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“I take it that you know my wife?” He wasn’t surprised at all. The female seemed friendly and knowing his wife as well as he did, she was the same. “It’s a pleasure to officially meet you again.” He felt almost rude by not knowing that she and Alicia were friends, but it seemed there was also a lot about his wife that he didn’t know. It was nothing to be bitter over, not when they’d promised to move on from this issues and to look toward the future. He wanted to do that and for the most part, he was. Nodding, Bennett released a quiet breath and offered a sad smile her way. “It’s one of those things where I want to say that you should have told him anyway, but I get it. It’s not that easy. Timing is everything and when it’s not there, it feels like the whole world is against you.” It seemed like things had worked out for her though, even if it hadn’t been what she’d initially wanted. “I guess there’s a light at the end of the tunnel after all, isn’t there? I’m happy for you. Really, everyone deserves a fair shot at happiness. It might not be what you had in mind, but it’s something.” He was getting back to that feeling with Alicia, but it was a challenging road. “We’ve been comparing lists. I don’t know how well you know her, but she’s got a list for everything. I think if we go by process of elimination, we might have something figured out before she gets here.”
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She nodded. “Awhile now, yeah. We’ve become good friends since moving here.” Alicia had been one of the first couple of people to visit her after she woke up back in July. No words could express how much that meant to her. “You too! We should have dinner together at some point. I’d love to introduce you both to my boyfriend, Ray. I’ve also extended the offer to Ali, but if you both ever need someone to watch the baby or help with anything, Ray and I are here for you both. I know how much of a struggle it can be, especially those first couple of months. Whatever you guys need, don’t be afraid to reach out.” Asli’s lips pressed together and she shrugged. “I... I don’t know. My friend Maddie always says ‘if it’s meant to be, then it will be’. It’s not necessarily something I believed initially, but... I don’t know. Maybe I was just hoping that there was something there when it never was. I guess as long as we can continue to raise our daughter together without too many issues, we’ll be fine.” She just didn’t want Kennedy to try and be Alex’s mother. And while she loves Ray, she doesn’t want him to act like Alex’s father either. Just her and Atlas could be the girl’s parents. With the baby on the way, perhaps it all was suppose to be this way. “It is. And I truly am happy. I... I love him. Which is something I didn’t think would be possible after.. But, it is. I’m really happy, Ben.” Her smile grew. “I hope you two will figure out a name soon. I just know it’s going to be perfect.”
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Alicia’s eyebrows raised when the other mentioned that she had an idea. “Summer?” It seemed to be so far away, that it almost seemed impossible to even imagine how her life would be then. Yet at the proposal a beaming smile made its way onto her lips. “That would be amazing! She would definitely be interested in everything by then and Alex would have the time of her life. I’ll speak to Ben about it and see what he says.”
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Her smile grew. “Right? The girls would love it, Ben and Ray could get to know each other, and we get to have some fun ourselves. It would be perfect for us.” Already, her excitement grew. They could be able to do it in possibly July or August, maybe before school started back up. And by that point, the Miller baby would be almost a year old and the Becker baby would be two or three months. Asli’s smile grew and she reached for her phone and opened to the galleries. “Plus... How perfect would it be if that were our babies first trip together as besties?” She held out her phone and on it, was the ultrasound from the day before. Asli’s smile growing bigger and bigger as she looked at her friend. “I’m due May 16th, Ali.”
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“I have an idea for the summer.” Beaming, she set down the glasses of water on the coffee table before joining her friend on the couch. Asli held her hands up, as if asking Ali to imagine what she was about to tell her. “You, Ben, and the baby. Plus me, Ray, and Alex. Disney Cruise to the Bahamas. Alex will be six by then, the baby would be a couple months old and fascinated by things. Just a fun trip for us to take, especially after you and Ben being parents for awhile by that point.” Raising her brow, her lips grew. “What do you think? Or should we do another plan?”
CLOSED STARTER: at the miller residence // @aliciamillergarcia​
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Bennett had already gotten a few baby books, but he couldn’t help but feel like they needed more in the nursery. He was certain that between his mother and Alicia’s mother, the room was going to be completely full before the baby even arrived. “I’m Alicia’s Ben,” he grinned, liking the way that sounded. Even though things were still a little rough, he wouldn’t have traded that label for anything else in the world. “Boyfriend? It wouldn’t happen to be the guy you were telling me about, would it? Either way, congratulations. Hopefully that means no more bad dates in your future.” Though, he’d planned some bad dates for Alicia, but hopefully her boyfriend was smarter than that. “I’m good. Excited, nervous? Feeling everything at once? We finally started talking about names a few nights ago. I don’t think we realized that we needed to do that. Seems like a silly thing to forget.”
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Asli shook her head, laughing slightly. “God, I’ve been wanting to meet you so much. I hadn’t realized that you were her husband. We could’ve become friends a lot sooner.” Her face fell slightly at his words. It’s been a few days since she told Atlas about the baby and... god, it was ridiculous how much she missed him. But at the same time, she thought back to his words and would be by them all over again. She didn’t get to tell him that there were risks involved, that she was potentially having a second high risk pregnancy. Had she told him sooner, would he have reacted differently? Had he known about just how bad her first pregnancy was, would they still be talking right now? Alex had asked her a bunch of questions already concerning why whenever he picked her up, it was typically at the school or Asli’s parents’ place and not at Asli’s. Or why she hasn’t dropped her off to him herself or invited him over. She couldn’t explain to her that they weren’t talking right now, nor when they would talk again. And frankly, it hurt. “No, um... He started seeing someone else not too long after that. I never got to tell him,” she admitted, shrugging slightly and shaking her head. “But it’s... it’s fine. I mean, my boyfriend is incredible and I haven’t been this happy in awhile. So I guess it worked out in the end.” At least, she was hoping so. Then again, she was pregnant with Ray’s kid. Aside from Atlas’ reaction, things were working out. Chuckling, she nodded. “I get that. Especially with the names. I struggled with Alex’s name for awhile. Then it just... it came to me and it felt right. I’m sure you two will figure out her name soon. Might be completely unexpected. But when you know, you know.”
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No words could describe how much of a hot fucking mess telling Atlas about the baby was. What was meant to be a happy moment full of good news was turn into a screaming match of tears. Aslihan was already beginning to regret most of the words she told him. More than that, she missed him. She missed him the moment she stepped out his door. But it was too late, wasn’t it? The brunette has wondered what might’ve ruined all the progress they’ve made. She just never expected this. She had to stop multiple times on her drive back home just to cry for awhile before finally making there. Spending the rest of the night in Ray’s arms, just crying. She had asked him not to go out to Atlas’ place or the rescue, not wanting to cause anymore drama. Him leaving the next morning to go to work broke her heart but she told him to go, deciding to take the day off from both schools and just stay home. Alex spent the night at Asli’s parents, not wanting her daughter to see her like this. At around noon, though, she texted Maddie and Kat to come over. Initially, she’d been excited about telling them about the baby. Now, she felt like they were going to react negatively like Las did. “I’m really glad you two are here,” she mused, eating a bowl of Nutella, peanut butter, and flaming hot Cheetos mixed in with the two spreads. Her eyes were still red from all the crying, having done it a few more times throughout the morning. “I just... I just really needed you both.”
CLOSED STARTER: at asli and ray’s place // @maddiehawthxrne​ ; @katerinadelarosa​
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aslihan fahri-bailey​
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“We’d be happy to help. In any way possible.” There was some truth to her words. She knew that her parents would want to help something that’s going to do some good for Providence Peak. That’s going to help so many people. She tried not to think of who was running it, though. To instead think of all the people that would benefit from this. That would be helped the most in the end. And that was the main goal of the shelter, right? To help people who needed it. There was nothing wrong with that. And if helping out and giving donations to it could do that, then she would be a terrible person for not wanting to help out in any way possible.
It was hard to talk to him for a moment after his words. “Atlas, I’m sorry,” she cried. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about her. I’m sorry that I took all of that from you. If I could change things and have come here sooner, I would have. I would’ve hoped on the first possible flight to Denver if I could go back in time.” She knew that they weren’t over this. That they haven’t moved on from that. Which, she did expect. She hasn’t forgiven herself for it and knew that she never would. But maybe part of her hoped that they could have. “I wanted to tell you and I wish I had.” But they can’t go back in time. They can’t fix things and make it all right again. A strangled sound left her lips as he continued. Her eyes sprinkling with tears. “That is not true and you know it. You have never been ‘some guy’, Atlas Williams.” Lean on the guy who knocked you up this time. That caused her tears to drop. Shaking her head, she looked away and wiped away her tears. Struggling to breathe as she attempted to calm down. “So it’s okay for you, huh?” She glanced back at him. Her bottom lip quivering. “You get to have Maggie with Sage. You and Kennedy get to live here together, possibly get married, and have the family you two always wanted and that’s okay, isn’t it? You get to move on with your life and have a future. You get to have more kids and grow your family. But I can’t.” Nodding, she moved back to the kitchen. Compiling the food back into its bag before opening the refrigerator. Shoving it in before shutting the door harshly and looking back at him. “Got it. Message fucking received. And no, you’re not going to pick Alex up at my place. You’ll pick her up either at the school or my parents’. You’re getting your wish; Now stay the fuck away from me. So yes, we’re done here.” She stormed out the back door and headed to her car. Shaking as she began to cry hard and needing to stay away from him for as long as possible.
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Clearly she wasn’t understanding where he was coming from, but how could she? He refused to open up and share the insecurities that ate at him. Instead, he chose anger and avoidance as if those things had ever worked out for him. “You don’t get it.” He had no right to be angry at her for the news, but his heart ached and his worries consumed him. Was this the beginning of the end for him? The turning point of everything he’d feared the most? His own parents couldn’t even stand to be around him most days, so what happened when his daughter realized her life with Aslihan and Ray was more fitting? What happened when she grew up to realize that her father was nothing more than a washed up loser that never left his hometown? Her words left his head tilting in confusion, her comparison seeming so far off that he didn’t even think about it like that. “The shit with Sage happened before you and Alex showed up. Do you really think I was fucking around with a married woman because I wanted a kid?” As she unloaded about Kenny, Atlas released a cold laugh and rolled his eyes. “She has her own place in Summit Lake right now. I told her she should just move in, but we don’t all jump into shit.” He knew that Aslihan had moved into Ray’s place as a friendly gesture, but it didn’t matter. “Who the fuck said anything about more kids?” He and Ken hadn’t even touched on that subject, but the woman had a point. “Right, ‘cause you get to call the shots now. I’ll pick her up from school. I guess I’ll drop her off at your parents.” Jaw clenched tight as he watched her walk out before he got the chance. When he heard the car door slam, the male lifted his fist, but dropped it as he looked back into the empty home that was stained with the scent of Italian food. So much for keeping shit civil.
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“I’m sure she’d appreciate the offer, but you guys already do a lot for the rescue. It wouldn’t feel right asking you to pitch in somewhere else too. Unless you wanted to split your donations, then maybe.” He wasn’t sure how Kenny would feel about getting a boost from his baby mama’s family, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask, would it? It all sounded like a good time, but it seemed so far out of reach now. He wasn’t ready to pretend like everything was good; like he wasn’t having major thoughts about his daughter’s life and how much he’d missed out on. Just when he’d thought he’d accepted that, maybe he now realized that he hadn’t.
He ignored the calling of his name, but the sudden slam and the raising of her voice was enough to make him pause at the doorway. Was she really yelling at him? Really claiming that she needed him of all people? A bitter laugh fell from his lips, his frustrations driving his words without thought. “Talk to you? Like you talked to me, right? About us having a kid together? I don’t have anything to say right now.” Running away was what he was good at and if anything, she should have considered it a saving grace. She pushed and she pushed though, leaving him with no other choice but to be the man she didn’t think he was capable of being. “You don’t need me. I’m just some guy you fucked five years ago and ended up having a kid with. Lean on your parents and every other person you just named because it’s not my place. Lean on the guy who knocked you up this time.” It was all harsh, perhaps colder than he’d been in a long time, but he couldn’t take it back now. “Now, are we done here? ‘Cause I’ve got shit to do.”
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“We’d be happy to help. In any way possible.” There was some truth to her words. She knew that her parents would want to help something that’s going to do some good for Providence Peak. That’s going to help so many people. She tried not to think of who was running it, though. To instead think of all the people that would benefit from this. That would be helped the most in the end. And that was the main goal of the shelter, right? To help people who needed it. There was nothing wrong with that. And if helping out and giving donations to it could do that, then she would be a terrible person for not wanting to help out in any way possible.
It was hard to talk to him for a moment after his words. “Atlas, I’m sorry,” she cried. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about her. I’m sorry that I took all of that from you. If I could change things and have come here sooner, I would have. I would’ve hoped on the first possible flight to Denver if I could go back in time.” She knew that they weren’t over this. That they haven’t moved on from that. Which, she did expect. She hasn’t forgiven herself for it and knew that she never would. But maybe part of her hoped that they could have. “I wanted to tell you and I wish I had.” But they can’t go back in time. They can’t fix things and make it all right again. A strangled sound left her lips as he continued. Her eyes sprinkling with tears. “That is not true and you know it. You have never been ‘some guy’, Atlas Williams.” Lean on the guy who knocked you up this time. That caused her tears to drop. Shaking her head, she looked away and wiped away her tears. Struggling to breathe as she attempted to calm down. “So it’s okay for you, huh?” She glanced back at him. Her bottom lip quivering. “You get to have Maggie with Sage. You and Kennedy get to live here together, possibly get married, and have the family you two always wanted and that’s okay, isn’t it? You get to move on with your life and have a future. You get to have more kids and grow your family. But I can’t.” Nodding, she moved back to the kitchen. Compiling the food back into its bag before opening the refrigerator. Shoving it in before shutting the door harshly and looking back at him. “Got it. Message fucking received. And no, you’re not going to pick Alex up at my place. You’ll pick her up either at the school or my parents’. You’re getting your wish; Now stay the fuck away from me. So yes, we’re done here.” She stormed out the back door and headed to her car. Shaking as she began to cry hard and needing to stay away from him for as long as possible.
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“Nothing,” Alicia quickly corrected, offering the other a smile. The situation between her and Ben was delicate enough and it was only them who could fix it. “I just meant that I probably already made him hate me. You know, because of all the pregnancy complaints,” she added with a slight shrug of her shoulders. “We’ve got a great support system so we really can’t complain. Our parents will be a massive help, and I know my neighbor will help us out too. Plus I’ve got some really great friends out here too.” It took a village to raise a kid, true, and whilst she and Ben wanted to be the ones raising their child she knew that they would have to ask for help at some point or another. “If that happens we would definitely be two happy mamas.  Maybe it’s a bit selfish of us to want them to be close but hey, they would definitely be benefitting from it too! Thank you so much Asli. We honestly really appreciate it.”
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Brows furrowing, she watched her for a moment. Part of her wanted to ask more. But at the same time, was it really her place to? It didn’t seem like it. So instead, she smiled warmly. “Trust me, he doesn’t. I’m sure he loves you even more now than he did before. Besides, once she’s here, it’ll all be worth it.” Despite the pain she went through, despite how much she hated her body during the pregnancy, none of it mattered the first time she held Alex. How she got to kiss her head and caress her soft dark hair, how she cried the first time seeing how tiny she was. How the moment she opened her eyes, it was like staring into Atlas’ again for the first time in months. It was all worth it the moment she held her. “It’s great to hear how big your support team is. Parenthood is definitely very daunting. But I know you’re both going to be amazing.” Asli’s smile grew. The younger brunette nodding quickly. “They truly would be! Of course. I love you and would be honoured to help out whenever you need it.”
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“Yeah. She’s not working right now, but she’s thinking of opening up a shelter downtown for people who need a place to stay. She’s doing more than I ever will.” It wasn’t an attempt at downing himself or upping her, it was just a statement. She’d done what everyone had assumed she wouldn’t and he was proud of her for that. “I don’t know much about what she did when she was practicing. I just know that she was good at it.” Twelve out of twenty cases seemed like a good number to him, but did Asli really want to hear him talk up his girlfriend? Was that the kind of friendship they’d built now? “You sure I’m a good volunteer for a chaperone? I think as long as they didn’t have to run a background check, I’d be just fine.” It was a joke, mostly, but his petty charges definitely weren’t something he was proud of.
The confession had thrown him for a loop and in true Atlas form, he wasn’t handling it all that well. He needed a moment process everything; to push aside the bitterness and the unfair jealousy that coursed through him. Of course they were excited to try for a family, but it seemed painfully ironic that Ray was getting it all. He was getting a chance to be there while his child grew and he’d be there when Alex was all too excited to meet her newest sibling. It was hypocritical at best, but it felt like another move that was just going to push him even further away from his daughter. “Don’t,” he pleaded, voice daring to crack as he looked her way. “Don’t call me that. Not right now.” It wasn’t going to make anything better. “We don’t have anything to talk about. You should tell Alex. She’ll be excited. One big happy family under one roof.” Dark hues flashed toward the liquor cabinet, but he grabbed his keys from the counter instead. “I have some work I need to finish up. Thanks for dropping by, but I think we’re good here. Good luck with the everything. I’ll pick Alex up tomorrow. You can just pack her stuff and I’ll grab her at the door. Cool?” He wasn’t giving her any other option, not when he basically had one foot out the door already.
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A philanthropist lawyer opening up a shelter to help people who need a home. This just kept getting better and better. “That’s... God, that’s amazing. Does she need any donations to help get it started? I can talk with my parents about it. I don’t think there should be any issues.” This was fine. This was absolutely, completely, and truly fine. Sure, she got Atlas’ love and could even potentially earn Alex’s love and the three of them could act as if they’re one happy family. But hey, it sounds like Kennedy’s a good person. So it’s all okay. Asli’s replaceable. It’s fine. “I believe so. And if they doubt you for even a second, I’ll vouch for you. I’d love to have you there. Alex would love it, too. Besides, I’ve been wanting to take you to Turkey and Egypt for a long time now. It’s a win on many accounts.”
Her heart broke at his words. God, what was going on right now? She just stared at him and felt her heart break more and more as time went on. As he spoke more and more. She couldn’t call him Yankee. He didn’t want to talk. She forgot to breathe for a moment at his words: One big happy family under one roof. “Atlas,” she whimpered. Yet he brushed everything off. He brushed her off. And she began to feel anger in the pit of her stomach. “Atlas, wait.” Yet he kept walking. He kept walking away from her. Her jaw set and without even thinking, she opened one of the cupboard doors before slamming it shut. The loud slam! echoing throughout the rooms as she tried to get his attention. “Fucking talk to me, dammit!” She never raised her voice to him like that before. The brunette moving closer to him. “You can’t keep doing this, Atlas! You can’t keep cutting conversations short and running away from them when they need to happen. I am trying to talk with you and you aren’t listening to me. So no, we’re not done here. That isn’t cool. We’re going to be adults and fucking talk about this because I need you. I am going to need you, my parents, Maddie, Kat, Avery, Julia, and so many other people during this. I’m fucking scared and I need as much help as possible, and I would like for you to be by my side and support me these next couple of months.”
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“You’re actually one of the most frustrating people I’ve ever met,” he countered, though that wasn’t true at all. She’d always made things easy on him, even when it seemed like the whole world was crashing. He held no resentment or anything negative toward her for the delay of letting him know about Alex. They’d crossed that bridge and as far as he was concerned, all was forgiven. “I would have never drove home like that. I wouldn’t have let her drive like that either. She’s an attorney, y’know? She’s got too much potential to fuck it up.” For him, her career was more important than his ever would be. He worked at the family rescue; no charge could fuck that up. “I’m glad you got home safely too.” It was one thing to drive sober, but another when someone else ruined that. “There’s no grey yet. I checked this morning.” Even if his voice sounded light like he was joking, he wasn’t. He’d done a full beard check and was pleased to know that he hadn’t spotted a single grey hair yet. “I’m just messing with you. That’s a trip you should take with your kids. I mean, unless you want to take Alex, then I could never say no to that.” His smile noticeably faded at the mention of being pregnant. He’d already assumed that it Ray’s, but the bitterness that consumed him was unexpected. “You could have just texted me that,” he shrugged as he stood up taller. “Guess you get your chance at doing things right this time around, huh?” God, why was he suddenly so angry? She hadn’t even done anything wrong. “Mr. Perfect strikes again.” And there it was, the cold remark of jealousy that helped no one. “On second thought, I’m not really feeling Italian food right now. Thanks for stopping by. Congrats, by the way.”
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“Hey!” A few months ago, that might have made her worried. Could’ve confirmed her suspicions that he secretly hated her. Yet now, she just laughed at his words. “I know. Oh? She is?” Of course Miss Perfect was. Add that to the list of everything Asli wasn’t. “I didn’t know that, but that’s really cool. Is there something specific that she does?” She hated asking him more about his girlfriend. She didn’t want to find out more about her. More about the things that made her awesome. God, would Alex be fascinated with her? Would she wanted to try to be like Kennedy? The thought caused jealousy to course through her heart. A fiery hot emotion that she hated desperately. “There’s always tomorrow,” she sang song lightly, laughing. She knew that it would be awhile before he had any. But at the same time, she knew that he would become more handsome than he already was. “I mean, I still need chaperones to help keep them in check. We could just say you volunteered for that.”
Her face fell at his reaction. Asli couldn’t speak for a moment, just staring at him with wide eyes and her mouth dropping slightly. She wasn’t sure what his reaction might have been. But this? She never thought of this. “I... Wh-What?” Her voice came out soft. “Las, we... we didn’t... Th-This wasn’t planned. It just... happened. It’s not about... doing things right this time. But it happened and now, we want to try.” There were still many things that could happen that she was terrified about. She could have placenta previa again. Her pregnancy could be worse this time around. Yet her and Ray wanted to give this a chance. Besides, he had Maggie with Sage. And what if him and Kennedy decide to have a chance together in the future? “Yankee, we... we still need to talk about this, okay?” She needs to tell him about the risks. That she needed as much help and support as possible. That she needed him.
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James was still lost. He still thought he was in the middle of a gunfight. He could hear screaming, explosions, and he could feel someone tugging on his vest trying to make him move. She’s gone, Bennett! You’re going to get yourself killed. Move! She’s gone!
Sweat dotted his forehead, and with a blink his vision got blurry. Suddenly, the parking lot started to come into a focus a little bit and the screaming got replaced by the sound of a familiar, soothing voice. Listen to my voice. James blinked once more. He could make out the concrete pavement when he looked down. His gaze traveled in front of him and he could make out someone, someone familiar. Try to take a deep breath. He couldn’t place the voice. He blinked once more, and finally he recognized Asli. It’s okay, I promise.
James found himself hyperventilating, but he focused on Asli’s voice and heeded her instructions. He took a deep, long breath, then mentally counted: one, two, three, four… And did a lengthy exhale. He repeated it until he found himself breathing normally and his heart stopped pounding against his chest.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered when he was able to speak. “I’m so sorry. That… I haven’t…” He wasn’t able to finish his sentence, but what he was trying to say was a realization that hit him like a ton of bricks. Panic attacks weren’t uncommon with people coming home from service, but James hadn’t had one in years until now. He tried doing what he usually did and pushing the realization back, but there was no denying it. He thought he was okay, but his PTSD seemed to be alive and well.
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Slowly, he was coming back. Asli felt her own heart racing as she watched him. As she waited for him to calm down the best that he could. Nothing could express how terrifying it was to see someone else experience a panic attack. To watch it consume her friend and take him awhile to come back from it. Ray would hold her whenever she experienced hers. Just hug her tight and remind her that she was okay. She was still alive, she was here, she was home. Her attacker was nowhere near her. Everything was okay.
Yet would James be okay with that? Would he be okay with being touched right now, much less being hugged? She wasn’t certain. So instead, she stayed there. On the ground, a good distance, helping him with trying to breathe. “It’s okay,” she whispered. The brunette shaking her head. “You have nothing to apologize for. Just... focus on your breathing and keep looking at me. It’s going to pass over soon. I am with you every step of the way, James. You’re not alone. I got you.”
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“You lucked up this time. I can’t promise that I’ll be so forgiving if it happens again.” He was merely teasing, but he liked keeping things light between them. It was a big change from the way things had been for the past few months. Atlas bit down harshly on his bottom lip at the offer he wasn’t expecting. As far as he knew, she and Kenny still hadn’t met yet. “I don’t think you would have want me in a moving car,” he hummed, deflection being his best attempt at pushing aside the awkwardness. Would Kenny have even been okay with that? Would Aslihan have actually ben okay with that? “Yeah, it wasn’t. I didn’t even try the hair of the dog. I drove us home, took some Advil, showered, and then slept it off. I guess I’m not as young as I once was and it shows.” He could still handle his liquor, but the next day had hit him like a train. “Good news? Let me guess,” he trailed off, fingers tapping against the countertop as he rolled around a few ideas in his mind. “You figured out that big trip out of the country for your class? And you’re going to take me and Alex along? ‘Cause if that’s the case, then I don’t know about waiting until 2023.” Or had they said 2022? God, he couldn’t remember that far. “Alright, no joke. What’s up?”
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Laughing, she shook her head. “Please, you know you love me,” she teased. Admittedly, Asli wasn’t sure if she was ready to meet his girlfriend. She wasn’t ready to see how perfect she was. How she was perfect for him, how she was everything the brunette wasn’t. It wasn’t that she hated the woman, which she didn’t. It just... well, it hurt. It just truly hurt. But eventually, they’ll have to meet. Especially if the two decide to have a future together. Especially if Kennedy has any intentions on being an influence on Alex’s life. She just didn’t want the woman to act like the little girl’s mother. “Still, I’m glad that you guys didn’t attempt to drive or anything. That you’re safe.” God, she didn’t want to imagine what could’ve happened had they been in an accident. She knew that Atlas had more common sense than that, but still. She chuckled and shook her head. “I think the single gray hair in your beard proves that already,” she teased. Him guessing what the news what made her anxious. Instead, she focused on grabbing plates and silverware for them. Tried to remain calm. She shook her head. “I haven’t gotten the chance to talk with them yet. But I promise to do that soon. And I will make sure that you two can come along as well. But, um, no. No, it’s... It’s something else...” Setting the plates and silverware on the island, she took a deep breath before letting it out and placing her hands on the island. The brunette glancing up at him. “I’m pregnant,” she finally said. Letting out a soft laugh as she began to smile. “I’m... I-I’m pregnant, Las. Ray and I are going to have a baby. The baby’s due May 16th.”
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location: book store downtown
character: @aslihanxfahri-bailey​​
Bennett prided himself on his ability to put a name to a face. After all, it was hard to forget someone who’d just told him she had tossed a glass of wine on someone else after they’d belittled her education. It had been quite an impressive move and he’d talked to her for a bit even after he’d gotten his takeout order handed off to him. “Excuse me,” he greeted, smile kind as he approached the woman who was deep in the history section. “Aslihan, right? I’m Bennett. We met after you had a bad date once. I’m sorry for interrupting, but I just wanted to check in and see how you were doing? Hopefully no more bad dates, right?”
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New books. New books on the Phoenicians, new books on Mesopotamia, new books on the Akkadians. So. Many. New. Books! Okay, yes, she probably shouldn’t be carrying five big hardcovers. However, Ray was nearby and would offer to carry them once they regrouped. He was off near the baby and paternity section and last she saw, he had quite a collection already. And, okay, she may have cried a little seeing him with all the books she knew he was going to devour. There truly was no doubt in Asli’s mind that he was going to be a natural at parenthood over the next couple of months and for the rest of their lives. Yet seeing his dedication... The brunette was close to crying again. However, she calmed herself down as she heard someone call out to her. Glancing over, her smile widened. “Hi! Long time.” At the name, she straightened up a bit more. “Wait... Aren’t you Alicia’s Ben? We’ve become friends awhile back!” God, what were the odds? At his question, she laughed. Oh, if only he knew. “No more bad dates. I actually have a boyfriend now.” And a baby on the way, yet she still needed to tell Ali first. “How’re you doing? Excited for the baby? I have no doubt that you and Alicia are going to be pros.”
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“I might be able to forgive you if the food is good enough. If not, then I’m just going to give you a hard time until I see her again.” It was a joke, mostly, but he kept a smile and bit down on his lip at the smell of whatever she’d brought over. “I’m good. Now. I ended up passing out in the back of the Jeep. I think Kenny had to help me in, but I honestly don’t remember. It was a hangover from hell.” He hadn’t drank so much that he never wanted to touch booze again though, so that had to count for something. “I’ve been doing this for a few years now. I’ve had worse nights.” At least he hadn’t fought anyone or started a scene. Unless one counted him taking a guitar from someone and playing it like he owned it. As far he’d heard though, no one seemed to mind that part. Palms fell flat against the cool surface of the island, his brows furrowing slightly as he looked her way. “Is everything good? As much as I enjoy free food, I don’t think you’ve ever just randomly dropped by without Alex.”
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“Oh no... Hopefully a certain family-owned Italian place will appease you.” For a split moment prior to coming out here, she thought that this was a good idea. Now as she began to take the food out of the bags and setting them out on the island, Aslihan began to wonder whether or not she’d be able to hide her pregnancy for the next few months. Which, was a bad idea. Especially considering his eldest daughter is the older sister of the baby. He need to find out eventually, sooner rather than later. Her nose crinkled slightly. “God, good thing you’re doing better now. Had I known, I would’ve offered to take you and... Kennedy back home.” She kept a neutral face as she said his girlfriend’s name. However, she cleared her throat before smiling. A soft chuckle and a shake of her head. “Still, I’m glad to hear you had a good night. Even if the morning afterwards isn’t one to sing about.” The food was almost ready. She didn’t have anything else to fiddle with nor to keep her attention on. As her heart began to race, she looked up at Atlas and smiled tentatively. “Everything’s good, yes. I just... I have some good news I needed to tell you that I’m waiting to tell Alex about. I just wanted to make sure we talked about it first.”
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“I wouldn’t be too sure about that,” she told the other, meaning for the statement to come across as a joke. Although she could not help the thought that snuck into her mind, bringing in doubts of him hating her for what she had done once again. But she did her best to shake the thought out of her mind. Bringing her mood down was not an option tonight. Not on the last night out she could enjoy for quite a long time. “I know. I’m honestly so glad they’re coming up here and staying. Don’t get me wrong, Ben’s mother has helped me out a lot and she’s been an absolute gem, but she’s not my mother you know? I may be thirty-eight but at times like this I guess I still want my own mama by my side,” she admitted softly. Maybe it was the fact that no matter how excited she was for the next stage in her life, she was also absolutely terrified of what was to come. Only her own mother could understand that feeling and reassure her. “Go ahead! I can’t wait to see all the adorable photos of the two of them. I’d definitely be fine with sleepovers but like you said, she will definitely not be happy about being woken up at random times during the night. Especially considering the fact that night time is her most active time in here. I bet the nights are just going to be horrible.”
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Asli’s brows furrowed. “What do you mean?” From what she’s seen, Alicia and Ben had a loving and stable marriage. The thought of there being a lack of trust or any sort of negative feelings between the two doctors... It didn’t seem right. The younger brunette smiled softly. “I’m glad that they’re able to come out here and that Ben’s mum has been sweet. It sounds to me like she’s going to get two sets of great grandparents. And trust me, I get that.” Well, sort of. She didn’t experience having Elizabeth around her during her pregnancy. Which... was probably a good thing. The woman would’ve caused her more stress than was good for her. As for Ray’s mother, she never met her. He hasn’t seen the woman since he was a child and she wasn’t sure how he would feel if she came strolling back into his life and tried to simultaneously act like Mother and Grandmother of the Year. Asli’s biological mother... If by some chance that woman wanted to be a part of hers and her children’s lives, she wouldn’t allow it. Jasmine and Richard Bailey are the only grandparents on Asli’s side of the family that would ever get to be in Alex’s and her unborn baby’s lives. “Me too! Gosh, I’m already starting to imagine them being close still in the future. Just how adorable that’ll be. Oh god... Don’t be afraid to ask Ray and I for any help, especially if you and Ben need some sleep or some time just the two of you. I promise, we got your back.”
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“I feel like that too. I’ve been worrying so much and sometimes I’m scared I’ve made Ben hate me with how much I’ve been freaking out. It’s the other way round with my parents though. They’ll be coming up here this week and my mom has been calling me at least three times a day to make sure I’m okay. I know she won’t stop until she sees me, and chances are she won’t want to leave my side the entire time she’s here.” She would have thought that with this being her sixth grandchild she would be less excited or anxious than the previous times, but clearly she was wrong. Then again, this was the first time her actual daughter was the pregnant one. “I can’t wait for Alex to meet her. I could definitely use a reliable babysitter like her,” Alicia teased with a chuckle of her own. The little girl was adorable and incredibly mature for her age, and she had no doubt her own daughter will like her.
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“Oh, I’m sure that he could never hate you.” Asli began to wonder whether or not she’ll drive Ray crazy during the next couple of months. Knowing him, he’ll keep a clear and level head about everything while just being a rock star. Giggling, she nodded. “I don’t blame her but I get it. How overwhelming it can be. Honestly, I felt so lucky to have my parents there. I needed their help so much, especially after Alex was born.” Nothing could ever express how fortunate she was to have them last time. And now, they were going to get to be there for more things. Asli couldn’t help from being happy all around. “God, it’s going to be so cute. I’m going to take as many pictures of them as possible once they meet. I think Alex is going to ask for sleepovers. However, I don’t think she’s going to be too thrilled over 2 am wakeup calls if that was the case.” Might be good practice once the baby was here, but still. She was certain that the girl would hold complaints after being woken up by her baby brother or sister multiple times.
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