astr0ken · 38 minutes
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astr0ken · 55 minutes
walking around silent hill and it's actually pretty chill
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astr0ken · 3 hours
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"It's just netanyahu, who's deeply unpopular" and other liberal zionist bedtime stories
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astr0ken · 4 hours
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Remember Marcellus Williams! A black Muslim man falsely accused. Remember that he's innocent. Remember that the governor of Missouri, mike Parson who had the opportunity to save this man's life, decided not to. Remember all but three supreme court justices decided his life wasn't worth saving either. Remember his face. Remember his Last words. And remember how fucked up this country is
Rest in peace Marcellus
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astr0ken · 4 hours
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I love the computer. All my friends live there.
Circa 2004
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astr0ken · 4 hours
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astr0ken · 6 hours
me: to really understand Frankenstein, we have to take into account that Mary Shelley was surrounded by creative men who really didn’t take her seriously, so in addition to sci-fi horror, it can also be read as an exploration of female creative frustration and-
The burglar that broke into my house: bodily autonomy?
me: exactly. Now,
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astr0ken · 6 hours
I survived because the fuck it we ball inside me burned brighter than the it's so over around me
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astr0ken · 6 hours
A frustrating part of the mainstream vegan “love all animals and protect the environment” mindset is the fact that things need to die in real-life ecology all the time but deer hunting season makes icky feelings and carp culls aren’t cottagecore
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astr0ken · 6 hours
They need to invent a guy dead on the floor emoji
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astr0ken · 6 hours
If Romney wins the election it's going to be like Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix when Professor Umbridge takes over Hogwarts.
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astr0ken · 6 hours
When we say that liberals are fascists what we mean is that Marcellus Williams, an innocent man, will be executed at 6pm tonight despite evidence of his exoneration. Where the victims family and the prosecutor are calling for his release. And millions of people have called and faxed and emailed the republican governor to stop the execution. And what does the governor do? ignore the calls and doubles down on the execution.
But where is the democratic “Black Lives Matter. Of course they do” author of the crime bill to give a presidential pardon? He can’t because it isn’t a federal case. Okay but the supreme court granted the president unlimited power as long as it’s done in official capacity. Send the national guard to Governor Parson’s house.
Where is the Black feminist’s dream ex-prosecutor presidential candidate to campaign against the death sentence and for clemency for Marcellus Williams, an innocent man? That’s right the DNC removed opposition to the death penalty! What good is joy now.
We the people for whom the government works say to free Marcellus Williams and yet one party will happily kill the innocent man and the other party sits on the sideline watching.
Nothing short of a prison break will likely save Marcellus Williams at this late hour. And i want so desperately to be wrong. but according to the historical record this is too much proved
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astr0ken · 6 hours
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astr0ken · 6 hours
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im never deleting tiktok
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astr0ken · 6 hours
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i think this is one of the most terrifying notifications i have ever received
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astr0ken · 6 hours
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applying for internships and i think the job market may be irreparable
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astr0ken · 6 hours
the "subverting supply chains to smuggle live explosives" thing is the type of shenanigans that would normally get you trade sanctioned into the stone age.
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