asluffyy · 1 year
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asluffyy · 1 year
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what's wrong with these kids?
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asluffyy · 1 year
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the five stages of grief
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asluffyy · 1 year
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free him
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asluffyy · 1 year
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what do you mean it didn’t go this way,
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asluffyy · 1 year
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Heart Pirates, domestics
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asluffyy · 1 year
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Luffy month for September on Patreon!
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asluffyy · 1 year
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Silly D Brothers idea I had… i love being in denial 😂
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asluffyy · 1 year
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Ace one pieced
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asluffyy · 1 year
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Fire fist
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asluffyy · 1 year
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ace in batik *smiles*
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asluffyy · 1 year
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a German version of @languagesetc‘s Dutch spring vocab with some additions!
der Frühling - spring der Neuanfang - new start das Frühlingserwachen - spring awakening Ostern - Easter die Fastenzeit - Lent März - March April - April Mai - May die (Frühjahrs-)Tagundnachtgleiche - the (spring) equinox der Frühjahrsputz - spring cleaning
grün - green blau - blue lila - purple rosa - pink gelb - yellow weiß - white
die Blume(n) - flower(s) das Blütenblatt - petal das Gras - grass der Baum - tree das Blatt, die Blätter -leaf, leaves die Narzisse - daffodil das Gänseblümchen - daisy die Schneeglocke - snowdrop die Tulpe - tulip der Samen - seed der Blütenstaub - pollen die Allergie - allergy der Heuschnupfen - hay fever die Biene - bee das Insekt - insect der Schmetterling - butterfly die Raupe - caterpillar der Vogel - bird das Lamm - lamb
der Regen - rain der Regenbogen - rainbow der Regenschirm - umbrella die Regenjacke - raincoat die Pfütze - puddle der Wind - wind die Sonne - sun die Wärme - warmth die Luftfeuchtigkeit - humidity das Vogelgezwitscher - birds’ twittering
bewölkt - cloudy sonnig - sunny warm - warm frisch - fresh erfrischend - refreshing windig - windy regnerisch - rainy kühl - cool
schmelzen - to melt scheinen - to shine pflanzen - to plant blühen - to bloom/blossom wachsen - to grow putzen - to clean
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asluffyy · 2 years
30+1 days Challenge w/ @lovelybluepanda
Everyday this month (May 2022), me and @lovelybluepanda will share our personal finds and opinions on a specific subject we decided beforehand. You can join us too in the comments or simply by tagging us in your post!
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1st thought: "Poison only kills those who drink it."
This sentence is so important to me. It basically says: hate only cause troubles to those who feel it. Why do you wanna hurt yourself with bad thoughts about you or others? Don’t, it’s simply not working, if not on you(and even if this is what you wanted, trust me, that's not going to change anything: stop hating and start loving yourself, at least appreciate your efforts and try to change the things that you don't like).
Live with peace in your heart, don’t let the bad thoughts or emotions get the best of you or go too deep inside. Ofc, it’s normal to experience bad feelings here and there and it’s actually very good to let them out, but to keep them for long inside? Why? Is it working? Is it helping you reach a goal? I don’t think so. I think it only poisons your mind and soul in the long run. Let these feelings go as soon as you can, turn the page, and keep living in peace. Your own peace of mind. Let indifference for others take over. Indifference is even worse than hate, yk? But I feel it's healthier for us, and we're the first people we need to always look after.
2nd thought: Poison by Alkaline Trio. Oh and Veleno by Subsonica (Italian band that I love). Yeah, two songs. Idk why I have so many songs in my mind, but I think I'll add (at least) one everyday.
Breve vocabolario in Italiano: poison = il veleno poisonous (adj.) = velenos-o/a/i/e poisoning = l'avvelenamento antidote = l'antidoto phial, vial = la fiala toxins = le tossine toxic (adj.) = tossic-o/a/i/he lethal (adj.) = letale/i skull = il teschio gastric lavage = la lavanda gastrica
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asluffyy · 2 years
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Newcomer is a fantasy video game where players are immersed in the second language they want to learn. 100+ characters to communicate with, eight language learning mechanics, and RPG features make second language acquisition an adventure. Designed for beginner - intermediate learners, players progress and learn a second language at their own pace. 
Thought langblr might be interested in this. Current languages are French, Italian, English, and Spanish, with Japanese as a stretch goal!
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asluffyy · 2 years
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Giovanni Testori (deceased)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: 12 May 1923  
RIP: 16 March 1993
Ethnicity: White - Italian
Occupation: Writer, poet, journalist, art critic, screenwriter, director, artist, historian
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asluffyy · 2 years
Social media for Italians
And how we occasionally and affectionately refer to them especially when speaking with or writing to friends:
tumbrl -> il tumblo instagram -> insta, ig (pronunciated roughly: ee-gee) facebook -> feisbuk (we write the actual pronunciation of the word), fb (pronunciated roughly: aeffae-bee), faccialibro (literal Italian translation of "facebook"; no more used probably but there's been a period in which this was pretty common) twitter -> tuitter (we write the actual pronunciation), il social dell'uccellino (= the little bird's social *media*) twitch -> "il social viola" (= the purple social *media*) youtube -> il tubo (= the tube)
(many times we end up reading their name or many English/American brands' names the Italian way: e.g. we may make "spotify" sound "spotifee", or read "apple" as "apple" indeed: ahpplae)
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asluffyy · 2 years
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pasqualino settebellezze (1975)
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