astarael20-blog · 8 years
The 11 Best Books on Writing I’ve Ever Read
Marie Arana. The Writing Life: Writers On How They Think and Work
James Scott Bell. Plot & Structure: Techniques and Exercises for Crafting a Plot that Grips Readers from Start to Finish
Brandilyn Collins. Getting into Character: Seven Secrets a Novelist Can Learn from Actors
Annie Dillard. The Writing Life
Stephen King. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
Dean Koontz. How to Write Bestselling Fiction
Anne Lamott. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life
Donald Maass. Writing the Breakout Novel: Insider Advice for Taking Your Fiction to the Next Level
Sol Stein. Stein On Writing: A Master Editor of Some of the Most Successful Writers of Our Century Shares His Craft Techniques and Strategies
William Zinsser. On Writing Well: An Informal Guide to Writing Nonfiction
Now, don’t read any of those books, until…
…you’ve read the bible of writing books:
    11. William Strunk Jr. and E. B. White, The Elements of Style
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astarael20-blog · 8 years
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astarael20-blog · 8 years
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(( Source link: https://twitter.com/morimri_sec/status/741611411751604224 ))
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astarael20-blog · 8 years
Raise your glasses (or wands or swords or keyboards)
To whomever,
Where do I even begin such a rant? Straight to the meat of the matter I suppose.
Christina Grimmie is gone, 22 years of life gone in 3 bullets.
Some might be familiar with the 5 stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. I jumped straight to depression, this might prove problematic?
I would’ve thought I would skip grief entirely when it came to Christina Grimmie; I did not know her personally, wasn’t a long-time fan (not even subbed). She was neither kin nor fellow countryman. All I knew was that I loved her cover of “Just a Dream” with Sam Tsui, had it on repeat nearly a thousand times. That she was a passionate content producer on YouTube who wore her heart on her sleeve.
I guess that was what got me. She was 22, a person of my generation who made it. Who gave into their passion and became successful off of it. And by god she was a person of the internet, at least in my eyes. She loved food, fun and video games. She had that awkward smile, little bit of tension when asking for likes, subs and follows. How it faded away when her powerful voice roared into the speakers and fingers flew across the keyboard. Always did give immense credit to others, her fans and collaborators. A proper role model in the troll-iest of places. In her I saw a little bit of me and a lot of what I wanted to be. I think that’s why I’m this upset.
It was her dream, to inspire others by being herself. And she got there. People listening to her music were buoyed up to be better versions of themselves, found courage to fend off depression. They loved her for it, and her, them.
Long will the debate on guns rage, and I know my stance on it, though not being American, isn’t quite my place to comment. I’d rather focus on the celebration of the life of Christina Grimmie and the mourning of her passing (though some may find addressing the issues leading to and following her death a manner of coping).
I don’t think I can write much more without curling into a ball again. But it’s probably nothing compared to the devastation that her parents and brother and friends are experiencing. May they find strength.
Goodbye Christina Victoria Grimmie; our world is poorer, the star of humanity dimmer and the pulse of music duller for your passing. But the fires of your passion are undiminished, living on in the hearts of fans who you dreamed of inspiring. Raise your glasses (or wands or swords or keyboards) o ye grieving folk! This one is for zeldaxlove64, internet human extraordinaire and elf in heaven.
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astarael20-blog · 8 years
Is it just me or does Christina Grimmie bear some resemblence to Beca Mitchell from Pitch Perfect (not in terms of facial features, but more of…style? Personality?
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astarael20-blog · 8 years
Is it just me, or does her half hidden ears make her look like a mythical elf?
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Anna Kendrick for Bilboard Magazine, 2015
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astarael20-blog · 8 years
Deke Sharon Blogged About Pitch Perfect 2
Deke Sharon (musical director for PP2) did a variety of blog posts all about PP2. There are some pretty cool tidbits of information about filming the movie. There are specific posts about Kendrick, Brittany, Anna Camp, Alexis, Ester, and more!
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astarael20-blog · 8 years
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Clearly, Bechloe is an effective marketing strategy
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astarael20-blog · 8 years
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astarael20-blog · 8 years
I look like a cinnamon roll but i could probably kill you: Stacie
I look like i could kill you but i am actually a cinnamon roll: Beca Mitchell
I look like a cinnamon roll and i really am a cinnamon roll: Chloe Beale
I look like i could kill you and i'm really gonna kill you: Lily
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astarael20-blog · 8 years
if you enjoyed a fic, leave a comment on it.
i can’t stress this enough to fanfiction readers. if a fic made you smile, made you laugh, made you tear up, tell the author. comment your favorite line, a funny part, something, anything that you liked about our fic. tell us!!!! communicate. learn. share.
fanfiction can often feel much like a scream into the void- we pour so much hard work into fics, only to be told that our work doesn’t count as “real” because these characters already exist. creators and actors cannot usually recognize our work because of copyright issues, and so the fans who read our work are all we have. if they don’t comment on our stories, how can we know that anyone is even reading them, that anyone is listening, that anyone cares? a thumbs up or a kudos isn’t motivating enough for us to keep going. a comment shows that you appreciate the author’s work, that they moved you, that their work meant something to you. as a writer myself, i make sure to leave a comment on every single fic i like, even if just a little a bit. 
your comment can be as short as a sentence- just leave us a one, and here’s why:  we, the authors, give you ourselves and the things we love in words, because that is our art form, our best medium of the communication of pure, unadulterated love for something. we chop up bits and pieces of our soul to throw into our fics and work so incredibly hard on our work, all to tell a story that will move you. our love language is words. a comment is you telling us it was worth the work, the sweat, the tears. comments on fics make writing worthwhile, motivating, fun. comments on fics can make or break how someone feels about their writing, and the gift they have to share with the world. 
in short: leave comments on fanfiction.
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astarael20-blog · 8 years
Reblog if you're not homophobic
Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 
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astarael20-blog · 9 years
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astarael20-blog · 9 years
Late night thoughts
Pretty sure I'm happy for Anna Camp and Skylar Astin so Bechloe can be canon cos they'd have to make Jaubrey a thing now that they're engaged right..?
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