asofterrnm · 9 months
the sea
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[Image description: a comic strip of 3 square panels. All three panels show a single continuous photo of Liz on the beach. She is shown from behind, sitting on a towel with one leg extended and one tucked beneath her, looking out at the ocean. Text on the first panel reads "Sometimes when I get bored I like to pretend I'm living in a porno movie about the sea." Text on the second panel reads "Oh, no. I seem to have forgotten my bathing suit." Text on the third panel reads "oh, my goodness. You're so wet." Text below the panels reads “e horne and j comeau - a softer world dot com - a softer r n m dot tumblr dot com. End description.]
A special @rnmafterdark​ edition of A Softer RNM!
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asofterrnm · 1 year
everything you want
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[Image description: a comic strip of 3 square panels. First two panels show a single continuous photo of Max and Liz in Max's bedroom. They are shown in profile, standing at the foot of the bed, facing each other. They both have serious expressions, and Liz's hands are on her hips. Text on the second panel reads "I wish I could give you everything you want". Third panel shows a photo of Liz from the same scene, zoomed and cropped to show only her face. She is looking past the camera with her lips pursed and tears in her eyes. Text reads "and still be me." Text below the panels reads “e horne and j comeau - a softer world dot com - a softer r n m dot tumblr dot com. End description.]
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asofterrnm · 1 year
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[Image description: a comic strip of 3 square panels. First two panels show a single continuous photo of Liz, Arturo, and Rosa at the Crashdown. Liz is facing the camera, wearing a bright red prom dress, bright red lipstick, and gold hoop earrings, carrying a black clutch. Her head is tilted to the side, and she is grinning at Arturo, who is in the foreground with his back to the camera. Rosa is standing off to the side, watching them. Text on the first panel reads "On my mom's birthday, I put on my best suit." Text on the second panel reads "I get a haircut." Third panel shows a photo of Liz from the same scene, zoomed and cropped so that she is shown from the shoulders up. She is looking past the camera with a hopeful expression. Text reads "I pretend she's coming home." Text below the panels reads “e horne and j comeau - a softer world dot com - a softer r n m dot tumblr dot com. End description.]
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asofterrnm · 1 year
living forever
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[Image description: a comic strip of 3 square panels. First two panels show a single continuous photo of Max in the desert at night. He is sitting on the ground, with a wooden box sitting by his feet. He is hunched forward, head hanging down. In one hand he is holding a bottle of alcohol, and in the other a handheld cassette tape player/recorder with a red light indicating that it's on. Text on the first panel reads "I spend enough nights lying awake". Text on the second panel reads "thinking about the past." Third panel shows a photo from the same scene, zoomed in on Max's face. The hand holding the cassette player is pressed to his face, and he is biting his lip, holding back tears. Text reads "Living forever would be hell." Text below the panels reads “e horne and j comeau - a softer world dot com - a softer r n m dot tumblr dot com. End description.]
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asofterrnm · 1 year
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[Image description: a comic strip of 3 square panels. Each panel shows a photo from a scene of Noah and Isobel in the mindscape. In the centre panel, they are shown in profile, standing in the desert about 25 feet apart, facing each other. The left panel shows a close up of Noah's face, and the right panel shows a close up of Isobel's face. Text on the centre panel reads "I'm in love with the you I wish you were." Text below the panels reads “e horne and j comeau - a softer world dot com - a softer r n m dot tumblr dot com. End description.]
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asofterrnm · 1 year
good morning
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[Image description: a comic strip of 3 square panels. First panel shows a photo of Max, Isobel, and Michael in the pocket dimension. They are in the Atomic Malt Shoppe; Max is standing just inside the door, looking at Isobel and Michael, who are hugging. Text reads "Good morning. Radiation levels today are unchanged." Second and third panel show a single continuous photo of Alex and Isobel in the same scene. They are sitting across from each other in a booth, holding hands on the table. Text on the second panel reads "Please stay inside." Text on the third panel reads "And be kind to the people you care about." Text below the panels reads “e horne and j comeau - a softer world dot com - a softer r n m dot tumblr dot com. End description.]
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asofterrnm · 1 year
father of the year
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[Image description: a comic strip of 3 square panels. First panel shows a photo of Maria from the shoulders up. Her mouth is hanging open, and her eyes have rolled back in her head. Jones' glowing hand is pressed to the side of her head. Text reads "It isn't easy to stage a convincing alien abduction". Second panel shows a photo of Jones from the waist up. He is wearing Max's deputy uniform and cowboy hat, and wielding his glowing sword. Text reads "but if it were easy". Third panel shows a photo of Jones from the shoulders up. He is smiling and pointing into the camera. Text reads "would I really be father of the year?" Text below the panels reads “e horne and j comeau - a softer world dot com - a softer r n m dot tumblr dot com. End description.]
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asofterrnm · 1 year
sex and respect
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[Image description: a comic strip of 3 square panels. All three panels show a single continuous photo of Liz and Max on the couch in Max's living room. Max is sitting on the couch, and Liz is lying across his lap, looking up at him. Max has an arm around Liz's shoulders, and is smiling down at her. Text on the second panel reads "Sex and respect go together like". Text on the third panel reads "you and me, please." Text below the panels reads “e horne and j comeau - a softer world dot com - a softer r n m dot tumblr dot com. End description.]
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asofterrnm · 1 year
big man
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[Image description: a comic strip of 3 square panels. First two panels show a single continuous photo of Jesse and Kyle in the Project Shepherd bunker. Kyle is lying face down on the floor, and Jesse, wearing his Air Force uniform, is standing over him pointing a handgun at him. Text on the first panel reads "Does my gun make me feel like a big man?" Text on the second panel reads "Well, it allows me to function as one." Third panel shows a photo of Jesse from the same scene, zoomed and cropped so that only his upper chest, arms, and hands are visible. He is pointing his gun down past the camera, with a serious expression on his face. Text reads "So, yes?" Text below the panels reads “e horne and j comeau - a softer world dot com - a softer r n m dot tumblr dot com. End description.]
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asofterrnm · 1 year
what kind of story
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[Image description: a comic strip of 3 square panels. First panel shows a photo of Jenna and Max, standing in the doorway of Max's house. Jenna is outside, leaning against the doorframe, looking at Max, who is just inside the door, looking out at her. Text reads "You and I will never be a great love story." Second and third photo show a single continuous photo of Jenna and Max sitting in chairs around the fire on Max's patio. They are shown from behind, chairs turned slightly to face each other. Max has a beer in one hand, and there are a couple of beer bottles sitting by the fire. Text on the second panel reads "That's okay!" Text on the third panel reads "Let's see what kind of story we'll be." Text below the panels reads “e horne and j comeau - a softer world dot com - a softer r n m dot tumblr dot com. End description.]
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asofterrnm · 1 year
believe me
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[Image description: a comic strip of 3 square panels. First two panels show a single continuous photo of Diego and Liz sitting at a table in the Crashdown. They are shown in profile, from the waist up, sitting across the table from each other, looking at each other intently. Text on the first panel reads "I never meant to hurt you." Text on the second panel reads "You have to believe me." Third panel shows a photo of Liz in the same scene. She is shown from the shoulders up, facing the camera, looking sheepish, with one hand pulling a lock of hair across her face to cover her mouth. Text reads "I wasn't thinking about you at all." Text below the panels reads “e horne and j comeau - a softer world dot com - a softer r n m dot tumblr dot com. End description.]
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asofterrnm · 1 year
two kinds of people
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[Image description: a comic strip of 3 square panels. First panel shows a photo of Jones from the shoulders up. He is looking past the camera with one eyebrown raised. Text reads "In this world there are two kinds of people." Second panel shows another photo of Jones from the shoulders up, looking down at the glowing pink sword he's holding out in front of himself. Text reads "people like me, with knives". Third panel shows a photo of Jones and one of the men who stole the sword. Jones is shown from behind, holding the sword up, while the other man is facing him, holding a gun. Text reads "and people like you, with eyeballs." Text below the panels reads “e horne and j comeau - a softer world dot com - a softer r n m dot tumblr dot com. End description.]
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asofterrnm · 1 year
horny and silly
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[Image description: a comic strip of 3 square panels. First two panels show a single continuous photo of teen Michael and Alex in the shed. They are shown from the shoulders up, standing facing each other; Alex is facing the camera, and Michael has his back to it. Alex is wearing a black t-shirt and bicycle chain necklace, and laughing. Michael is shirtless. Text on the first panel reads "Sex is better if you're feeling". Text on the second panel reads "horny and silly in equal measure." Third panel shows a photo of Michael from the same scene, facing the camera. He is shown from the shoulders up, shirtless, smiling at Alex. Text reads "Most things are!" Text below the panels reads “e horne and j comeau - a softer world dot com - a softer r n m dot tumblr dot com. End description.]
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asofterrnm · 1 year
your smile
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[Image description: a comic strip of 3 square panels. All three panels show a single continuous photo of Liz and Max in the desert. They are shown in profile from the chest up. They are standing a couple of feet apart, facing each other, and Max looks confused. Text on the first panel reads "I feel like your smile is a sun that shines only on me." Text on the second panel reads "and to be honest". Text on the third panel reads "that's a lot of pressure." Text below the panels reads “e horne and j comeau - a softer world dot com - a softer r n m dot tumblr dot com. End description.]
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asofterrnm · 1 year
love poetry
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[Image description: a comic strip of 3 square panels. First two panels show a single continuous photo of Bert at the Wild Pony. He is shown in profile from the neck up. His head is tilted back and is mouth is open in a howl. Text on the first panel reads "when the moon is full I turn into a werewolf and I eat people". Text on the second panel reads "I grow fangs and claws, and an appetite for flesh." Third panel shows a photo of Bert from the waist up. He is leaning forward and writing something on a piece of paper in his hand. Text reads "I am writing a book of love poetry." Text below the panels reads “e horne and j comeau - a softer world dot com - a softer r n m dot tumblr dot com. End description.]
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asofterrnm · 1 year
liberty for security
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[Image description: a comic strip of 3 square panels. All three panels show a single continuous photo of Jesse and Kyle outside the Project Shepherd bunker. They are facing each other, Jesse facing towards the camera and Kyle with his back to it. Jesse has a serious expression. Text on the first panel reads "those who would sacrifice Liberty for Security". Text on the third panel reads "are eligible for a tax credit!" Text below the panels reads “e horne and j comeau - a softer world dot com - a softer r n m dot tumblr dot com. End description.]
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asofterrnm · 1 year
carry our dead
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[Image description: a comic strip of 3 square panels. First two panels show a single continuous photo of Rosa's memorial next to the road where she died. It is a simple wooden cross with peeling white paint and "Rosa Ortecho" stenciled on the crosspiece. Liz is shown from behind, crouched in front of it, reaching out to touch two brightly coloured bracelets that have been looped around the crosspiece. Text on the first panel reads "If we couldn't carry our dead inside us". Third panel shows a photo of Liz from the front, zoomed and cropped so that only her face is visible, with a bit of the cross visible in the foreground. She is looking down at the cross with tears in her eyes. Text reads "we would be empty." Text below the panels reads “e horne and j comeau - a softer world dot com - a softer r n m dot tumblr dot com. End description.]
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