asmi-hq-blog · 4 years
Lancer Letter #2 - new website, cool resources, inspiration
Welcome to the issue #02 of Lancer Letter. Here we go...
We have a new website
We felt that our previous website was not doing a good job of helping our visitors. So we re-did it.  Took us a full 28 hours to build, along with a couple of weeks of research into content and presentation. Please visit and let us know what you think.
Just getting started with freelancing?
Freelancing can be rewarding, but you need to take care of so many things - business setup, finding work, accounting, taxes, actual work - the list goes on. Here are a few resources to help you get started.
Freelancing 101: Answers to Common Freelancing Questions
The definitive guide to going freelance by Proposify
The ultimate guide to freelancing by Hubspot
Interested in online events/webinars about freelancing? Eventbrite has a big list
Go Six-Figure - a $49 (discounted from $999) course on how to build your freelance business
Some really useful documents for freelancers
Need more help with your freelance career? Just reply to this email and we can setup a call.
Online tutoring is trending
It is always good for cash flow when you have multiple income streams. As a freelancer, you have an abundance of knowledge and experience. How about creating a steady stream of income using it? If you want to dig in, here are a few resources.
Online Tutoring Is Turning Into The Hottest Remote Job In 2020
Teach online like you teach in person with these 12 tools
How To Start An Online Tutoring Business: Prerequisites & 8 Steps To Success
What about the lull?
Other than doing things on the side like online tutoring, it is critical to figure out how to handle the lull periods of your freelancing journey. Here's a quick read to get you started.
Stories and inspiration
We all could use some right now. And the freelance world has so many people doing so many amazing things. Here's a small curation of what we came across in April.
Curse Of The Freelancer - problems and solutions related to freelancing presented with really cool illustrations
An Unexpected Journey to Freelance - follow along as Jacob Cummings, an independent graphic designer shares his experience with freelancing
Behind the scenes - here's a long but quite useful read about how freelance designer Nguyen handles his freelance workflows
Writing cold emails
Selling is an unavoidable part of freelancing although many freelancers find it a little hard, especially in the initial phases of lead management. The right email content can mean a win or lose for your big lead. We found this really cool resource that provides templates and resource for writing great cold emails.
Here are some interesting articles and conversations around freelancing.
Is hiring freelance developers a viable option for startup?
Today is my 18th year of being a freelancer
This tweet about how UI developer and designer Steve Tenuto won a $10k+ project
Some really cool looking apps that you might find useful
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asmi-hq-blog · 4 years
Lancer letter #1
Welcome to the first issue of Lancer Letter. Let's get started ...
Your mental health
Freelancing has its perks but it can be mentally challenging at times (especially now). Meet Leapers, a community that supports mental health of freelancers. They have a very helpful slack group and a ton of resources to help you cope with the pressures of being a freelancer.
Finding work
Freelancers all over the world are facing a number of challenges given the pandemic. We thought a refresher on finding work is in order. Here's an old but very useful read.
It has created havoc, that's given but not everything is terrible. This article from Forbes has some insights on the status quo and where things might be headed. Here's a guide that lists jobs, resources and support networks and here's a list of some funds that can help you navigate this downturn.
Remote work
Freelancers are generally used to remote work, but just in case you are not and are struggling to work remotely, here are a couple of really good resources.
A guide to conquering loneliness
How to work remotely and still be the best
9 keys to remote freelancing
Here are some interesting and relevant posts and conversations.
Do you have any note taking tips or apps that you use to take notes during project meetings?
The five foundations of freelancing
Presenting yourself as a freelancer or a business
My first year as a freelance AI engineer (not just for AI engineers)
This inspiring tweet and this fun tweet
Sharing is caring
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