askthewanderler · 1 year
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askthewanderler · 1 year
“Ah, hello! I.. uh- shoot what was I going to say? How nice to meet another.. ler.. uh- that's what we're called.. I think? Sorry for my weird introduction- I'll cut to the chase. I also like to document alternate.. universes? That's what they're called I think- but I like to make machines and I've gone to.. one. I've gone to one universe, and I met a sock version of me? us? Not sure how to process this yet- I'm currently writing this as I just bought a thneed from em! Uh- I hope this letter finds itself to you!”
- @ask-gentleman-steampunk-onceler
Update: It did find itself to me, after like, what, 2 months? Sorry! I forgot that I had Tumblr... and got myself a new device. Sooo... Yeah. I apologize if my reply took like an eternity.
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askthewanderler · 1 year
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Psst! Hey! Take a look at this!
I actually own a worm on a string. His name is Whiffer.
Say hi to Whiffer!
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askthewanderler · 1 year
Guys. Just a question, do you guys see an ask button? Because I can't really see it and I don't know if others can too.
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askthewanderler · 1 year
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Never doing this again.
So I saw some other "ler"s smoking cigars. I thought it'd be cool. So I tried it and. Um. Yeah.
I am seriously never doing it again.
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askthewanderler · 1 year
Did you know:
My name is a play on Wanderer and Once-ler?
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Just a lil' somethin! Lolol.
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askthewanderler · 1 year
First Notes..
Okay, I think I remember seeing a Q-tip Once-ler somewhere..
Some traits involve: being a q-tip of course, and not liking being used as a cleaning material.
IMPORTANT: I'm writing this all by memory. If Q-Tip-ler sees this and tells me to take this down, I will. And another thing, this may be slightly inaccurate, or just completely inaccurate. This is really just quick observation.
In terms of appearance, he seems to look like a sentient Q-tip, with the exception of a tiny tophat resembling canon.
In terms of personality, he seems similar to canon personality, just a tiny bit saltier. I get it I guess, seeing as too many people want to use him to clean surfaces.
He can apparently hold things(?), despite having no hands and being around 4 inches tall ( which is the size of a regular q-tip ). How he responds to comments and questions is probably up to interpretation given the way he holds things is, uh, mysterious I guess. ( Q-Tip-ler, if you see this, you can clarify anything if you want to. )
Aaaand.. That's basically it! Had a bit of fun writing this honestly.
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askthewanderler · 1 year
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Sometimes a bit of sketching helps me pass the time. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's not.. 'Cause sometimes, I've got no ideas! My brain feels like a smoothie whenever I have no ideas.
Anyway, kinda excited, and kinda nervous to meet some other "ler"s like me. Imagine if one actually responds.. That would be really awesome yet nerve-wracking ngl. 👀
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askthewanderler · 1 year
I'm a tire!
But anywho anyhow anyway, hi guys;!;;
Feel free to ask meeee.. Stuff. Yesg. That's it.
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askthewanderler · 1 year
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Hey.. Psst.. Is anyone there?
Well, hello everyone! I'm just yet another "ler", as so others call it.
I'm now running some sort of ask blog. This is my first time on this platform so.. Yeah. ( No really, this is my first time on this platform, so I apologize if my introduction is a bit cringe-worthy or something. ) That's it, pretty much.
This account is run by me, studying and taking note of other "ler"s that I come across. I'm up for a chat any time, so don't hesitate to ask away!
Just need to set some other things up..
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