Hey Francis do you remember Kate Bishop ?
Francis: Bishop? The name sounds familiar, but I can’t quite recall if there was anyone I’ve ever met with that name.
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So…Torunn and Francis….whats that like ?
Francis: ....
*cough cough*
I mean yeah, sure! I liked Torrun for a bit....
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shitty artist depiction of francis in the mud puddle
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so I’ve seen lots of headcanons/AUs about the kiddos’ parents.
but consider
𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲
- knows a Romanoff-Rogers™️ when he sees one.
- his sixth sense is knowing EXACTLY when someone’s gonna start some bs.
- walking out of a fight with James under one arm and Steve/Nat over the opposing shoulder.
- he’s there the split second one of the Romanoff-Rogers opens their mouth to propose an idea.
- the common sense
- bucky: james yelena romanoff-rogers i swear to god if you jump off that landing-
james: *jumps*
bucky: why do i even fucking bother
- carries a first-aid kit at all times.
- he might have cried upon finding out that the Romanoff-Roger’s son was named after him.
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Torunn’s design always bothered me so I had some fun with it and changed her pallet based on some potential “mothers”
Bye bye, boob armour!
Oc color pallet under the cut
Keep reading
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Has Azari tried looking for more Mutants now that Ultron is destroyed ? Maybe reform the X-Men ? Or does he wanna find Wakanda and learn more about his Families history
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Would be nice, right?
(so sorry for the wait on this one, i was busy TvT)
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If you really don’t think Torrun and Henry take bets every time Azari/Francis goes to wake up James in the morning on how long they can evade him then you are WRONG.
Pym will calculate his answer as accurately as possible, going at least several decimal places.
Stopwatch starts when they see Azari/Francis dart out of the room, and ends when James catches them in a judo-style grab and flip.
Tony sometimes joins in on the betting too, bc why not.
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Is James a mamas boy or daddy’s boy hope no one gets injured in finding out the answers 😂
James: I have and always will respect/love both of my biological parents. Nothing more needs to be said.
Tony: *whispering* He’s a mama’s boy. Always has been.
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How long did it take Francis to incorporate himself in the group and who was the biggest one to be hesitant to add him to the team
Francis: I mean of course I wasn’t added in right away, but a couple months later I’m on the team and I think we’re getting along just fine.
Torrun: James was extremely hesitant, but eventually agreed.
Francis: Well OBVIOUSLY James would be the last one to agree. Not ready to handle THIS kind of awesome.
Henry: He threatened to punch James in the face so many times that he got socked by James himself.
Azari: We found him lying in a mud puddle, with a bloody nose, contemplating his life choices. He really hasn’t crossed James since.
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you might think James is the no-nonsense responsible kid, but consider:
- son of Steve (willing to fight anyone/fuck the government) Rogers, and Natasha (poser, epitome of badass dramatic)
- Bucky’s first thought of seeing those two together was “shit there’s two of them”.
those who understand the steve/bucky dynamic 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 where this is going :)
Tony’s anxiety is through the roof because of this kid.
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tony and the kiddos as vines
James: *falls through the ceiling*
Tony, on his seventh cup of coffee: hey james
James: hey tony
James: So I’ve been able to develop a thick skin to all of the bad comments i’ve been getting-
Azari, walking by: navy blue is not your color
James: what do you mean i look fuCKING GORGEOUS IN NAVY BLUE-
*and another tally is on the board for how many times azari has been chased by james*
Henry, who tied a potato to his ceiling fan: a potato flew around my room before you came in-
*cut to all the kiddos screaming bc henry turned up the fan speed for “scientific purposes“*
Tony, trying to teach the toddler kiddos: N-U-T-E-L-L-A. What does that spell?
The toddler age kiddos, collectively: PEANUT BUTTAH-
i’ll add more later dw
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Some preliminary stuff for this blog:
- This blog takes place post-Ultron, so the events of the movie already happened.
- I’m mainly going to be focusing on Tony and the kiddos, but I will toss some Ross/scavengers content in there.
I’ll probably think of more as I go, but hope this helps in terms of questions!
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