorrow. Idk tho :/
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askthecreepslayerz · 6 years
Is it like.. safe to go outside at night?? (can't wait to see where this blog goes!)
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Eli: Well really I suppose it depends on where you live? Different places vary in amount of supernatural activity. So I guess if there haven’t been any recently reported sightings of creepers then you should be fine?
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Eli & Steve: WHERE???
Eli:…Steve…are you scared of aliens?
Steve: NO! pfft why would i?? THEY DON’T EVEN EXIST…probably.
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Steve:…I dropped my chips….
Eli: Oh…sad.
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askthecreepslayerz · 6 years
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Oh my gosh!! thank you guys so much for 100 follows!! i wasn’t even expecting 10! 
im going to be starting up again regularily after June 4th. Exams are more stressful than I i thought >~< BUT thank you guys for sticking around!!
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