asktheyugiships · 4 years
Welcome and Rules!
Welcome to my first ever Ask blog..thing...on Tumblr!  I will let you read these rules before you do anything...so please follow them! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: No begging for your question to be read/answered next or first,it’s first come first served… 2: You can ask as many times as you want,just don’t ask the same question (nor word it in a different way) 3: No R or M Rated questions! (if any..you won’t get to ask stuff anymore) 4: Keep...drama..out! (no thanks,there’s already enough of that going on in the world and I am sick of hearing it!) 5: You can do riddles/games with any of the ships..just don’t over do them because I (the person behind this) might not get the right answer… 6: Use the appropriate name for the ship you want to ask! (EX: ‘this is for the Mobiumship) 7: You can post fan art for this Q/A...just keep it PG to PG13 please.. 8: You are welcome to ask me (the one behind this) stuff,just no sensitive stuff 9: If you post fan stuff here,please no flashing gifs or images,I have a problem with that stuff (it bothers me..highly!)   10: Last of all...be kind,have fun and mind your words! (this is my first ask thing on tumblr..so yea) --------------------------------------------------------------- Rules for the ships Puzzleshipping (DM) 1: Be nice to yugi,he is a sensitive boy (no..no upset Yamis here..) 2: Don’t poke Yami too hard..(he gets scary when he’s mad) 3: Don’t..ruin Yugi with lewd/18+ stuff..please.. 4: Don’t take Yami from Yugi please...I don’t want them to complain to me about it 5: Lastly...don’t ask about if Yami has his memories..he doesn’t (hence..why I call this ship the ‘before memories’ ship) ------ Blindshipping (DM) 1: Be nice to them...or you won’t like what Atem will do (also..show your loyalty to Atem by either bowing or by calling him ‘Pharaoh) 2: These two are married (yes,I gave them a son..) so no..you can’t separate them 3: No..you can’t see their son..I won’t allow it (yet..) 4: Don’t make either of them upset in anyway...please..(meaning,don’t poke them too hard) 5: Don’t bring up Atems past partner,Heba...he has bad memories of him (yes,his son is named Heba,but no..it’s not after his past partner) ------ Mobiumshipping (DM) 1: Don’t poke the three too hard,Atem and Yami are scary when mad 2: Don’t pick on Yugi...at all..be nice to him (if you value your life) 3: Just because there is three..doesn't mean you can be lewd..because you can’t (so no..no threesome jokes..) 4: For the sake of it...if Atem is the first to answer,please,remember to show loyalty to him (by bowing or by saying ‘Pharaoh/My Pharaoh’) once you get your reply 5: As with the Blindship,don’t bring up Atems past partner! (same with Yami,don’t ask if he has his memories!) ----------- Monarchshipping (DM) 1: Don’t bring up anything from Atems past,or ask about Yamis memories (much like the other ships...don’t do it!) 2: These two are just friends of Yugi,regardless..don’t make fun of Yugi..or these two will turn on you (no one wants that..because they can/will refuse to answer) 3: Don’t poke wither one too hard 4: No ‘isn’t this just one guy dating himself’ type questions...please and thank you! (yes,I am very aware that Yami and Atem are canonically the same person...but for this ship,they are very different,separate beings!) 5: These two love jokes..so if you can make either of them laugh,then you won’t be sent to the Shadow Realm if you made them mad (in other words,be nice,fun and such around these two) ------------------- Sanityshipping (SE0/DM) 1: This is one of the more darker ships,so dark questions are allowed..just don’t go too far (meaning..no asking who killed who or gore filled questions) 2: SE0 Yami can be scary,so please..don’t poke him,or you will risk your sanity 3: I will ask you once...to please call SE0 Yami the nickname of ‘Dark’ so no one get’s confused on who is answering (since both have the name of ‘Yami Yugi’ given by Yugi..yea,it’s that confusing) 4: If you don’t get your question answered,then you must have made one of them mad (they are ignoring you if they don’t answer) so again..don’t make them mad 5: The host for SE0 Yami is very...unstable...regardless,he will sometimes be in the background (not actually seen though) so SE0 Yami will sometimes be tending to his host (SE0 Yuugi,or as I gave him the nickname ‘Yu’) and won’t always reply,no he’s not ignoring you..he just has someone to tend to before anything else (DM Yami will still be around however) --------------- Dark Puzzleshipping (SE0) 1: This is the last of my dark ships,like sanityshipping..dark questions are allowed..again,don’t go too far! 2: The Yuugi (or as I call him..’Yu’) for this ship is..unstable..(meaning he has a mental problem) so for the love of all the gods in Egypt..be nice to him! 3: Don’t try to take SE0 Yami from SE0 Yuugi..or things will get violent (and creepy) as said before,this Yuugi has a mental problem (that being...getting separated from SE0 Yami…) 4: SE0 Yami is very smart so if you try anything weird he will know of it (in other words..don’t try anything that will upset him or his partner/host in anyway) 5: SE0 Yami loves puzzles/riddles...so if you have any feel free to share them! (keep in mind..I,the one behind this,will need to use google or something as a cheat-sheet since riddles are not my strong suit) --------------------- As for myself,the one behind things here...you can ask me stuff,I just won’t answer if I think your question is going too far...or if your question is upsetting...a few things to know about myself would be.. 1: I won’t get to every question asked (for any of the ships or myself) so if I don’t get to your question,then it’s either buried or I missed it by accident or it bothered me (with what was said) 2: I will always be weird..so if I get abit roleplay-ie with the answers..then that’s just me being my weird self 3: I love dark things (but not things that go too far) so you might see more of the two darker ships (however,I love all the ships equally) 4: For any of the ships,if I post an answer that upsets you (or anyone in anyway/shape/form) then you are to send me a private message about it! (no,I won’t remove/redo what I did for the answer,but I will offer my sincere apologies for it) 5: As said above...no flashing gifs or otherwise,they highly bother me (I have a seizure issue) so please hold off on doing that! Also...I absolutely..under no circumstance...will tolerate bullying or sex jokes or racism..or anything of the sort...so don’t do that here if you want to ask me stuff..last of all,I will not be letting you see my face (if you ask) nor will I be giving out my RL name (if asked) on the world of the internet I go by ‘Midnight Darkness’ or,if you watch my DeviantArt,’Heba Muran’/’YamiAibou’ ..those are the only names you can call me by (you can pick what one you call me by,either one will not bother me) Side note: I am a fan of certain things (like Sonic,Yugioh of course...ect) so if I post something that is of what I like please don’t leave a rude comment,just because I like something doesn’t give you the right to be rude and tell me off about it..I wouldn’t do it to you so don’t do it to me! (keep your rude comments to yourself please and thank you!) Extra: I won’t be on all day,but I will still answer your stuff if asked..so please bear with me if you are waiting for your questions to get done! Another thing...I work with ye olde paint program and vectors,so it will take me a bit (since I can’t afford a better paint/art program) to get things made,so you will have to wait until things are done (no..you can’t rush me..if you do,I will go slower! The more you rush me the slower I go) so please do not poke me and ask if things are done! In regards to anonymous questions..I will not (nor will the ships) answer them..however if you wish for your username to remain unknown then you are to say so before you ask something (I will black it out when I get to answering your question)..however..I will not do this for every person that asks..it will become too tedious for me so I will only do it once in a while! (sorry to those who want their name hidden,but I don’t want to be blacking out usernames all day)   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow those simple rules and we will get along just fine!  Let the questions begin!  Or..as SE0 says it...Gemu Start!
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