aspechiphop · 11 years
Edward Scissortounge Interview
Ed, your an inspirational, unique artist with a completely new sound to the hip hop scene. Do you feel you have created a whole new category of hip hop, or even music?
That is very kind. I am fairly sure that no-one has married together the two styles that myself and musician Lamplighter have conjured up on our album 'BETTER.LUCK.NEXT.LIFE'. I cannot be 1000% sure if we have created an entirely new pigeon hole, but what I can be sure of is that we have created something fairly unique sounding.
Right, this a question I've been dying to know. How did you come about the name Edward Scissortounge? Obviously there is a cliché but is there a story behind it?
I had a bunch of names as a teenager; Tron Tetsuo, Pablo Espadrille, Trinny Vanilli - the name goes on (trust me). Edward Scissortongue was the one that stuck and as soon as something leeches on it is tricky to shake. It is juvenile but I love it.
Lots of big artists seemed to have been brought up in a fairly rough environment, were you? Your music doesn't particularly talk about your childhood much.
I am from Cambridge (the shit bit). My upbringing was completely crisp, I have no complaints. I had the Adidas Predators and the best pencil cases, but only because I was a demanding little fuck that liked nice things. Rap music has evolved into an all-seeing all-breathing form of expression. You can be the 4th duke of Gloucester and spit bars nowadays, and this is a good thing I think. Not that I'm posh, not one bit, I hate posh people.
Your music is very surreal and modernist. How do you think your music came to that stage? has your style been influenced by any particular occurrences throughout your life?
I address my thought patterns in my music. I hone these thought patterns through thinking about them a bunch before putting pen to paper and refining and developing them through poetry. To cut a long story short, practice is how my music came to this stage. I have worked hard to develop a style which I feel best communicates my thoughts and feelings. In regards to inspiration, I source it from each and every nook and cranny I can find; a smashed ice cream cone on the floor, to an old person stacking it on an escalator. It is there, literally everywhere, like a filthy virus. If you seek you shall find.
What made you grow your iconic beard? you seem to have set quite the trend.
I grew the beard for a film (don't ask) then it started get to love from other angles. It seems to have quite a fan club now, plus the chicks love that shit, so it is not going anywhere any time soon.
What does it feel like for you when you finish a new song?
Any positive feeling linked to finishing a song is reserved only for the moment Chemo sends through the final mix and master for whichever tune I am working on. Anything before that is a mere scrap of happiness. Writing a nice bar means fuck all if you can't record it nice. It is such a long process. I love it.
What other aspirations do you have, do you want to achieve anything else in life?
I am a busy guy who has all sorts of weird dreams and desires. It just so happens that my biggest love is for wordplay and weird rap music making. I want to get married and have kids. And make music. These things plus 7 million other things too..
Apart from Hip Hop do you have any other interests? We all know Dike loves painting where he shouldn't  Mr Key is an English Teacher and Verb T is a dad.
I am a writer. I write for magazines and websites about cool shit. I am also known to wear ludicrously expensive garms which I thoroughly enjoy doing. I draw stupid characters, sing in the shower and play football. I also lift weights and work on my 12 pack. Pretty standard dude really.
You've given us confirmation of a new album on the come up, would you care to elaborate? what are we in for?
Baxter and myself are working on a full album. It is great. Watch out for that. I have an EP ready and am working on my next full length solo release. Then there is the small issue of Contact Play's new record...
What mental state are you in when you write your bars? what makes you write about the things you write about, for instance Spastic Max.
As I mentioned previously, I am only interested in painting pictures in my head. If the colours are nice behind my eyes then only then will I feel I am onto something. It just so happens that most of the time I go down the morbid route. I have written happy bars in the past, but they have always been less rewarding. This is, of course, wildly subjective, but morbid seems to work for me pretty good. I am a very selfish musician, which is essential (I think) to creating powerful music. As soon as you start catering for anyone else's desires but your own YOU ARE FAILING. Coldplay are a good example. First album SMASH. Since them FAIL.
Your album artwork reflects your music particularly well through the fact they are both very surreal and artistic, was this done purposely or did you just like the look of it?
My dear friend Will Barras painted the artwork for B.L.N.L. He did so by listening to the album and painting what he felt came from the music. It was as simple and as BRILLIANT as that. I am meeting him tomorrow for a coffee actually. Thanks for the reminder.
Your instrumentals fit your bars like a chastity belt, its just meant to be. do you feel your instrumentals are personal to you? I myself couldn't imagine anyone else rapping over your instrumentals personally.
Lamplighter and myself have known each other (over the internet lolololol) for going on ten years. I always knew he was the producer for me. He is a genius and does a faultless effort of making me sound good. A million big ups to him for his music. The best producer I have ever had the pleasure to listen to and work with.
One from the fans, where is the weirdest place you have taken a dump?
A forest at midday surrounded by second world war soldiers.
Thank you for feeding our minds Ed, any shout outs?
Shout outs to CP, HF, SMB and Jimmy Saville. Innocent until proven guilty if you ask me.
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