I am flattered that you are in love with me, brother, but I feel like throwing away my clothes has become impossible, as most of them have disappeared over night. Only my capes are left...
You don’t happen to know what fate they could have faced by any chance?
i’m in love with @askthorandhishammer and i think he should throw away his clothes
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I can assure you, mortal, that I am very monogamous. The penguin incident does not count and neither does the sandwich one. My brother is the only one I wish to be with, now or in the future.
There have been times when I wasn't monogamous and had relations with several people at once, but that was long before Loki and I came together like this. He is all I need anymore.
So, Thor is monogamous?😍😍😍
I believe he is, although only he knows how he feels inside and what he wants to be. @askthorandhishammer, would you care to expand on this inquiry?
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*leans against*
If stabbing me makes you happy... but you don't have to. I feel better with you here. Less... less horrible and lonely...
I'm sorry for acting so dumb and for... all those things I did that hurt you. I could never be happy with anyone else but you...
Brother...you DO know I love you, right?
You shouldn’t, Loki… I’m not good for you… I just keep hurting you, over and over… I never mean to and it happens every time again, but you don’t deserve to be hurt. I will always ruin things, I’m too reckless and dense and selfish, you were right…
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I would never break up with you, I just... want you to be happy. But I wondered if you might be happier with someone else, someone who won't constantly mess up and can give you what you want and need...
I... I don't know, Loki, I really don't... I don't want to lose you and I don't want to hurt you either. I just want to be good enough to deserve your love...
Brother...you DO know I love you, right?
You shouldn’t, Loki… I’m not good for you… I just keep hurting you, over and over… I never mean to and it happens every time again, but you don’t deserve to be hurt. I will always ruin things, I’m too reckless and dense and selfish, you were right…
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I need you, yes... and I'm scared of what I might be capable of without even realizing it... I'm scared I might hurt you again, that you will see I'm not good for you and just... just leave...
You know I love you, I will never stop loving you and that I hurt you is the worst thing I could have done. And I... I keep thinking about the moment you might find someone better, someone who won't hurt you... someone you love more than me...
Brother...you DO know I love you, right?
You shouldn’t, Loki… I’m not good for you… I just keep hurting you, over and over… I never mean to and it happens every time again, but you don’t deserve to be hurt. I will always ruin things, I’m too reckless and dense and selfish, you were right…
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No, I... I haven't... it doesn't matter anyway...
You're probably right, I'm ridiculous and dramatic, but... I hurt you, Loki... and what if... what if I do it again? I can't do that, I can't hurt you again... you're better if you stay away from me, before I do something even worse...
Brother...you DO know I love you, right?
You shouldn’t, Loki… I’m not good for you… I just keep hurting you, over and over… I never mean to and it happens every time again, but you don’t deserve to be hurt. I will always ruin things, I’m too reckless and dense and selfish, you were right…
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Brother...you DO know I love you, right?
You shouldn't, Loki... I'm not good for you... I just keep hurting you, over and over... I never mean to and it happens every time again, but you don't deserve to be hurt. I will always ruin things, I'm too reckless and dense and selfish, you were right...
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How many kids do you want?what gender(s).
I'm very happy with our three children already, they are wonderful and perfect. I never really wanted a specific number or gender, as long as they are healthy and happy, everything is good. (The llama was a surprise though, I have to admit that...)
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Will you... will you use it? 
I have done something very awful that I can’t take back, no matter how much I wish I could. I’m sorry @asklokiandhisdick, I can’t excuse what I did and that I hurt you with it. I deserve your coldness and I will not blame you for your anger, as it’s more than justified.
I won’t ask you to forgive me, even if I hope you can one day, I just want you to know that I am truly and deeply sorry and that I know nothing can make up for this. It won’t mean anything right now, but I love you, I truly do and I never loved anyone else like you…
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I have done something very awful that I can't take back, no matter how much I wish I could. I'm sorry @asklokiandhisdick, I can't excuse what I did and that I hurt you with it. I deserve your coldness and I will not blame you for your anger, as it's more than justified.
I won't ask you to forgive me, even if I hope you can one day, I just want you to know that I am truly and deeply sorry and that I know nothing can make up for this. It won't mean anything right now, but I love you, I truly do and I never loved anyone else like you...
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I know I could have and I wanted to, things just... got out of hand. And it wasn't remarkable or very good.
There won't be any charges, nothing will come out of this, I promise... I know that you're mad at me and that you have every right to be. I'm sorry for all of this, I really am...
Brother, I can explain! I didn’t mean to, it just happened!
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You trapped me in a room with thousands of penguins for days! I couldn’t get out anymore and I... have needs too. I didn’t plan to do this, it was just there and... it happened. 
I’m sorry, brother. I really am. Can you forgive me for this weak moment? Please?
Brother, I can explain! I didn’t mean to, it just happened!
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Brother, I can explain! I didn’t mean to, it just happened!
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This is not funny, brother! It's getting everywhere! Stop laughing and help me!
A penguin has pooped on Thor’s head.
I love my life.
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Send me a kink/fetish, and I'll rate it!
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There is only one way to find out, wouldn’t you agree? I might not have many dicks, but the one I do have will make you scream so beautifully.
I am awake at ungodly hours… @askthorandhishammer remind me to turn you into a werewolf later.
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Use your magic and I will make you forget that octopus entirely, brother. I will fuck you so hard into anything, you will only be able to crawl for three days straight.
I am awake at ungodly hours… @askthorandhishammer remind me to turn you into a werewolf later.
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