Which of the following describes an ERP system?
1. Which of the following describes an ERP system? A) ERP systems provide a foundation for collaboration between departments B) ERP systems enable people in different business areas to communicate C) ERP systems have been widely adopted in large organisations to store critical knowledge used to make the decisions that drive the organisation's performance D) All of the above
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Cultural Background Summary: A Sample
Cultural Background Summary
Using the UOP Material "You as a Culturally Diverse Entity,"(see Attachment) prepare a 700-word essay on  Cultural Background Summary of your personal cultural background.
My Cultural background Native American, 49 year old male, married(wife is Hispanic) 4 children, youngest child of 3 boys, 26 years in the military retired, and trying to finish my degree, christian, traveled around the world,parents have been married for 53 years, middle class, disable Veteran, loves sports, went to public schools, father retired truck driver, mom homemaker,grew up in North Carolina, and extended family.
This paper should highlight the different sources that have contributed to your cultural background. Additionally, speculate on the extent to which your current identity has been molded by assimilation, acculturation, and/or a climate of pluralism. College Essay Writing Service help
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Similar divinities within different cultures
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Different cultures around the world and throughout history have had numerous gods and goddesses. In spite of the variety of divinities it appears that they tend to fulfill similar roles and needs within the respective societies. Why is this so?
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Establishing the Republic: The Jeffersonian
Thomas Jefferson            Essay written by Assignmentwritingpro
Thomas Jefferson was a  citizen and a president in the United States born in 1743, in Virginia.   His immediate family was wealthy and had a brother and four sisters.  During  his school days, he studied both Greek and Latin.  However, he later  studied more languages, mathematics and literature. Thomas Jefferson joined George  Wythe College in Williamsburg, Virginia where he did law for five years (Spero  330). After completing his studies he practised law in different law firms.   Thomas Jefferson later married Martha Wayles Skelton and was blessed with six  children.
Thomas Jefferson joined  politics and became active.  He was able to become a member of the  Virginia House of Delegates after attending the Continental Congress. He  contested for the governor of Virginia and won. It was in 1781 when he retired  to his home in Monticello (Spero 330). It was during this period where he could  farm his lands and write books.  Thomas Jefferson believed that the  blacks were inferior hence being a racist. The only positive thought he had  despite being a racist is that all people had the right to freedom.   Later, Thomas Jefferson returned to politics where he was appointed Minister  to France as he was leading the Virginia delegation to the Confederate Congress  (Spero 335).  It was 1789 when George Washington appointed him as the  Secretary of State.  However, in 1797 he was elected as the United  States Vice-President.  Two years later Thomas Jefferson was elected  president of the United States hence becoming the third president of the U.S.  It was in 1826 when he died in Virginia.
Thomas Jefferson became  active in politics when he reinforced the independence from England.  He  was able to write many political works, but the fact remains that he is well  recognized through his famous draft of the Declaration of Independence (Spero  340).  The Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom was written by him that  aimed at separating the state from religion hence later becoming state law.  
Thomas Jefferson was a  man of his own words since in his first term of presidency he lowered  national debt and reduced the size of the armed forces. The most vital  achievement that Thomas performed was increasing the powers of the  president.  During the Louisiana Purchase, he took advantage to expand  his powers as president (Spero 344). Clark and Lewis through their powers made  an expedition to map the new territory.  Despite the opposition of  Congress Thomas had acquired the land.  After acquiring the land the  Congress agreed to pass legislation to retain the land.
Thomas Jefferson was also  elected the president for the second term, but this time round had different  accomplishments.  However, during this period Thomas made bad decisions  that negatively affected the country’s economy. There was a decrease in exportations  to Europe.  The government purchased some of his books to serve as the base  of the Library of Congress.
Impact on Democracy
The capacity to consent  to the purchase of land by the president in the U.S constitution was not a  denoted power (Spero 345). However, the consent to purchase the land was inferred  through the president’s ability to make treaties hence outsmarting the powers  of the presidency. 
Thomas Jefferson impacted  the economy of the U.S positively by deploying American warships ending the  problem of piracy (Spero 345). Initially, the government could spend a lot of  money on the pirates not to attack their ships which was a waste of money. This  marked the supremacy of the United States hence expanding the powers of the  president.
Thomas became the first president  to overreach the Executive Branch powers. He did things that were  implied under other powers hence the fact that he did not go against the  Constitution (Spero 347). Through warship, he showed the world that they had  power over the pirates. He named individuals with different views throughout  his presidency.
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James Madison
James Madison was a citizen and a president in the United States born in 1751, in Virginia.  His family members were wealthy and they owned many slaves and a tobacco plantation.  He was born in a family of three sisters and three brothers.  He joined New Jersey College which changed its name later to Princeton (Coclanis 575). During this, he was able to study different languages like Greek, Latin and Hebrew. He also studied geography, mathematics and philosophy. In two years, James Madison acquired his degree. 
Thomas Jefferson mentored him through his political career in the early years hence helping him start his political career.  Dolly Payne Todd married him in 1794 (Coclanis 575). He was part of the team that helped Thomas write the declaration of religious freedom.  In 1780 Madison joined politics as a delegate to the Continental Congress (Moats 1054).  He contributed a lot as a delegate as they made the states surrender their land in the west part to the national authority.  He served as an elected member of the Virginia House of Delegates. Later, in 1801, he served as Secretary of State after being appointed by Thomas Jefferson (Coclanis 575).  He was elected in 1808 and served for two terms as the fourth president of the United States.  His death occurred in 1836.  
He supervised the Louisiana Purchase while he was Secretary of State during the tenure of Thomas Jefferson (Coclanis 575).  James Madison has contributed a lot to the American constitution hence labelled as the "the father of the Constitution". 
The Virginia Plan outline was written by him. The creation of the Constitution used his notes. Madison was a key player in the creation of the Republican Party and the Bill of Rights (Coclanis 575). The creation of the Republican Party led to tow party system in the United States.  People could now enjoy the freedom they deserved through the Bill of Rights creation.
After becoming the president of the United States he cancelled all trades with France and Britain.  Madison did not ask permission from congress to exercise the powers but later the congress authorized it (Coclanis 575).  As a Jeffersonian president, this action marked his courage. Therefore, he overreached the presidency powers beyond the Constitution requirements.    
Impacts on Democracy
James Madison favoured the 1807 European embargo that damaged the economy of the country (Coclanis 575). After the fall of the economy, he decided to revive it by asking congress to create the second bank of the U.S. He also asked Congress to pass a protective tariff aiming at improving the economy.
Madison started the war with Britain but things went sour when their army decreased hence lost the war. The British army invaded Washington causing destructions that affected the country’s economy (Coclanis 575). The country could not export any more to France and Britain that saw the economy worsen.  
Madison retired from politics and started charity work where he established the University of Virginia (Coclanis 575).  He continued supporting many people ideas and thoughts through his charity work. He was also approached by many politicians to advise them on different matters about the economy and politics.
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James  Monroe
Monroe was  a citizen and a president in the united states born in 1758 Westmoreland, Virginia (Moats 1054).  He  fought using the Continental Arm during the times of war with the English.   He was able to practice law in Virginia and at the same time was active in politics  (Moats 1054).  During the Virginia Convention, he became a member of the  anti-Federalists.
Monroe became the fifth president of  the United States but before that, he served as elected senator in 1790 (Moats  1054). He was later given an appointment by the then government as the Minister  to France.  Monroe followed nationalist's strategies during his presidency  term.  He later died in 1831
Accomplishments and  impact on democracy
Monroe advocated for the policies of Jeffersonian.  He participated and played a key role in negotiating the Louisiana Purchase (Moats  1054).  The most vital achievement that Monroe  performed was increasing the powers of the president. During the  Louisiana Purchase, he took advantage to expand presidential powers.
After he was elected the president of  the United States in 1816 he named Calhoun as his cabinet Secretary of War who  hailed from South (Moats 1054). He also named John Quincy Adams who hailed  from the North as his cabinet Secretary of State. However, all these choices  he made were unusual for a President.
Monroe came up with his style of  leadership by introducing the Monroe Doctrine. This was contributed by his  fear that Spain would reclaim back their former territory (Moats 1054).   Monroe made sure that no European country would colonize America again. He  was aiming to achieve higher in terms of independence hence defended their freedom  as a nation (Moats 1054). He ensured all-powerful countries were afraid of  starting a war with America.
Impacts  on democracy
It was during his tenure when the  effect of the Missouri Compromise took place.  Monroe did not want to  give Missouri entry as a "slave state" at the beginning of his  tenure because "free states” and "slave states" had equal  representation hence he did not want either side to have a majority (Moats  1054).  Missouri had to pair with Maine to be admitted.
The appropriation of Florida from  Spain that happened in1821 was effected by Monroe.  The exclusive orders  of the president led to the invasion of the territory (Moats 1054). There was  the rise of some troubles but all in all it was the same as Florida would  later join the Union.
Monroe introduced the Monroe Doctrine  that fought for the freedom of his people. He did not want to be colonized by  Europeans again hence the use of Doctrine as a defence. This was contributed  by his fear that Spain would reclaim back their former territory.  
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Works Cited
Coclanis, Peter A. "Madison, Hamilton, and Jefferson: Reinterpreting America's Founding Fathers." Business History Review 91.3 (2017): 575. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/f9a7/a560818d579304078b3dc7f3d686bdca4944.pdf
Moats, Sandra. "James Monroe: A Republican Champion." (2020): 1053-1054. https://doi.org/10.1093/jahist/jaz722
Spero, Patrick. "The Other Presidency: Thomas Jefferson and the American Philosophical Society 1." Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 162.4 (2018): 321-360. https://www.amphilsoc.org/sites/default/files/2019-06/attachments/Spero.pdf
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