assassinxezio · 10 years
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videogame graphic battle | vs. oldwolfs
round three ► typography
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assassinxezio · 10 years
and here at last, I discover a strange truth. That I am only a conduit, for a message that eludes my understanding.
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assassinxezio · 10 years
He looked back at her, and motioned his hand to the bottle, "You drink it." he told her, giving her a comforting smile, "It is no issue." he said, nodding his head at her. He watched her, and then he spoke, "Be warned, not the most meraviglioso taste." he told her, then  he quickly amended himself, "Wonderful." he said,  peering out the alley way and gave a nod.
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     "The coast is clear, are you ready?"
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   She stumbled forward a step when the man pushed the guard from her, shaking her head as if that would clear her muddled mind the slightest. She turned to face him, eyes trailing from the middle of his chest to his eyes, or at least where she assumed they were beneath his hood.
   Anna opened her mouth to say something, but instead resorted to just giving him a nod, eyes closing as she swayed for a moment. When a small bottle was pressed into her palm, her brows furrowed and her eyes opened.
   She slowly took the top off of the bottle, raising it to her nose before calling out to the man. "D-Don’t… think me stupid, sir… But do you drink it or… pour it on the wound?”
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assassinxezio · 10 years
Ezio's features frown, "Would you not be, were there a dead body in front of you?" he asked with his accented voice but he otherwise didn't move - as if this were just a normal conversation, "My name, signore? Ezio Auditore da Firenze." he didn't smile as he gave his name, the older man just stood there, "What did the man do to deserve his death?"
"They call me The Riddler but my real name is Edward Enigma." The prince of puzzles replied, noticing how the Italian kept glancing back at the body then to him. "Oh you’re feeling threatened. That would explain why you keep your hand on your sword." He chuckled a little and tapped his cane on the floor slightly. "Well, he had it coming. Listen here…I never got your name. What is it?"
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assassinxezio · 10 years
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I am but a blade in the crowd
More like a SASS in the crowd
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assassinxezio · 10 years
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assassinxezio · 10 years
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Aged Ezio being a badass 
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assassinxezio · 10 years
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"A man may have passed through here. A friend of mine. We were supposed to meet at the plaza but I just missed him." Ezio asked, giving the woman a charming smile as he told his cover story.
He paused for a moment, "Have we met? There is something familiar about you." he asked
They always said he was one for showboating…
Maria smiled, watching as the younger version of her father stood not steps away from where she stood.
"And who could someone like me help someone as professional looking as you?" She asked, still believed by her father’s looks.
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assassinxezio · 10 years
"Of kind, yes." Ezio answered, "But that will remedy itself soon."
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The Assassin knew that it was a bit of a weak answer, but hey, it was still an answer so... Ezio shrugged watching the boy as he effortlessly moves in the trees, "You are quite good at moving in the trees." he commented.
  "Live here。" He gives, and slits through the tree until he’s closer to the man, no doubt to get a better look, size him up。 "Why ar’you here?" He asks in return。
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assassinxezio · 10 years
Once the last guard had been killed, Ezio made it to the woman in a swift stride and pushed the dead guard onto the ground, "We should go. Certainly some guards will investigate." he said, looking at her wound as he did so.
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With a small glance around, Ezio reached into a small pouch that was tucked into his belt, and took a small bottle out, "Here. It will numb the pain." he told her, as he handed it to her, and slowly started walking to an ally way that led into a busy street, pausing to wait for the woman.
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   It sounded like she was underwater. Every sound was muffled behind the labored pounding of her heart in her ears and her body felt like it was made of lead. She pulled her hand away from her side, watching it shake and seeing that it was almost dripping with blood.
               "… No." She murmured when the man’s question broke past her. The last guard gave her a smirk, jabbing his sword at her in a stabbing motion aimed for her chest. Anna managed to roll her body to the side, the sword skimming her clothing close enough to cut a hole in the fabric. Her free hand dropped her own sword went to the guard’s shoulder, pulling the man up against her while her other hand left her side. Her own blade slipped from a bracer on her wrist and buried in the man’s chest.
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assassinxezio · 10 years
Ezio's robes helped him blend in well with the people around him, in the city. He didn't know exactly where he was - but the language spoken was certainly middle-eastern. A slight movement caught his attention - but it was that quick that he nearly missed it. Fixing his gaze, he saw it again.
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An Assassin. Leaving the group of people he had been blended with, he started to follow after the other assassin, quickly climbing up on top of a building and sneaking along the tiles as a distance, the other assassin nearly leaving his vision. Quickly, Ezio used his Eagle vision, now easily following the Assassin.
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assassinxezio · 10 years
Ezio's eyes flickered from the man, to the dead body on the ground and then back to the man, "It is true that I am lost." he replied in English, his accented voice guarded, "And no, it is quite real." The Assassin said, his hand not wavering from the sword nestled neatly in it's sheath.
A rich man dressed as a bat? Where had he turned up this time? That was quite... strange. "And who exactly are you?" the man was shining red - obviously very dangerous.
Edward heard the unfamiliar greeting behind him, a bit confused on why some Italian was in a place like Gotham. He looked down at the street by his feet, some man’s lifeless body just lying there. Blood was on Edward’s suit, unfortunately but it was mainly on the question mark cane he used as a weapon. After he nudged the body lightly with his foot, the prince of puzzles turned around to see an odd sight. “Lost?” He asked, pulling off blood stained gloves and tucking them into a pocket. “Because I assure you, this isn’t the place you want to get lost in.” After he was able to step just a bit closer to notice the sword, he looked amused. “A sword? I find this quite funny. Did you just buy it from the toy store?” Edward chuckled at his own, really bad joke then shook his head. “Don’t tell me you’re a new hero? Costume is a bit..odd but then again my own rival is a rich man dressed as a bat. Oh they call me insane!” The man glanced back at his old victim. “Ok maybe I am.”
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assassinxezio · 10 years
Abbas: Is it the truth you want, or an excuse for revenge?    
Maria: If the truth gives us an excuse, we will act on it
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assassinxezio · 10 years
Sorry guys. Will get to drafts and that starter I owe to an Altair soon. Been busy few days and now my cat is sick. So yeah. :(
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assassinxezio · 10 years
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Welcome to your life There is no turning back Even while we sleep We will find you
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assassinxezio · 10 years
The two remaining guards seemed less than pleased at Ezio's sudden appearance, "Assassino!" one exclaimed, turning his back on the woman to face Ezio, his sword brandished.
Ezio looked past the man, quickly parrying the attack he gave and elbowing the guard in the side, "Are you alright, madonna?" Ezio asked, in partial english as he had noticed the girl speaking the language.
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He turned around to face the guard again, who was bringing his sword down onto Ezio's head. The Assassin raised his own sword with one hand, blocking it but before the guard could counter, Ezio's free hand shot out, his palm flicking back and a silver blade coming from the bracer on his wrist and into the guards chest.
     "Two." he said as the man crumpled down.
   Green eyes were narrowed at the three guards that were trying to surround her, flickering from man to man while she attempted to at least get her opponents down to two - something that would be at least the slightest bit more manageable. She saw one of them raise their sword, but before it could come down onto her left shoulder her own raise to meet it, weight shifting to land a kick to the guard’s gut. Her kick was stopped as her foot began to leave the ground by a tearing pain in her side when another guard had taken advantage of her distraction.
             ”Tak… Bastard…!”
   A grunt was heard before the guard turned around, the metallic sounds of swords clashing distracting both of the remaining two guards. Anna hunched over, right hand pressing on her side. It wasn’t impossible to move - probably just a cut - but she didn’t have time to think about such things. When one guard’s head was turned, with another curse she buried her sword as far as it would go into his stomach.
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       "One." She spoke, although her voice was soft, to both her and the man who seemed to be aiding her. One down, two to go. 
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assassinxezio · 10 years
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"I am not a usual man." Ezio replied, watching the boy as he nimbly moved through the trees. He tilted his head, "Forgive my questioning, but why are you out here alone?"
Ratonhnhaké:ton looked around, as if teasing. But he nodded, shifting through the tree’s branches with ease until he’s on the lowest one, just above Ezio.
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"…Yes." He answers. It’s not a lie. "White men don’t come this far." What was that word? "…Usually?"
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