I’M NOT DEAD! Update & Mental Health Awareness (Possible PTSD Trigger Warning)
Greetings everyone. I know I’ve been absent for a while and I just want to let you guys know what’s been up. I won’t go into details but in September, a misunderstanding led to an explosive argument between me and my sister and I ended up being painted as the bad guy. Although I haven’t seen a therapist or anything, I’m pretty sure this incident has given me PTSD. At night I’ve been restless, with negative emotions and thoughts clouding my mind. I’ve become sensitive to confrontation and abuse of any sort, especially yelling and physical assault, such as a physical attack, or whipping, hitting, slapping etc. If I’m watching a TV serial where these things occur, it is enough to trigger me and remind me of that awful day. And I never used to react this way to these things before. For these past months I’ve been sensitive to things way more than I should be. There is not one day that goes by where I cannot get what happened out of my head. You should know that I’ve always striven to make my parents proud of me; this is what I centered my whole life around growing up. But after what happened, I felt like my life had been wrecked; ruined. Since that day, my sister hasn’t looked me in the eyes. If I’m anywhere in her presence, she will look away bearing a look of disdain on her face. I have two younger sisters and you should know that our relationship is very strained and distant. Despite living our whole lives under the same roof, we’re practically strangers. If I spoke to them I was greeted with insolent behavior. It’s been this way since we approached adolescence, but I never thought anything of it, thinking it was normal younger sibling behavior. Growing up, although I respected them, I always found them to be annoying, since we are polar opposites and share no common interests. Perhaps I should have done more for them; given them more love and attention. If I had, karma wouldn’t have caught up with me. I see now that what they feel for me is not normal sibling annoyance; it’s contempt. They look at me as if I’m beneath them, like I’m unworthy of their respect. I felt fury, humiliated, and ashamed, with myself, all at the same time since September. My emotions put me through hell and mental/emotional torture and draining. I’m currently in the process of healing and I don’t know how long it will take me, but I know I’ll be okay. And recently, I told myself that enough was enough.
We all have one life. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Every life is precious. You do not deserve people who get in the way of you being happy. You deserve to surround yourself with people who have your best interests at heart, who bring out the best in you. Who makes you feel happy, who makes you feel present. LOVE YOURSELVES MORE! Because you deserve the best in the world, and so do I.
Aside from all this I really want to get into the habit of updating these blogs again. Currently I’m in university trying to get by anatomy and passing all my classes that require intensive studying. In my third year, I’ll start clinicals so I’ve just been busy with life and overall growing up. In all honesty, I don’t find myself as passionate about Black Butler as I used to be, and for this reason I don’t think I will do roleplay and ask responses with the characters as I’m not as invested in the series. However I am up to date with the manga. The Royal Tutor blog on the hand I feel most comfortable working with at the moment, since the characters are a bit more easier to work with. I’m also updated with the Royal Tutor manga as well and my upcoming posts may be related to recent chapters, so stay tuned for that! I don’t know what the future will hold but, I hope you guys will still have me!
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Happy Devil’s Day to our favorite demon butler!
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6.6.6 Devil’s Day  Original: Yana Toboso
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New Ownership
Greetings everyone. This blog is now under new ownership. I am the new owner of this blog and royal-tutoring. The previous owner entrusted me in running these blogs and I hope to keep them going strong! For right now, I just have one request: I ask that you guys refrain from sending asks for this blog as I’ve closed the ask box. I’m new to this sort of thing and at this very moment I’m getting adjusted to being the owner of two blogs, so please be patient with me! Right now for this blog I’m going to post or reblog other Black Butler content until I’m comfortable enough to answer asks. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy everything that comes to this blog with me as its new owner! I hope to make this a wonderful blog for everyone that crosses its path!
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I’d like for everyone to be able to scroll through all my posts still, if that makes any sense.
Are you going to leave the blog up if no one claims it?
I haven’t decided what’s actually gonna happen to my blogs yet. If I delete my account they’ll disappear into the void but I could just log off forever. I’m leaning more towards the latter at the moment, I guess?
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Are you going to leave the blog up if no one claims it?
I haven’t decided what’s actually gonna happen to my blogs yet. If I delete my account they’ll disappear into the void but I could just log off forever. I’m leaning more towards the latter at the moment, I guess?
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Just wanted to say I wish you good luck with everything, I love this blog and I hope that life treats you well! ♥
Hope that post wasn’t too controversial or anything, I don’t wanna make myself out to be some kind of Negative Nancy.
I’ll still be floating around the internet, don’t get me wrong, just not on Tumblr. I have a Reddit account if you care about that kinda stuff.
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Doubt anyone will take this offer before the deadline, but the offer to take this blog off my hands is still open. Message me if you’re interested.
I’m just gonna put this out here but Tumblr during Pride Month is literally the most insufferable thing in existence. As a gay person, it frustrates me to hell and back seeing some of the shit that pops up on my dashboard. Pandering; never-ending pandering.
LGBT character edits & headcanons amongst other awful Pride Month traditions can all just disappear. What I mentioned above plus a bunch of other just as irritating qualities of this site is why I’m planning to leave altogether on the 5th of this month.
I haven’t been posting at all recently because my interests have taken a sudden turn. I have no interest in anime/manga whatsoever anymore; sitting down to watch Peaky Blinders, Seinfeld, or literally anything else makes me comfortable. Anime is just an afterthought.
I won’t be doing any special goodbye speech before I go or anything; poofing out of existence on the scheduled date is much more my style. Doubt anyone really cares what I do, or even me leaving anyway. I guess that’s it for this post, then??
Thanks for making me feel so welcome and I hope I managed to bring at least a tiny smile to your face with this ridiculous blog.
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I’m just gonna put this out here but Tumblr during Pride Month is literally the most insufferable thing in existence. As a gay person, it frustrates me to hell and back seeing some of the shit that pops up on my dashboard. Pandering; never-ending pandering.
LGBT character edits & headcanons amongst other awful Pride Month traditions can all just disappear. What I mentioned above plus a bunch of other just as irritating qualities of this site is why I’m planning to leave altogether on the 5th of this month.
I haven’t been posting at all recently because my interests have taken a sudden turn. I have no interest in anime/manga whatsoever anymore; sitting down to watch Peaky Blinders, Seinfeld, or literally anything else makes me comfortable. Anime is just an afterthought.
I won’t be doing any special goodbye speech before I go or anything; poofing out of existence on the scheduled date is much more my style. Doubt anyone really cares what I do, or even me leaving anyway. I guess that’s it for this post, then??
Thanks for making me feel so welcome and I hope I managed to bring at least a tiny smile to your face with this ridiculous blog.
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This is for any one, who wants to kill God with me? :3
“God?” Ronald snickers, “Now there’s a novel concept if I’ve ever heard one.”
He rises from his lazy, slumped position; fixing his tie in the process. “Tell me this, if there really is some kinda God up there looking down on us with beady eyes, what makes you think he’d go down so easily?”
“You raise a good question,” a sullen voice interrupts, “I’m almost impressed.”
From afar, a tall, glasses-wearing man approaches. To say his expression is nothing short of irate would be an understatement. “Though discussing such nonsense is futile, and a complete waste of time.”
The figure’s menacing gaze stabs Ronald with fear. Sweat rapidly forming on his brow, he hurries back to work, hoping to avoid further punishment.
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To shorten it up, there was a cat in a neighborhood who everyone knew and absolutely hated. The cat was nicknamed "Ugly" because of his missing eye, scabs, broken leg, and other injuries. The people would throw rocks and turn the hose on him. One day, Ugly was attacked by a dog when someone heard his cries. The person took him in and comforted Ugly until he eventually succumbed to his injuries. ... I would definitely not recommend it for children.
“Quite the depressing tale, I must say. I do hope his final moments were free from the suffering brought on by others.”
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As if in that moment his day had crumbled, a long, depressed sigh escapes from his mouth. “You must be joking,” he grumbles under his breath, “on my break, of all times..”
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I heard a rumour about you, Sebastian; is it true that you started the bubonic plague in Europe all those years ago?
Following a brief pause to collect his thoughts, the intimidatingly tall house servant angles his head to one side, a deviant smile forming. “If I were to confess, how might you react?”
“Will such a confession be kept secret, as it should, or will you instead dash to the Yard and attempt to have me arrested?”
True colours now vividly showing, the freakish smirk plastered on his face widens. “Just imagine the bother the Young Lord and I would have to deal with if they were informed. We can’t have that, no, not at all.
Therefore, it should come as no surprise that I humbly ask you to refrain from sticking your nose in places it doesn’t quite belong.”
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what are you looking at?!
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Sebastian, what are witches like? Have you met many?
“They are quite odd when compared to their common portrayal in media. The lack of green skin, wart-riddled noses, and broomsticks hardly lead one to believe they are witches at all. In reality, they are a strange species who prefer their own company and revolt if approached.
Of course, being the age I am, it would be rather worrisome if I hadn’t come across at least one in my travels.”
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Edward I feel like you should date a girl of a lower class. Aristocrats often take life and the things they have for granted and maybe dating someone who has to actually do hard labor to get by might give ya a different perspective. Plus lower class people r sooo much more fun then aristocrats.
“Lower class ..?” he says with a somewhat nauseated expression. “Preposterous. My mother would never allow such a thing, and I hardly see myself doing so either.”
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*gives Basy a cat* Love me please. - Grell
Without even a second of hesitation, he lifts the animal from the reaper’s gloved possession. “I feel rather obliged to accept your gift, yet I won’t be returning the affection.”
With a sadistic look, he smiles. “Thank you, Grell.”
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