asmaanada · 1 year
لمحبى الروايات الانجليزية
الفصل الخامس
Chapter 5
The missing princess by Asmaa Nada
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asmaanada · 1 year
لوووولى الفصل اتنشر
اتمنى ارى تعليقتكم هنا وعلى المدونة
رواية لوسيفر بقلم الكاتبة اسماء ندا
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asmaanada · 1 year
الفصل الثالث لمحبى الروايات الانجليزية
Chapter 3
The missing princess
By Asmaa Nada
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asmaanada · 1 year
لمحبى الروايات الانجليزية
الفصل الثاني chapter 2
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The missing princess by Asmaa Nada
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asmaanada · 1 year
A love story between a pharaonic princess and a prince who works in a temple
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asmaanada · 1 year
الرواية كاملة اتمنى الاقى تفاعل
طريقة التفاعل
اضغط على اللينك 👇👇👇
تتنقل للمدونة(موقع الفردوس للروايات) هتلاقى الفصول مرقمة
اضغط على الفصل تتنقل للفصل و تقرأ و هتلاقى فى اخر الفصل كلمة (الفصل التالى )اضغط عليها تتنقل للفصل اللى بعده
التفاعل بتعليق هناك فى الفصل مرة وهنا فى البوست مرة
مقدمة عن الرواية
للحب أشكال عديدة فى الحياة وليس فقط الحب بين رجل وامرأة ، الحب الفطري من الأب أو الأم للأبناء ، وان اختل هذا الحب سوف ينتج لنا من شروخ فى شخصية الأطفال ، وفى روايتى سوف أظهر صور عديدة للحب وصور تحدى البعض للحفاظ عليه
وسوف أروى عدت قصص متداخلة يمر بها المجتمع فى صورة أشخاص وعلاقات الحب وهنا لا أتحدث عن علاقة الحب بين رجل و امرأه فقط بل علاقات الحب المتعددة مثل حب الأب لأبنائه وحب الام وحب الابناء لاهلهم علاقة الحب الاخوى واخيرا حب الاصدقاء وماذا يحدث أن تخلت الأم عن حبها لأبنائها او خيانة الصديق وايضا اذا كان حب الاصدقاء حقيقى فكيف يكون شكله وماذا ينتج عن التربية بالحب والتربية بدونه
طبقات الحياة
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asmaanada · 1 year
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asmaanada · 1 year
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Haunted House
the Haunted House
by Asmaa Nada
in app Dreamy, moboreder or Istory
Reading support
لو بتهوى روايات انجليزى حمل اى تطبيقمن ٣☝️
بتهوى عربى رواياتي على موقع الفردوس للروايات
بتحب ورقى المترجمات فى معرض الكتاب
دار حورس للنشر والترجمة
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asmaanada · 1 year
The haunted house is a very good story. I'd like to recommend this book to you. Let's read the story together! https://act.cdreader.com/readeract/moboReader/index.html?bookid=37212322#/
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asmaanada · 1 year
صفحة المدونة الرسمية
احلام الحياة
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asmaanada · 1 year
الفصل اهو يا بشر
الفصل كبيير
قفذ من مكانه الى داخل السيارة وجلست بجوارة أسلين، وبعد ان وصل إلى ابواب المحمية توقف ومر ليركب سيارته، فركبت بجوارة، صاح بها
-ماذا تفعلين؟عودى الى قصرى ولا تخرجى حتى اعود
-لن افعل؟ صديقتى فى خ*ط*ر، انطلق الى بيت والدك
لم يكن هناك وقت للجدال فنطلق بطريق مختصر داخل حديقته يمر بوار الملحق السكنى ثم المستشفى ومن خلف المستشفى اسرع الى الباب الخلفى، وكان كوبر ومعه حراس وخلفة سيارات للحراس ينطلقون خلفه وفى خلال دقائق كان اقترب من مشارف قصر والده فتوقف متفاجأ ببعض السبارات ��لتى تاتى فى مقابلته تطلق عليه الن*ي*ران حاول الالتفاف والمرور من بينهم بعد ان ضغط على راس أسلين لتنزل للاسفل فى دواسة الاقدام امامها. كان عقله سوف ينفجر وهى تصرخ به
-لا تقتل احد، فقط اض*ر*ب الأطارات، لست مضطر لق*ت*ل احدهم
-أصمتى، حق عليهم الم*و*ت هم من سعوا لذلك ولم اسعى انا ل*ق*تلهم، اى وقت تختاره هذه الفتاة لتناقش اق*تل ام لا سحقا، اقل الامرين ان م*ا*توا الان سيكون هذا رحمة لهم مما سوف يواجهوا على بدى
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asmaanada · 1 year
Chapter 1
On my birthday, I visited a house that was shrouded in mystery. I walked there straight from the train, and it was a sunny day with no wind, rain, or other ominous weather to give it a foreboding air. I could see the goods train passing in front of the house's entrance as it glided along the bridge in the valley. However, I won't say that everything was absolutely normal because I doubt there is anything that could be considered normal.
First, I want to explain how and why I arrived there. Due to health issues, I had to stay in the town, and one of my friends learned of this. He wrote to me about the house and said he thought it would be ideal for me. When I was travelling to London from the north, I made a resolution to stop by the house. However, it was midnight when I boarded the train and I promptly fell asleep. When I awoke, I glanced out the window at the brilliant aurora borealis.
Ironically, though, I was completely persuaded that I hadn't slept at all, and in this state of ignorance, I guess I felt humiliated since I was on the verge of arguing with the man seated before me because he had so many cunning tricks in addition to acting in a way that was so out of character. I had to accept him on the premise that he was a capable engineer because he had a pencil and a pocketbook, so he could hear and record his observations, which I assumed related to the jolts and bumps of the train cars. Though he appeared to be a gentleman, his behaviour was intolerable because he would look at me whenever he heard a collision.
I turned to my travelling companion and said: "When I woke up, the sun had not yet risen and it was cold. I saw the pale light of the railroad fires and the veil of smoke that blocked the stars and sunshine.
Do you see anything wrong with me, sir? Excuse me. I honestly can't take it any longer, so
The man graciously turned away while expressing pity for my trivialities.
You and I are unrelated, sir.
He abruptly stopped speaking before uttering the letter "o," which he quickly recorded in the notes. Being unable to converse with the guards and these bizarre features initially worried me, so it's fortunate that I had the thought that this man is probably He should write psalms for a hymn-singing religious group. I appreciate this sect even though I do not subscribe to it. I was about to ask him a question when he started to talk.
"If you know that I'm concerned in enhancing human nature in general, you'll understand why. All day and night, I engaged in association and communication with spirits."
- Oh!
The evening talks have begun.
The man went through the pages of his notebook and kept talking.
Manners are ruined by evil voices.
- Voices but unquestionably new
New souls
I could only repeat the word he likes, "Oh," and inquire enquiringly about his most recent interaction, to which he solemnly replied.
The saying "a bird in the hand is worth two in the air"
-But it can't be two in the bush, can it?
-I obviously heard it as two in the air.
He responded assuredly and continued, saying:
- Look! This unique message was delivered to me by the ghost of Socrates.
I hope all is fine with you, my friend. There are two train cars with 17,000 and 70 souls in them, but you cannot see them. Pythagoras is also present, but he is unable to speak. Nevertheless, he hopes that you enjoy travelling. Galileo Lycus' spirit came into the world as well. She added that everything would happen on time and added, "I am glad to meet you, Amiko." Additionally, the following events took place during the night:
The Gentleman's Spiritual Relationship seemed to me to be such an unprofessional business as science has always seen it at that lovely hour of the morning when I walked among the leaves that had already fallen from the golden, brown, and burgundy trees, as I looked around at the wonders of creation and contemplated the unchanging and harmonious laws by which they are preserved. However, that I came to this house and stood to carefully inspect it, it was a single house, sta
It was constructed around the time of George II; It was empty but was inexpensively repaired in a year or two to make it habitable; It was as stiff, frigid, formal, and bad-tempered as the most enthusiastic lover of the entire George Quartet could hope; Cheap, I say, because the work was only superficially completed, the paint was already peeling, the siding had fallen in the garden, the trees were quite close together and excessively shading the area, and there were six tall poplar trees in particular. It was simple to determine that the property had been abandoned and that no one would want to buy it due to the front windows' dark and awkward placement.
I felt nothing special to occupy my time after moving into this home, and the days passed with routine boredom. For example, every morning in the summer, I get up early and organise my room because the silence and isolation all around me affected my daily routine. Being surrounded by people you recognise who have passed on is dreadful. Knowing that the people you care about don't feel you is incredibly painful. Painful is that halted life, the torn threads of yesterday, those closed books and benches, this unfinished but deserted occupation, the calm of the hour is the calm of death, colour and cold are partners, even when there is nothing left to do but wait. On some air, domestic familiar
I once saw my father at the same time, still alive and in perfect health, as if nothing had happened. He was leaning on his hand and seated with his back to me next to the bed when I saw him in the open. I'm not sure if he was sleeping or depressed. I spoke to him after noticing that he was still, but he did not respond. Panicking, I put my hand on his shoulder as I thought, and then he vanished as if nothing had happened.
For all of the above reasons, and in a less straightforward and succinct manner, I discovered that early morning is the best time for ghosts to appear, and any house can be somewhat haunted. Since it may be more advantageous for me (early morning and in a haunted house) at that time, I considered wandering around the village. I ran into the home's owner at the door as I was leaving while my mind was focused with the reason I was leaving this residence. That's why I asked him to join me for breakfast. I brought up the home during breakfast, and without introducing myself, I questioned him:
-Is it possessed?
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asmaanada · 1 year
لمن يرغب بقراءة رواية عربية بالفصحى
رواية لوسيفر بقلم الكاتبة اسماء ندا
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asmaanada · 1 year
لمتابعة الروايات الصوتية يمكنكم الانضمام
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asmaanada · 1 year
لا تنسوا ضغط اعلان واحد فقط
لدعم الكاتبة و المدونة
مع حبى اسماء ندا
رواية شبطان العشق بقلم أسماء الأباصيري
الفصل ٢٥
آيات بصراخ : لا لا لا مقتلهاش والله العظيم ما قتلها اختك عايشة .. عُلا عايشة ...... ابوس ايدك كفاية كفاااااااية حرام عليك سيبنا فى حالنا بقي
حدق بها بصدمة و غير تصديق ..... أيعقل ان تكون على قيد الحياة ...... هل تفوهت بكذبة لتحميه ....... لكن هذا جنون ....... هو احتمال ضعيف و شبه مستحيل لكن شقيقته ربما تكون حقاً حية ترزق
عاد يخفض يداه مرة اخرى ليسقط منها سلاحه فى حين تسمر بمكانه يحدق بهم بشرود
اما هى فلم تهدأ من نوبة البكاء التى تملكتها و انهيارها الواضح لتستمر بهز جسده بجنون صارخة بإسمه من وسط شهقاتها
آيات ببكاء : طائف ... طائف عشان خاطري فوق خليك معايا .......... اعاد فتح عينيه بصعوبة بالغة لتشهق بإبتسامة صغيرة ........ ايوة ايوة خليك صاحى متغمضش عينك .... ثم التفتت نحو هذا الذي يقف كالتمثال محدقاً فى الفراغ لتهتف بصراخ ......... انت واقف كده بتعمل ايه ساعدني خلينا ناخده لاي مستشفى ........ آسر ساعدني عشان خاطري وانسى اي حاجة تانية بينكم .... استمر بشروده ذاك لتصرخ به .... آآآسر
استيقظ اخيراً من افكاره على صوتها تهتف به لينظر نحوها هى و طائف المسجى ارضاً فيتحرك جسده اخيراً نحوه يساعده على النهوض ليرتكز الاخر بجسده على جسد صديقه فى حين تحركت هى لتسنده من الجهة الاخرى ويتوجها سريعاً الى خارج الغرفة .... فور ان خرجا من المكان توجه آسر سريعاً نحو سيارة ما كانت تقف على جانب الطريق ليضع طائف بها و تسرع هى الاخرى فى الصعود بجانبه فى حين توجه آسر لمقعد السائق و بدأ بالقيادة ليصل بصديقه الى اقرب مشفى بإستطاعتها انقاذه
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asmaanada · 1 year
Charles starts with the introduction, where he discusses the events of the hero's journey on the train, the reason for his going to this house, the people who stayed with him and then changed and came the people who discovered with him the facts of every ghost. The hero leads a team to reveal the stories of the ghosts of the haunted house in collaboration with a group of writers, in which he writes seven stories about ghosts residing in the house.
soon on
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asmaanada · 1 year
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