astralblade-blog1 · 7 years
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smol thank you to all my children & adopted star childs. you are all wonderful & mother light loves you all dearly.  ( if you’re not on here i still lov u lots.. . tags are being a butt or i have yet to interact with you! ) 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
@arvious @adventson @armigeruser @astralblade @arvtagare @aerfleuris @aurescere @badassbarmaid @blasteredged @brandedrose @belogod @centcurine @calamight @daemonslae @diabolgod @duciit @divinamxultionem @destinedking @daemonmade @estanima @esperdrive @empyreanite @fourtccnth @glaiv @glacianastral @glacianwove @gitwrenched @heterochromiairiidum @infusedblues @imperialmight @inexcellsis @jen-ova @kingslight @kaosureign @lockedfighter @liibertatcm @legacie @maskiine @nohct @nightscaped @nilnox @ofbraver @ofhammerhead @oracleborn @ofnoconsxquence @oraclevowed @pierccr @pretendcr @rexcrystallis @rothull @sinstress @soarae @starscourged @shieldvowed @thyellae @tiiamate @tegeros @topmechaniic @technoblondie @ululeis @utprosiim @vacillatus @valorguard @virtusetlumen @vortship
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astralblade-blog1 · 7 years
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... i really should start writing down passwords
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astralblade-blog1 · 7 years
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I have seen many deaths but now I’m only looking forward to one.
and then,  I can rest.
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astralblade-blog1 · 7 years
RULES: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better. please repost & don’t reblog! TAGGED BY:  @crueloath  ( thanks! )
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NAME: Alicia. NICKNAME:  Alyssa. STAR SIGN: Scorpio. HEIGHT: 165cm TIME RIGHT NOW:  20:27 FAVORITE MUSIC ARTIST:  CloZee SONG STUCK IN YOUR HEAD:  Hit and Run - LOLO LAST MOVIE WATCHED:  No idea, maybe Kingsglaive? LAST TV SHOW WATCHED:  Once Upon a Time WHEN DID YOU CREATE YOUR BLOG:  28th January 2017 WHAT KIND OF STUFF DO YOU POST:  Roleplay threads, though they’re a bit delayed due to work. DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS: a personal blog and two other rp blogs. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL: It’s a matching url with @astralprayer I suggested we use something that they both have in common + weapon/other. HOGWARTS HOUSE: Ravenclaw. POKEMON TEAM:  Mystic. FAVORITE COLOR:  Navy blue. AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP:  Ha, I wish. LUCKY NUMBER:  8 HOW MANY BLANKETS DO YOU SLEEP WITH: Two. DREAM JOB:  Game Designer FOLLOWING:  146 FOLLOWERS:  154
TAGGING: Feel free to do this if you want!
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astralblade-blog1 · 7 years
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A brilliant glaive that amplifies the power of kings, allowing the wielder to deliver devastating warp - strikes.
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astralblade-blog1 · 7 years
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Prompto was a bit bummed that he couldn’t get the tickets he wanted for him and Noctis to go to this event that literally everyone was going to, seeing as they both (mainly him) had really wanted to go. It was so unfair, he was there in line and he had waited for what felt like forever, he was the next one to get tickets. Aaaand then they miraculously ran out of tickets right when he was about to get his, it’s like life hates him, he has the worst luck known to mankind.
Well he might as well text Noct and tell him the bad news, though he probably wont be too bummed out seeing he most likely only was going because Prompto didn’t want to go alone. Besides everything was more fun with a friend! With a huff he flailed his arm around on the bed until it connected with his phone and he grabbed it, lazy texting the other.
[text] i tried to get the tickets but they got sold out :’(
Gods, just saying it made him sad. Everyone was going to be having fun and he would be stuck at home. He fiddled around with various apps on his phone to pass the time while he waited for a response, luckily it didn’t take too long.
[text] wait what [text] ARE YOU SERIOUS DUDE?? YOU GOT THEM?? [text] TAKE MY HW OMG  [text] also yes i finished it, i copied a kid’s paper last period
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just the reaction he has anticipated. he was well aware of the fact that prompto was excited to go. it makes him glad that he had shown some interest in the tickets or otherwise his father would probably have given it to one of his subordinates or even a servant. seems like he had an incredibly good timing as well considering prompto had been less fortunate with acquiring the tickets. still, his friend’s response made him snort slightly before he responded back. 
[text] nice, i get to copy copied homework [text] and yeah they were actually meant for my dad but he gave them to me instead [text] just drop by and i’ll give you the tickets    also don’t forget the homework [text] ignis is gonna kick my ass if i don’t finish it
and that was no lie. as far has he can remember ignis has always been the one looking out for him in more ways than just one. however, with such caring nature came also a lot of downsides. even the title of prince will not save him from nagging nor a lecture. he was already walking a thin line when his apartment had become a mess once again. noctis knows the consequences very well and knows when to pick his battles. this was certainly not one of them. 
giving prompto the tickets is the safest solution. his apartment may have been cleaned to the point where even the sparkles sparkle. but he still cannot trust himself with something as important like that. should he lose them there will be no replacement. that’s why he wants prompto to have them, just in case.
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astralblade-blog1 · 7 years
     ❝Duuude.❞ The blonde throws his hands in the air, frustration and exhaustion clear on his face. Who knows how long they’ve been walking for, he stopped counting back when they passed the same rock for the third time. It’s partially his fault, he should have bothered to memorize a landmark of some type ( oh the lecture he’ll have to hear from Gladio about that ). ❝What if we die out here? This isn’t a RPG we can reset…❞ Okay, he’s pretty sure they aren’t going to die, but he isn’t necessarily comfortable with being lost either.
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❛ look we ain’t gonna die    ❜ though there is no denying that they’re certainly disadvantaged. it may be true that they had a history with getting lost, but getting lost outside the crown city and inside the city are two very different things. (’come on think’) the prince scans the area around him  ❛ if we only could get to higher ground... ❜ he mentions before his gaze falls to a rocky hill. they should probably continue moving, but just like prompto he was getting rather exhausted, ❛ want to rest first?❜    
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astralblade-blog1 · 7 years
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“May you two know happiness.”
For my Goddess and King.
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astralblade-blog1 · 7 years
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❛ guess it isn’t our lucky day today, ❜ and that was an understatement. they were so close to tracking sora and riku down, but not close enough. noctis has promised to help kairi and in return, kairi would help him (at least as far help was possible as the prince has no idea how he has gotten here in the first place). normally he would have taken a prolonged break and maybe take a nap, think it over and try again much later. however, it appears that when others are involved noctis tends to be more motivated and optimistic than should he do something alone. ❛ i’m sure we’ll find them sooner or later, ❜ still they’re going to need a plan, ❛ hopefully sooner, though. we should ask around, maybe someone saw something ❜
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astralblade-blog1 · 7 years
@psythe​ | starter call
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the prince has learnt a lot already ever since he left the crown city. his duty that he never asked for but owes it to the world. the world must be playing a cruel joke on him, sending a symbolic figure his way (a figure he will meet at the end of his journey). ❛ you’re too early, ❜ he says but it’s barely audible. it wasn’t meant for her to be heard for it was simply a comment on his side as he knows very well what he will encounter at the end.  ❛ you don’t seem to be working with the nifs, ❜ he comments,  ❛ what are you doing out here in a place like this? ❜
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astralblade-blog1 · 7 years
@glaivebound | starter call
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there is no denying the emotions that rush through his mind and body. questions that need to be answered, questions he doesn’t want to hear the answer of. the prince doesn’t want to hear any of it but knows very well he needs to hear the answer. not because he wishes to hear them, but because he should hear them. only then he will be able to mourn the passing of the late king, his father.  ❛ ...what happened ? ❜
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astralblade-blog1 · 7 years
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astralblade-blog1 · 7 years
There was much excitement to be looking forward to today. Luna admittedly spent well a good time wondering what she should wear the night prior. Gentiana had silkily murmured how it was heart warming that they would go together on such occasion. ( ‘You must be happy to be having such a moment with the prince’ ), those teasing words echoing still in her mind and making her face warm. Even Umbra and Pryna were wagging their tails as they observed her fussing over her what she would wear.   Choosing a simple aqua dress and jacket, she fixes on her own scarf and shades. With a light step in her boots and a bright smile, she hopes they do not draw too much attention. She glances at the message to her phone and smiles with a look of fondness. It wasn’t impossible to think he overslept. Waiting at the entrance, she hums and fiddles with her bracelet, oblivious to those that passed by and gazed at her in wonder (Was it bad to want a simple day with Noctis?). Hearing that familiar voice, she looks up and grins faintly. ❝ Overslept? ❞ 
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Lashes lower at the hand offered, so simple yet she thinks it’s been a long time since she held that hand. ❝ Apology accepted~. ❞ She smiles kindly, slipping her hand to his. It was more calloused than she remembered, stronger in grip too then that time he was only a boy. She gave his hand a light squeeze, meeting his gaze. ❝ I’m really excited about coming here. I’m sure we’ll have lots of fun, ne Noctis-sam- ❞ A pause when she recognizes that look and corrects herself with a shy laugh.  ❝ Noctis. ❞ Right. Normal.
he is grateful that she so easily accepts his apology. noctis doesn’t think she should and perhaps he simply being too hard on himself. even so, he still had hoped this wouldn’t happen. but it is often said that when you wish for something not to happen, it usually will. this was no exception to that rule. the raven is just happy that she accepted his apology and will try to make up for it while they visit the carnival.
when she gently squeezes his hand he cannot help but feel a bit of heat rush towards his cheeks though he is quick to mask it, albeit he tries to. it’s very different from how he remembers it, but one thing remains the same: her presence and touch still made him feel like he was wrapped in a blanket of warmth. a comfortable and secure warmth. he is no longer the sheltered boy he used to be (though he still isn’t the most outgoing either, he still possesses that tad bit of awkwardness,). it is time to show her how much has changed.
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❛ well what are we waiting for? let's go, ❜ taking a step forward he begins to walk towards the entrance. the area is crowded but thankfully the special tickets they received was enough for a quick entry.  ❛ it’s bigger than i thought    ❜ and that is quite the understatement. he knew that the carnival was big, but at this point he honestly has no idea what to look at. every nook and cranny was filled with at least something. 
one of the employees’ spots the two and gestures for them to get closer. ‘i can spot newcomers from miles away’ apparently they’ve been working at the carnival for about a decade now so it’s no surprise they were able to spot them so easily. the employee was kind enough to give them a medal to get themselves going.  ❛ so how can we get more of these? ❜ noctis asks as he looks at the medal that luna is holding. ‘well that is easy! just play the games and help the people out in need, who knows maybe they’ll give you a reward’ saying that people generally return kindness with kindness and in this case medals. 
the two of them wander to the big map that stands near the entrance. the prince scans the map in front of them, searching for the spot where they’re standing. when he does find the arrow he turns to luna,  ❛ where do you want to go first? ❜
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astralblade-blog1 · 7 years
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“Noctis.” Her words were soft and light much like a pleasant dream. “ You’ve fallen asleep again; are you feeling alright?” she asked with a welcoming smile upon her face. 
The Tenebrae gardens were her favorite place in the entire world. Being surrounded by Sylleblossoms in a large sea meadow of blue was the best kind of relaxation, as far as she could tell, Noctis felt the same. 
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❛ sorry    ❜ the prince stiffens a yawn before returning the smile. it wasn’t exactly his plan to fall asleep, especially around lunafreya. he had his reasons to accidentally fall asleep like he did, the gardens aren’t exactly helping his case either. noctis shifts in his spot and looks at her. he hesitates for a bit,  ❛ no, i’m alright, ❜ that is no lie. he feels fine, aside from being sleepy. the hesitation comes from telling her why he is tired like he is. ❛ i just... didn’t sleep much last night ❜ noctis is no good at his, not good at admitting the why’s and such. but it’s luna and he trusts that smile more than anything. ❛ nightmares, ❜  he admits.
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astralblade-blog1 · 7 years
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Nocto to the rescue!! so, the carnival was pretty nice too bad it was also framerate nightmare on normal ps4
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astralblade-blog1 · 7 years
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      hello???? h ELLO???? technically i made this blog over a month ago but i became active for a week or two ,,, i cant remember but there are over a 100 of you who are interested in lil’ ol me!! ive made these thank you things so many times but it never fails to amaze me that you all like me!!! you rly like me!!! AAAAAA anyways im not gonna ramble on just thank you so much!!!! smooches! <3 
Keep reading
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astralblade-blog1 · 7 years
MUN VS MUSE. ––– bold which applies.
Please repost and not reblog!
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TAGGED BY.  @tridentitty TAGGING. if you read this consider yourself tagged!
b asics: :
which of you is — Older? muse / mun Taller? muse / mun Richer? muse / mun Neater? muse / mun Nicer? muse / mun Smarter? muse / mun   Funnier? muse / mun
Who is a better friend? muse / mun Who lies the most? muse / mun Who swears the most? muse / mun Who reads more? muse / mun Who is more creative? muse / mun Who is more troubled? muse / mun Who has better morals? muse / mun
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