aspen-if · 1 year
So, Uhm. Here is a little notice.
I have been struggling with motivation and finding creativity and inspiration to write. My mental health is non-existent, so it isn't much of a surprise. I didn't just want to delete the post or account as that is rude. I strive to not be rude.
So, for now, the game is on hiatus. I don't know when I will be able to write again, if I ever will. Not much else to say.
Hope you all understand, and have a beautiful day.
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aspen-if · 1 year
Development Update
Just quickly wanted to post this here;
Development will be slow currently. I have a lot of personal issues and stuff I need to work on, but I am managing to find time to write, which is great!
I am hoping to post the demo in 3(ish) months, hopefully with the prologue, chapter one, two and three. So hopefully that works out!
Hopefully, when I do post the demo, people won't be disappointed. Even though there aren't a lot of people interested(this has aged well XD), I will continue doing my best.
My motivation is definitely lacking, but it is picking back up!
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aspen-if · 1 year
Demo: TBA
Warnings: Violence, depictions of injuries and illness, optional sexual content. Bodily mutation, horror elements.
Removing original text. I am actually taking it seriously now.
You are a demon. Or at least that is what everyone calls you. Truthfully, you don't even know what you are. When you first awoke, your entire body was covered in ash and soot. Burnt bodies were scattered around you. Like memories, frozen in time. Everyone blamed you for the destruction of the town.
More towns burned down. The people, not knowing any better, blamed it on a single person. Yet, you did not burn down those towns. Confusion littered your brain as everyone turned against you. Hunters were sent out. All with a single goal. Capture the monster that did this. Dead or alive.
You were living in the woods, close to a nearby town. A group of hunters had recently moved into the local inn. They had found you, yet they did not realize it. Having been left no choice, you joined them on their search for the demon.
The people of The Juris Kingdom have all grown used to the idea of monsters. Sure, not many have seen one, but the rumors are enough. With a new plague spreading through the land, towns being burned by a mysterious entity, the people have grown to resent the King. For all they have gone through, the King has done nothing. Always sitting on his throne, getting fat off bread and mead.
Townspeople have started rioting, but with the increase of monsters, most are too afraid to step outside their house. It is not uncommon to find a decayed body in an abandoned house, the, long dead, person being too afraid to buy supplies. Eventually starving.
With the increase in monsters, there was an increase in humans learning to bend elements to their will, crafting armor and swords that would glow in the night. Humans started evolving with the new threat.
With our MC having sleepovers with their new best friends, a new demon has risen, seeming intent on finishing the task our dear MC refused to complete.
Create your own, unique character, with a variety of customization options available. Want to look like a one legged pirate? Done! Want a fancy pirate hat? Done! Choose your gender (cis, trans, nonbinary or just be an entity!), appearance and set an individual personality for strangers and friends!
Start a romance with a cast of four characters; The group leader, the arrogant hot-head, the healer or the hunter. Or, if you're feeling particularly indecisive, romance all of 'em! With all of that said, there does seem to be a very persistent stranger who keeps showing up. How strange.
Will you hide your identity from the group? Of course! Otherwise you'd be dead, and this beautiful story wouldn't be written!
Tell spooky fairytales around a campfire at night. I mean, they are just fairytales after all.
Will you end up helping your new found group, or join the stranger who seems to know a suspicious amount about you?
Crack taken seriously.
Note: The characters do have full personalities and backstories, I have just yet to write it down!
Yuri | Gender Selectable | The Leader
Keywords: Aloof, serious, but seemingly obsessive? You will understand soon, very soon.
"Detailed" Information
Rain | Non-binary | The Hot-head
Keywords: Arrogant, cocky, hates you.
"Even more detailed" Information
Mari | Female | The Healer
Keywords: Kind, respectful, hurt her friends and she will murder you :D
The links are the same, just click on the ones above.
Kasai | Male | The Hunter
Keywords: Aloof, slightly concerned about your mental state
... fine, here is a fully extensive profile look at him.
??? | Gender Selectable | The Stranger
Oh wow, so mysterious. Giving them a profile would obviously spoil it, right?
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