“I was thinking… you could give one to Galin,” I nod a little, “and to Koté.”
Kaz nods quickly. “Yes I thought of Galin immediately. Perhaps Galin’s father too- Jafan has been a huge help to our community.”
“Melia would like one,” Anakin suggests. “You have four to give, yes? G, Koté, Jafan, and Melia.”
“Yes that could work,” Kaz agrees.
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“In four years,” I remind him, “so do not die before then.” I set Koda back down, “if Saphira can breathe fire she can help you forge.” I say to Anakin.
Anakin’s eyes widen. “Oh… I did not think of that- it would help me a lot. Maybe even help me be faster.”
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“Look,” I reach over and gently pick up Koda, turning him to show his belly to Kaz, “these scales will harden like beskar. Won’t be able to be penetrated.”
Kaz blinks. “I… have an indestructible dragon at my fingertips?” He slowly grins. “We will never lose a war again.”
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“We won’t know until he is older,” I shake my head, “but his father can do the chance is high.”
“Excellent,” he grins, patting the dragon’s head. “And even if you can’t, little Koda, it’s okay. I will still love you.”
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“Some can!” I nod quickly, “it’s genetic. Like how some of us have blue eyes and others have brown eyes.”
Kaz nods. “And… is it genetic for this little one? Or does he plan to have some other fancy trick?”
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“Yes! After he’s two or so,” I smile softer, “they grow slowly at first but by the time he’s four he’ll be big enough to ride.”
“Oh wow,” Kaz blinks. “Do… dragons really breathe fire? Or is that a myth?”
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“Big enough to ride,” I grin proudly, “his father named that one Koda. He didn’t name the others.”
“Koda,” he repeats quietly, petting the little creature’s back. “His spikes are still just soft enough to really pet. Will they harden with age?”
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“He’s hungry,” I say softly, “wants some of your meat.”
Kaz nods and slices a piece off his steak before cutting it into smaller pieces, laying it on an empty plate nearby. “Here,” he says softly, gently guiding the dragon to the plate.
He watches the dragon eat and grins, shaking his head in awe. “You’re going to be enormous one day…”
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“No no, I mean his hair is past his shoulders, long and braided. Well, was, of course.” I shrug.
Kaz nods once. “I see. Well good for you, finding eye candy.” He focuses on his plate again, pausing a moment later when his dragon slithers up his arm. “Oh. Hello…”
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“I dunno,” I grin, “he had really pretty long hair and everything.”
“My hair is long and pretty.” He argues quietly. “If you want romance I have been here since day one.”
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“Well, there’s probably an amulet that could turn him into a man,” I tilt my head thoughtfully.
“We don’t need to find that,” he shakes his head. “You have two- three pretty and capable men right here.”
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“Yes he sent me a mental image of what he looked like as a man…” I hum, “very uh, pretty. Very pretty.”
Kaz studies you, a pang of jealousy stabbing through his chest. “Yes well he is an animal. He cannot- do anything. With those looks.”
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“Raka!” I grin, “he is the king of the dragons, and no I’m not scared. He’s very nice. A bit flirty but most male dragons are.”
Kaz grins slowly. “So the tale is true then. Mandos are said to die and become dragons, if they die honorable death.”
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“Tomorrow one of the male dragons is going to fly me into the air,” I smile, “I am excited!”
Kaz’s eyes widen. “You- are not scared? At all? What is the dragon’s name?”
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I help him carry some of the food over before sitting down, “it smells delicious.”
“Thank you for cooking, Obi-Wan,” Kaz nods, thanking him again as he’s served a plate before starting to eat.
Ben watches everyone eat for several moments to make sure it’s enjoyable, then begins to eat his own meal, smiling inwardly.
They like it. Maybe he can get better at this whole friend thing.
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“You’re gonna be a good dragon dad,” I give him a grin, “I’m excited for you.”
“Thank you darling,” he says softly, converting the meal to large serving bowls. “Everyone please get ready for dinner.”
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“He���s settling in,” I nod a little bit and move back over to Ben, “do you think your little egg is enjoying being rocked?”
Ben nods softly. “Yes, yes I do. I can feel its satisfaction in the Force.”
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