asmundluelle · 4 years
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asmundluelle · 4 years
Now that I’m ACTUALLY and I promise to never go away again, comment what I should post: full chapters of my stuff or small world building updates? Again please comment which you’d prefer!
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asmundluelle · 4 years
Sorry to all 11 of my followers for not posting for SO long. I’ve been really focused on stuff like Cursed and my other artistic stuff. And school. And the whole pandemic thing.
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asmundluelle · 5 years
You want a good reality TV show? Put two fantasy/ Sci fi writers who are currently world building in the same room together and just watch. We will talk to each other for HOURS. If we don’t see each other for a few days, we WILL pick up where we left off the last time we talked as if the convo never even ended
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asmundluelle · 5 years
Imagine going to prison. You meet some prison dudes and they’re all like “yeah don’t mess with Mushu dawg. He’ll fuck you up man” and then Mushu comes in the prison yard and it’s the little dragon guy from Mulan
Can you tell it’s 3 AM?
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asmundluelle · 5 years
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Lady Addala of House Taryné aka Blind Lady Basil of House Eddleston
From Cursed
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asmundluelle · 5 years
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Making a crown for a character!
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asmundluelle · 5 years
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asmundluelle · 5 years
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An update on Lady Zayla. I think I’m done for the night
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asmundluelle · 5 years
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Everybody meet Khansiila (Queen to be) Zayla of Hhari! She is of the Malniani race (one of three im working on currently for novels)
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asmundluelle · 5 years
Little Cheetah
Cages lined the market streets of Cairo. On one particular street, six cages contained six one month old cheetah cubs. The sun was at it’s highest now. Most of the cubs were asleep; except for one. The lightest one in the cage made of wooden planks was awake, trying to play with a mouse that was scuttling around right outside of her cage. The door was opened and umber brown hands reached in and picked her up and out of the cage before she could get the mouse. The little cub looked around the street. All of the buildings looked like the sand to her. Except for one. It was much bigger than the rest; and shinier. She stared at it, barely paying attention to it’s details because she was so distracted by how big it was. The human that had picked her up was holding her by her scruff, showing her off to someone. When the human holding her turned her, she could see it was a beautiful human woman wearing some kind of white ‘tunic’ as the humans called it. The woman had dirt brown skin and black fur on her head, but long; much unlike the little cub’s fur. The woman placed a gentle hand on the cub’ s chest and an arm under her rear and the first human let go of her scruff. Now she was in the woman’s arms, which were much more comfortable.
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asmundluelle · 6 years
Badru the Cheetah
Sorry I don’t post a whole lot. School and world building keeps happening, but anyway. From now on, I’m going to try to get myself to post more by making a series of short stories called Badru The Cheetah. This first post is a description
Badru is a one month old cheetah cub who is bought by a young eygyptian noblewoman’s advisor as a marriage gift to the pharaoh. The Pharoah gladly accepts the gift that is little Badru. They become best friends and Badru meets an old lioness and lion (Nadezdha and Aapali), a spider monkey(Baraz)and a green mamba (Lana). Join Badru on her adventures!!
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asmundluelle · 6 years
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asmundluelle · 6 years
This is absolutely beautiful. I love it
But you dont know what you got until it’s gone. You dont know who to love until youre lost and you dont know how to feel until the moments passed
I wish, youd live, like youre made of glass
Amber run//5 am
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asmundluelle · 6 years
Who Are You?
Nala sat in... a dungeon maybe? but there were no chains above her head, no torture devices. Just... a table. Maybe this was the 2018 version of questioning someone rather than the 1100 one. About five minutes later, a man walked in. He was wearing a modern suit, nothing to distinguish his rank, but there was something gold on his hip. It was weird looking. She couldn’t read the language but she could speak it. The man aggressively slapped down several pictures in front of her, all printed out paintings of what people thought she looked like. In 1107. She looked down at the pictures then up at the man questioningly.
“Who the hell are you?!,” the man demanded
Nala leaned back, her expression turning to amusement. If he had the pictures he’d seen a few history books centered on her.
“The eyes are wrong. My eyes have never glowed,” the Norse redhead said. She paused, looking at the photos. One caught her eye and made her chuckle, “And I have never in my apparently long life had horns”
“Apparently?,” the man repeated.
Nala slid her eyes up to him, “Yes. I have been in Valhalla for the past millennia”
“Then how did you end up in modern NYC?”
“I was in Valhalla, fighting, drinking and other things I won’t mention. I blacked out. I assume drunk and I woke up in a lab. I was told fight for us or die. Without thinking, I ran. I was in a huge building. I went down floor by floor. Unfortunately, along the way I killed to get out of this building. I ran out until I came across a cabin. I stole some clothes to fit in if I came across a city, which I did. Eventually,” Nala leaned forward, “A boy found me on the street and let me into his home and started teaching me English. At the time I knew several different languages but none of them was English. I left him months after knowing some English and ways to avoid the radar”
“You mean stay under the radar?”
“Yes. I’m still learning American things”
“Ah. Continue,” he said, writing on a notebook as Nala spoke.
“There’s nothing more to tell”
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asmundluelle · 6 years
I was once one of the twenty four elders of heaven. I sat on the left side of god him self. Compared to me, god himself was but a child when he created Earth. He created humans in his image, expecting them to follow whatever he had in mind for them, but it doesn’t work like that. Personalities formed, opinions formed and the most special of all evolved: individuality. I left after the fall of Adam and Eve
And now, I go to war camps and try to keep PTSD away from the little ones it hurts most. If they have dream catchers with them I clean them out and stay with them. I gently shoo demons away from children who they target. If someone has a nightmare I sit with them until I hear the call of another voice in need. Often, God calls me to heaven to tell me to stop what I do with a threat of death, but I am a being of creation. I do not die, I smile instead
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