Ddx: tinsilitis
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Merry Christmas!
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Hey squad.
I am thinking of shutting down aspdocs and starting a new tumblr to reflect where I am now:
Graduating residency in 6months.
Married almost 5 years.
Mom of 2.
I’m not an aspiring doctor anymore. I am a doctor. I’m in a completely different place than the pre-med who started this gig in 2011.
I can’t change the name because this is an ‘additional’ blog to the one I originally started. So I’d have to start over, which isn’t a big deal. But do I have time for this? I love the medblr community but I’ve been out so long I feel pretty disconnected.
So still ruminating on things but welcome any feedback.
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Intern: So if surgery is managing the care what are we doing with them?
Me, the senior resident: In this patient literally nothing. We are sort of like the basket that catches everything.
Intern: Baskets are not very masculine.
Me: Uh... we are sort of like the giant dragon claw that holds everything.
Intern: Dragon claws are definitely masculine.
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When I have med students with me, the greatest thing I hope they get out of being with me is learning how to do a good speculum exam and find the cervix every time in a systematic matter. No see one, do one, teach one. They’re going to do one from the get go. It makes my heart happy seeing them always succeed on their first try with some encouragement and coaching. It makes my heart even happier hearing the patients praise them for a painless exam. My students will not be consulting ob/gyn in the ED or on the floor for a pelvic exam in the future. I’m so proud.
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Whatever gets your heart rate up.
Admitted a young person with chf of no clear etiology with recurrent vtach. Starts having runs of vtach every minute, HR 150-180. We all run in and the patient is awake and watching tv. We’re like “Are you ok? Are you feeling any chest pain?” And they’re like “No I’m just watching transformers. I was just excited, I love this movie.”
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ED: This patient needs to be admitted for rehydration, they can’t keep anything down.
Me: Ok.
Intern, 5 minutes later, texts me the patient is drinking water and asking for food because they are hungry.
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Hi hello, I’m an MS2 just starting my systems-based class in preparation for step 1. I want some advice on how to study for step. I have first aid, pathoma, sketchy, + uworld. I don’t really know how to use first aid or uworld... Could you give me like an example of how you studied for a system (Ex. cardiology)? Like the order that you would study/what resources you used/how you annotated into first aid?? literally any help would be appreciated :) thank
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It’s been a REAL long time since Step 1 for me. Like... 2014....
I think I split my First Aid up into sections that I needed to read. Then did so many of that system’s UWorld questions, then did however many mixed UWorld questions. I don’t know. Anyone who took it more recently have some suggestions?
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Good luck bbs!!!
Medblr Class of 2019 Masterpost
Hello all!! This is going to be a master post where I (attempt to) keep track of what specialty all of us are going into. If you would like to add yourself to the list you can message me or reblog with the gif of your choice here. (PLEASE do not reblog this post!)
Emergency Medicine: @medschoolmanic @ermedicine
Family Medicine: @medschoolgrind @studentdrveebs @smoogleboog @frommetomd @honestlymd @dogemd
Internal Medicine: @texanmdtobe @wishbone-md @medicalgalaxy (en route to ID)
Internal Medicine/Pediatrics: @francescamichelle
Interventional Radiology
Neurology: @emii1496 
Obstetrics and Gynecology 
Orthopedic Surgery 
Otolaryngology: @ashleymd7
Pediatrics: @rocker-doctor @mj-md @mindfullymedical @thedreamingdoctor 
Plastic Surgery
Radiation Oncology 
General Surgery: @part-timemedstudent @snowandstarlight @nothingbutnetters
Thoracic Surgery
Vascular Surgery
Moral support from afar: @studiousmedic
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It’s the fall
You gotta get some gourds
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Me: OMG! I LOOK LIKE A STOCK PHOTOADY SCIENTIST! I’m blonde, wearing glasses and a white coat and gloves, I’m looking at a microscope, my hair is up...
Attending and coresident: *gasp* YOU DO!!
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When the attending asks the gaggle of med students, “if the patient has a fever, what is he going to need?” I’m in the back like...
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Wowwww this list is KILLER. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 Take note bbs!
50 Things to ask on Residency Interviews
HARK. Interview season is upon us!
And my old littles gave me the great idea to come up with a big ol’ list of questions the interviewing 4th year can use to find the answers they need about certain program OR give ideas that a 4th year may not have thought of at all.
I hope this helps anyone who has been dreading the “any questions for us?” moment. It’s not everything you can ask, it may not even highlight your program priorities, but hopefully you can get something out of it!
Is there any standard curriculum which the residents follow?
When do residents have to take step 3 by?
Is there any expectation to take step 3 before residency starts?
How are morning reports/grand rounds/resident lectures held?
Does the program support simulators and simulated learning?
Does the program have a sim center?
Is the in-training exam used by the program in any way?
When do the residents take the in-training exam at this program?
What is the percentage of specialty board pass rates?
What is the fellowship match rate/job placement rate?
What are you expected responsibilities on the floor?
What kind of call do you do as an intern vs as a senior?
What are you looking for a in a resident?
What do you value in a team?
How often are you working with seniors vs other interns vs attendings?
What fellowship programs does this program offer?
What are the responsibilities of the fellows toward residents, if any?
How are mentors approached?
How does continuity clinic run through the program?
How many electives are offered per year?
What specialties does the hospital not have?
Which specialties are done at an outside hospital/system if any?
What are some hallmarks that make this program different from others?
How does this program participate in resident wellness?
Are their any resources if a resident feels they need help?
Is there support when there is a loss during patient care?
Does the hospital have any associated medical schools?
What are the 3rd and 4th year med student expectations?
What are the resident expectations to the medical students?
How many fourth years are around during audition season?
How is the schedule organized (how many floor, clinic, etc months)?
Are schedules flexible in any way?
If someone needs to miss a day or call, how is that rectified?
How are vacation requested, decided and divided?
Is there a holiday schedule?
How does the program approach QI projects?
What are some standout QI projects from the residents?
What are the research expectations for each year?
What resources does the program provide for research?
Are the residents provided food and drink (stipend/resident lounge supply)?
Are the residents provided scrubs?
Do you get white coat replacements or fleeces/jackets?
What is the expected attire on the floor, clinic, etc?
What is the parking situation?  
Are there any stipends for moving, study material, exams or conferences?
What is the average cost of living in that area?
Where do most of the residents live?
Do you need to be in close proximity to the hospital?
How do you think a program of this size facilitates the learning environment?
Do the residents hang out together?
I didn’t describe why someone would ask these so if you’re interested, don’t know what something means, or want elaboration feel free to send an ask.
Go forth! Be strong and confident!
Good luck!
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That feeling when you are on a rotation and your preceptor is NOT following evidence based medicine and you’re like
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Same. I’m graduating residency in June.... 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
Medblr naming conventions…
Totallyalmostadoctor: pre- pre- med, 16, super excited about medicine. Is totally *not* almost a doctor (but it will happen! Don’t lose hope!) but keenly reblogs studyblr and medblr to be the best they can be.
Thesensiblehelpfulmedstudent: actual med student. Makes a point of being sensible and helpful. Lots of helpful medblr content.
Lifehurtsbutilovecheese: actual doctor, 90% of posts are queued up trashposts, interspersed with rants about residency.
*exception being blogs that are just too lazy/fond of their URL to move onto the next stage of their tumblr evolution.
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This. It’s hard being a mom.
the thing about millennials who don’t want kids is I feel like a lot of them are deeply On Board for their friends’ kids
like I’m among the minority of my friends in definitely for sure wanting kids someday
but each of my parenthood-eschewing friends has claimed a different role in my future offspring’s life and they seem very excited to play it
so we as a generation may have fewer children
but I feel like they’ll be the most supported and loved children imaginable
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I volunteered to write a newspaper article about STIs (not STDs, STIs.  The newspaper tried to change it to STDs and I threatened to withdraw the article because that was literally the point of my article, that people could have these infections and not have symptoms, that’s why everyone needs screening, also I literally defined the term in the first sentence of my article so it’s not like people can’t keep up), and it got published the other day This has had the delightful side-effect of me finding out how many attendings in my hospital read the newspaper It’s all of them I know this because they’ve been waving to me in the hall and saying, “Hey, it’s Dr. STI!  How’s it going?” And I reply by saying, “I’m raising awareness about sexual health!  My mama is so proud of me!” And they’re like, “Of course she is! She should be!” and give me a thumbs-up or high-five It’s hilarious and literally the only fashion in which I would want them to congratulate me for writing a newspaper article, and I appreciate them taking the time to affectionately mock me Also, my mama is so proud of me and has apparently shared my article with my entire family because I’m getting congratulatory messages on Facebook from my distant cousins about being published in a newspaper Clearly I need to dispel myths about sexual health by writing newspaper articles more often
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