askturles · 5 years
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askturles · 5 years
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askturles · 5 years
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askturles · 5 years
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askturles · 5 years
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askturles · 5 years
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askturles · 5 years
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askturles · 5 years
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askturles · 6 years
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((ooc: Stay tuned!)
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askturles · 8 years
((I really want to start drawing Turles again. 
How many of you are still here? Show of hands. I don’t bite.
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askturles · 9 years
Why did you wanted to start this blog?
((I wanted to start this blog because I thought I had an obsession that couldn’t be quelled but now look at me lmfao. I will be able to post some more responses nowadays but unfortunately I’m either swamped for ideas or care not to answer some of the questions I’m getting. If you still have hope for me and this blog, be sure to stay. I’ll come back here every once in a while, and that should be soon hopefully! I just need the inspiration and the actual want to draw Turles and that hasn’t really come up haha;; -sweats- Thanks for sticking around you all, I will try and update asap.))
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askturles · 10 years
Why did you wanted to start this blog?
((I wanted to start this blog because I thought I had an obsession that couldn't be quelled but now look at me lmfao. I will be able to post some more responses nowadays but unfortunately I'm either swamped for ideas or care not to answer some of the questions I'm getting. If you still have hope for me and this blog, be sure to stay. I'll come back here every once in a while, and that should be soon hopefully! I just need the inspiration and the actual want to draw Turles and that hasn't really come up haha;; -sweats- Thanks for sticking around you all, I will try and update asap.))
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askturles · 10 years
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I don't know who this is, but he will die.
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askturles · 10 years
Dear Turles, mind taking your armor off for us? ;)
Yes… I mind.
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askturles · 10 years
"Hey, Turles, how did that tree thing pan out?"
You fucking know how. 
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askturles · 11 years
goingtonamek said: Aww, don’t worry about it, dear! You’ve got a lot on your plate, so focus on what you need to focus on and we’ll be here and excited whenever you can get to this. X3 Don’t feel bad about having a life! C: We’re supporting you.
Everyone go follow goingtonamek she is seriously the sweetest person ever
[ps I love you]
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askturles · 11 years
goingtonamek said: Bahaha! Poor Turles! XD (But srsly, Saiyan OC blogs can be… trying.) Glad to see this blog back in action! ://D
Ahh ): sorry to disappoint you but I'm not back ^^; It was just for one time so expect more delays until I have inspiration to come back D:
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