Lucy: I'm sorry honey. Wanna a "forgive me" make-out session? You could totally be the dommy one. ;)
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Liz: Buy me a few cocktails and we'll see. :p
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Liz: Y'think maybe because it's because unlike you I have a son to take care of and getting my steady job back would be heaven? Get some damn empathy, woman.
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Lucy: It's our askblog, dude, they should know us well enough not to be stupid. And what is with you and not having any fun lately?
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Do you think your work is feminist or sexist?
Lucy: So nobody else is going to answer this one? Fine then. And it's neither. When I'm riding a guy's dick for money to pay the rent, I'm not exactly thinking about rape culture y'know? So if you could kindly fuck off with your "I have hours on my daddy-paid-for-this net to think about stuff" bullshit and let me do my job.
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Liz: Fuck's sake, Luc, an annoying question is no reason to go apeshit on the person. Not their fault that sex work has such a bad rep in media.
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So who let the bugs loose in the club?
Mary: *squirms, plays with her hair, bites her lip* would you believe me if i said i found them outside and brought them in 'cos they looked like they were limping?
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Have any of you heard of or seen To Boldly Flee?
Penny: I haven't seen it, but I keep hearing things about the ending. Any good?
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We know how Donna and Benzaie hooked up, but what happened that put Donna and Paw together? And how the hell did it turn into a threesome?
Donna: Ooh, I finally get a question? And it involved a lot of martinis and dancing, anon, specifically: when things were new it was only me and Benzaie who liked going on-stage, all the others were kinda pussy about it, preferring to stick to corners and stuff. We stayed late one night, raided the bar (a lot of pop was served the next day :P), touched each other a lot and it just stuck from there.
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Whoever wants to answer this one: what would you do if you could leave the club?
Stacey: Forever and always, work in a library. Don't care if it's big or small, just the smell of books makes me happy.
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Who would Mary pick if it ever came down to it, Joe or Liz? Why?
Mary: Please don't tell her this, but Joe. Liz is so good and so nice, but if Joe had a plan to get out that actually worked, I would leave everything behind and keep most of the memories out. I just can't keep doing this for the rest of my life.
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Stacey, why do you like the Nerd so much? He's kind of a dick to you.
Stacey: He's nicer than Michaud. And have you seen the way his face kinda melts when he's talking about games he likes? I love that.
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I'm curious, do you guys notice that time jumps around a lot? One minute you're in 2014 or later, and the next you're in 2010. Why is that?
Penny: I've actually tried to talk to them about this, they just look at me like I'm nuts. :( Do you think I should also try and explain that nobody saw any bugs and we might be in danger of getting thrown away?
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Lucy, don't you ever get tired of playing the Manic Pixie Dream Girl?
Lucy: Fuck's sake, one jokey post in a new place and I already get someone bitching at me. And to answer, yes, of course I do. But it gets me money and makes my friends happy. God knows I'm not going to be able to do much else.
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Lucy: I know it's so cliche, but my pink dildo's just so purdy! :D
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Hi everyone, Liz here. The club was closed about a week ago due a bug infestation that wasn't caught quick enough, and the Mikes are trying their hardest to not get it closed down for good. Until that time, I figured I and the others could hang around here if that's okay? Nothing but daytime TV will crack my nerves and I need -something- to do. Of course if I bore you, Lucy or someone more exciting will take over the entertainment, cos that's how it works, right?
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